Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 06, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    Oregon Set For Vandals
Webfoots After
fourth Victory
By Bob Robinson
Assistant Sports Editor
Going into a game as the
favorite for the first time in
many weeks Oregon's up and
coming football team finished
preparations, Thursday after
noon, for their tussle with the
Idaho Vandals on Hayward
field this Saturday at 1 :30 p.m.
Although the experts are
quoting the Ducks an edge of
from two to three touchdowns over
the Idahoans, Coach Len Casano
va’s lads are not taking the game
lightly by any means. The Oregon
players, who treked to Moscow
last year and barely edged the
Vandals, 20-14, know better than
to concede them anything. They
are almost always touch and seem
to play their best against Oregon.
This season Coach Babe Curf
nians' Idaho eleven has had a rug
ged time. The Vandals opened the
season on a sour note by falling to
San Jose State, 34-6, and since
then have been able to win only
one encounter. Their lone victory
was over a weak Montana univer
sity team.
In their last two games the
Casanovamen have blossomed
out with a new found offensive
punch to go along with their
stubborn defense, which has
been tough to crack all season
By comparing the two teams’
records it appears that Oregon
should have an easy time with the
opposition this week-end. But be
fore coming to this conclusion one
Stanford .. 5 0
UCLA .4 1
use .._3 1
Washington . 2 1
Washington Stat4 .2 3
California .1 3
OREGON . 1 4
Oregon State .1 5
Idaho ..0 2
T Pet
0 1.000
0 .800
1 .750
1 .667
0 4.00
0 .333
0 .200
0 .167
0 .000
should take a couple of things into
consideration which statistics can
not possibly reveal.
A Little Let Down
First of all, it should be re
alized that after their great game
of last Saturday the Ducks are
almost sure to have a little let
down in their next encounter. It
would be next to impossible for the
Oregons to reach the tremendous
heights that they did last week.
Second, it should be noted that
in the past Idaho has nearly al
ways played over their heads
against Oregon. For some un
known reason Idaho seems to al
ways have an extreme desire to
win when they take the field
against the Ducks.
Cotton Bowl Tear
A prime example of this occur
*ed in the 1948 season. That was
the year when the Oregon Cotton
Bowl team was rolling along in
high gear. Against Idaho, who
wasn’t supposed to be any match
for the Ducks, Norman Van Brock
lin & Co. were forced to give
everything they had before finally
squeaking by the determined Van
dals, 15-8.
This year the Vandals will have
even mb re incentive to win than
usual. Idaho will consider this
game a splendid opportunity to
erase many of the black marks
_ of .their previous games. Because
Oregon has done so well in their
past two frays the visitors could
redeem themselves a great deal
by pulling an upset. It is certain
that Curfman lias been doing a
lot of talking to his team in an
effort to get them into this upset
Idaho will bank most of their
hopes for an upset on the sturdy
shoulders of the;r outstanding full
back, Flip Kleffner. Kleffner has
Been a shining light for the Van
dais all season long and is tabbed
as one of the better backs on the
Pacific Coast. Kleffner, besides
leading the conference in punting,
is well up on the lists in both rush
ing and pass receiving.
Kleffner vs. Shaw
Oregon's counterpart to Kleffner
will be quarterback George Shaw.
Shaw, who has played great ball
this season, was especially terrific
Courtesy Register-Guard
Teaches Vandals Tricks
last Saturday In the Trojan upset.
He proved In that game that he Is
definitely a triple-threater. Mirac
ulous George was a constant head
ache to the U. S. C. eleven as he
ran, passed, and kicked his team to
victory. For his tremendous per
formance Shaw barely missed be
ing selected as "Back of the Week’’
by both the United Press and the
Associated Press.
Also expected to play important
roles for Oregon will be halfback
Dick James and second team quar
terback, Barney Holland. James is
one of the leading ground gainers
on the coast and Holland has been
very impressive in the last few
games with his missile-guided
passing arm.
The Ducks showed lots of spir
it in their Thursday work-out
and the cold weather and rain
that was setting in over their
heads didn't seem to be worrying
them or the coaching staff too
Casanova appeared to plan a few
changes in his starting nnc-up ror
the coming tilt. With Dean Van
Leuven out of action Indefinitely
It looks like Cece Hodges will be
back in the fullback post. Two
other changes are likely. Dick
Mobley Is slated to open in place
of injured Len Barrie at right end
and Walt Gaffney will probably
draw the starting nod at right
♦ Frank Leahy has resumed
his coaching duties at Notre
Dame after a 13 day absence.
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