SU Celebrates Anniversary 1 by Anne Ritchey Emerald Feature Editor The Student Union board, which has been celebrating the fourth anniversary of its founding this week, was organized during fall term of 1949. \ The original board was selected by recommendations of the deans of the various schools ia the Uni versity, with interviews of those named conducted by the ASUO president and vice president. According to interest shown in the interviews, the president and vice president, together with Dick •Williams, SU director, Selected the board. Membership Listed Les Jones, who served as the first chairman of the board, orig inated the program of organiza tion known as the “perpetuation plan,” by which apportionment for representation on the board was made. According to the rules of the plan, the board is composed of two juniors or seniors to be voting members-at-large for one year, and one sophomore to be a vot ing member-at-large for two years. Other members of the board in clude two voting members from the faculty, to serve two-year terms each. The director of stu dent affairs and the Student Un ion director are ex-officio, non voting memoers. Representation of the different schools of the University is ap portioned with one representative member each for the school of health and physical education, art and architecture, music, educa tion, business, journalism, law, and the graduate school. The col • lege of liberal arts is allowed two representatives. All these mem I bers have voting privileges. The first board met in Emerald hall, as did most of the student body committees at that time, ac cording to Donna Base, SU pro gram director. Areas Clianged There were originally six gener al committee-areas established to investigate the different program j areas of the building. These were the interview and referral com mittee, which is now the personnel committee; the house committee, now the public relations group; the cultural committee which be came an art gallery group: brows ing room committee and recorded music committee. A recreation committee was or iginally organized, but its func tions are now handled by the spec ial events chairman. The original ballroom committee has been di vided into the movie, dance and music committees; and the pub licity committee is still serving its original purpose. The coffee-hour ^ ANDY BERWICK Board Chairman forum has been added since the building itself has been built. Perpetuation Established The branching-out of the orig inal six groups has resulted in the establishment of ten separate standing committees at the pres ent time. Each committee has £ chairman, and consists of mem bers selected at interviews by a special screening committee of SU board members. The year 1950 brought the be ginning of the actual operation of the perpetuation plan established under Jones’ term of office. Hank Parrian was the first chairman to carry out the plan. At that time Parrian was a graduate student in history. Ralph Hillier, then a member at-large of the board, was the next chairman. Hillier is now on campus as a second-year law stu dent. Clyde Fahlman was the chair man of last year's board, the first SANDY PRICE Directorate Chairman Special This Week Spaghetti and Chicken Cacciatore. Finest Semolina Spa ghetti with Tino’s Special Sauce and plump young Chicken. Sure to tickle the palate. Green salad with dress ing made from olive oil. Includes soup or appetizer, des sert, and coffee. Um-m- delicious. $2.30 Tel. 4-4243 GIBSON’S FOR BEAUTY DISTINCTIVE HAIRSTYLING 29 West 11th Open for evening by appointment one to have full responsibility for bringing special attractions to t&e campus. Before the existence of the SIT board, the educational ac tivities board had been respon sible for these events. Since assumption of these du ties. the board has brought to tflfe campus Stan Kenton, the Hazel Scott concert group, a jazz band, the U.S. Marine band, the Don Cossack chorus, and Bernard Abaramowitz and John Crown, pianists. Featured artists sched uled for appearances here this year include Dave Brubeck, who was here Wednesday night, the Mt. Angel seminary Gregorian choral group and the Budapest string quarter, in conjunction with the Failing lecture committee. As the board is now organized, the State Board of Higher Educa tion is the head of operation, with the President of the University directly under the Board. The Stu dent Union board is next in line, with the executive committee un der the SU board and the director ate chairman responsible to the executive committee. Offices Named Chairmanship of the board, the highest office of the executive committee, is held this year by Andy Berwick, who holds a two year term. His assistant chairman is Virginia Dailey, also serving for two years. Also having two-year offices are Donna Schafer, committee sec retary, and Sandra Price, direc torate chairman. Bob Koutek, board treasurer, holds a one year appointment. All of the members of the ex ecutive committee have full vot ing privileges, as do most of the elective officers of the board, who are under the executive commit tee. Members of the board are Mal colm Montague, Pat Oustin, Tom Wrightson, Don Collin, Jackie Stewart and George Hopkins, with Donald DuShane and Kichard Wil liams representing the administra tion. Under the directorate chairman, Sandra Price, are the ten commit tee-chairmen. These include chair manshlps of the art gallery, browsing room, coffee hour forum, dance, public relations, movie, per sonnel, publicity and recorded mu sic. The program staff and mem bers of the various committees arc under these chairmen. Today's Staff Desk Editor: Diane Lacey. Desk Staff: Janet Ferris, Helen Johnston, Carol Eldridge. RECORD SALE NOW ON! • WE HAVE THESE ALBUMS AND MANY, MANY MORE-ALL Va OFF. • 45 RPM jad'. 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