CmttUtt? SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS FOR SALE—1953 Ford mainline 2 door sedan. Cascade green. 5700 miles. New Sept. 4. $1750. W. S. Hall H-123 Cherney Siamese kittens for sale. Phone 5-7383 or 4-0659. 11-10 Would like University girl to help with young children in exchange for board and room. Ph. 4-3544. 11-12 Pheasant Hunters. Exceptional Golden Retriever pup for sale. Champion linage. 1674 Colum bia. 11-12 Costumes to rent. Men's and wom en’s. All sizes. 5-2662. 11-11 FOR RENT—costumes, all kinds. 50c and up Grimes. 4-2737. - Will whoever took three note books from Friendly Hall by mistake Wednesday morning, please return them ? Very im portant. 11-11 Tutoring from a native German. Call Lothar Loewe, Ext. 531. 11-9 1947 Olds club sedan, Hydra, ra dio, heater, spot and backup lights. Beautiful finish. A very smart car. Ph. 5-9386 Andy Berwick Tops Group Andy Berwick, chairman of the Student Union board, was named chairman of the steering commit tee for the regional Association of College Unions at their annual convention in Pullman, Wash. Berwick's duties in this connec tion will be to plan next year's conference. Also attending the convention as Oregon representa tives were Sandra Price, Bob Koutek, Donna Schafer, Phyllis Pearson, Barbara Johnson, John Shaffer and Sonia Edwards. Donna Buse and Dick Williams represe nted the administration staff at the conference which in cluded delegates from colleges in Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Wash ington, California, Oregon and Canada. ■ Leading panel discussions were Phyllis Pearson, who spoke on "Originating .New Programs” and Sandra Price, who lead a tliscus sion on "Promoting Programs.” Sumarizing discussions were Barbara Johnson, on the subject of "Committee Members," Donna S c h a f er, "Leadership Training” and Sonia Edwards, “Successful Programs.” Patronize Emerald Advertisers. Lit Honorary Accepts Petitions Chi Delta Phi, women’s liter ary honorary, is accepting peti tions from women interested in membership. The organization is a national honorary for women interested in writing who main tain a high scholastic average in English and creative writing courses. Women who have written short stories, plays, or poetry are ask ed to submit a sample of their work to Bernice Rise in the Stu dent Union browsing room. Peti tions for the honorary may be obtained in the browsing room. Officers for the year are Valera Vrerra, president; Marilyn Pat terson, vice president; Jean Mauro, secretary; Valerie Cowls, treasurer and Gayle Johnson, his torian. NO. 1 - HIT PARADE "ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON" GRAVES Wusic &-Jrt 1235 Willamette Complete Rental Service FOR EVERY FORMAL OCCASION Our formal wear service is designed with you in mind. Each garment is neatly pressed, freshly cleaned— and made to fit you correctly and the occasion perfectly. You’ll like the service and the prices. If your are in the mood Buy A Complete Tux at FENNELL'S CHOICE OF YOUNG AMERICA fW TUB FIFTH CTBimTTlnB— CHESTERFIELD IS THE LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES ... by a 1953 survey audit of actual sales in more than 800 college co-ops and campus stores from coast to coast. Yes, for the fifth straight year Chesterfield is the college favorite. CHESTERFIELD IS THE ONLY CIGARETTE EVER TO GIVE YOU PROOF OF LOW NICOTINE, HIGHEST QUALITY The country’s six leading brands were-ana lyzed— chemically-and Chesterfield was found low in nicotine—highest in quality. This scene reproduced from Chesterfield’s famous center spread” line-up pages in college football programs from coast to coast.