Frosh Battle OSC Rooks Today Jim Signer Emerald Sport* Writer This afternoon, Friday, the Ore gon Frosh will go agalnat the Ore gon State Rooks in Corvallia for their .second and final game of the year. The Rooka turned out over 100 men and won their first game 58-7 over Lower Columbia Jr. col lege while the Ducklings traveled to Areata, California and absorb ed a 13 to 0 defeat at the hands of a strong Humboldt State team. The Ducklings should have a tough time running over the Rooks this afternoon. The Frosh had only been out for two weeks and were not too Theta Chi Sets Pace in Bowling Theta Chi, leader ot the Frat ernity bowling league is slowly pulling away from the rest of the field. The Theta Chi's have de feated the Number 2 team, Delta Upsilon, and are out ahead by 1(4 games. Six teams are within four wins of the top, however, and a battle Is shaping up for the runner-up spots. Don Hannu, Sig Ep bowler, has the high average. 176, although his team is in the league base ment. FRATERNITY LEAGUE W L Theta C'hl .14 6 Delta Upsilon .12(4 7i/2 SAE .11 9 Lambda C’hl .10(4 9(4 Sammies .10 10 PI Haps .10 10 Phi Haps . 7(4 12(4 Sig Eps . 4(4 15(4 I Delta Gamma, Pi Phi Lead WRA Tourneys The Women’s Recreation asso ciation tournaments are also turn ing into one way races. The Delta Gamma squad in the Thursday league, and the Pi Phi team in the Tuesday league have only lost one game while winning seven. Hqle Kane Wins; Two Tilts Forfeit By Bruce Tennant Emerald Sports Writor Forfeits again marred the in tramural volleyball scene Thurs day, as only one of the three scheduled games was played. The two forfeited games were the first and second, as Susan Campbell II A forfeited to its sister club, Susan Campbell I A, and Gamma hall lost in the same way to Al pha hall. In the final game, Hale Kane took two straight games from Phi Sigma Kappa in one of their hard est fought games of the season. 15-4, 15-10. “Three quacks for our side," said the Oregon duck as he celebrated the victory of his fa vorite ball team. ...He waddled all over the cam pus feeling very proud and quacking like any normal duck would do in such circumstances. Soon getting tired of waddling and quacking, he asked mother duck if he could put his school books away and fly bff to some cozy place where he could con tinue the celebration. Mother duck was too busy laying eggs to do much more than just nod her bill so the carefree duck continued his celebration at ROD TAYLOR'S on the Glenwood Strip well coordinated for their opener. The Rooks walked over the weak junior college In their lop sided victory. The Rooks had a week longer to practice before their first game than the Frosh. Thursday, the Ducklings ran through their last drill of the week. They spent some time under Coach Hammer’s direction work ing on fundamentals and running offensive plays. Hammer will send the full squad of 38, and all will suit up for the game. There have been a few changes since the last game as Phil McHugh has moved from halfback to end and is doing a good job according to the coaches. He turned in a good performance both offensively and defensively in the Thursday drill. Les Plumb is slated to start at quarterback and will be expecting to play on a wet field. The dampness will probably hamper the Oregon passing at tack which has improved a good dea* since the Lumberjack game, but with Jasper McGee and Tom Crabtree leading the way the run ning attack should be tops. Mc Gee, the big 210 lb. fullback from | California, is being pressed for the post by Bill Huffman. According to Hammer the line should turn in a good performance. It is bol stered by boys like Jack Heacock, Spike Hillstrom, and Reanous Cochrane. Leo Harris Names Football Winners Thin week Athletic Director Leo Harris offers his gridiron picks. The guests still hold a slight edge over the Emerald staff with a 48 right and 15 wrong record. GAME Oregon-Idaho Wash.-Cal. USC-Stan ford Cal 13*7 4711?1 Oregon 20-0 Cal 13-7 rsc 1 4-7 WSC-TCU Purdue-Iowa.. M ich. St-Ohio St.. TCU 21 0 Mich. 21-13 CSC 21-14 TCU 20-13 27™ 3 Mich. 21-19 White 46-19 Oregon 19 7 Cal 13-12 use 27-13 TCU 34-6 M-TS M ich. 10-6 Steen 39-17 Oregon 21-7 Cal 35-14 use 21-7 TCU 21-14 Purdue 14-13 Ohio 21-20 Karr 45-20 Cal 14-13 use 23-20 TCU 19-13 20*7* Mich. 27-21 Vahey 44-21 Oregon 20-13 Oregon 39-6 Cal 14-7 Stan. 21-7 WSC 13-7 Mich. 21-19 Illinois-Mich... 111. 14-7 111. 28*20 Mich. 31-27 111. 20-14 21-13 111. 21-0 Baylor-Texas.. Baylor 7-6 Bailor Baylor 22 6 35y20r Baylor 14-7 28^1 7 Wisc.-N'West.. Wise. 14-7 Wise. 20-12 N' West 15-12 N" West 27-26 Wise. 13-6 Wise. 19-14 Texas A&M-SMU SMU 14-6 SMU 7-6 SM U 18-13 SMU 21-7 SMU 19-12 SMU 31-14 The U of O Shoe Gives you foot comfort in Oregon weather Yes -— you not only get weather protection with this shoe, but you can be assured of having a shoe styled for campus wear. The artistry in design matched with the expert leather craftsmanship guarantees you something handsome and com fortable in footwear. $17.95 in Calf $18.95 in Shell Cordova See these and many other styles ' at Friday, November 8 VOLLEYBALL 3:50, Court 40, Legal Eagles A vs Phila delphia House A; Court 43, Barrister Inn A vs Dorm Counselors A. 4 :i5cSoaIt 45> Phi DeIta Theta A vs Beta Theta A; Court 43, Lambda Chi Atpha A vs. Sigma Chi A. 5 : 15, Court 40 .Sigma Alpha Epsilon A vs Alpha Tau Omega A; Court 43, Phi Kappa Sigma A vs Tau Kappa Epsilon A. CHINA'S PALACE RESTAURANT Drop in for an after-game or after-movie meal that's deliciously different. Our Week-end Special Chicken Chow Yuk Beef Curry Rice Free Parking after 5:30 p.m. OPEN Friday and Saturday — 12 p.m. to 3 a.m. Sunday and Weekends - 12 p.m. to 1 a.m. Closed Monday 33 E. 6th Ave. : RANGE—widespread soft collar with stays smart and neat BLAIR—new shorter point cottar, medium spread smart and neat and casual No one offers such a wide variety of collar styles tailored for these times. No one offers such a wide choice of fab rics and such a wide range of patterns as CREW —Rounded spread button down