Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 06, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    'Alpha Phi
Recent pinnings include Alberta
(Altorfcr to Roger Perry, ATO,
• and Diane Lacey, a sophomore
pledge, to Joe Gardner, Phi Psi.
' Patty Jeske has announced her
engagement to Joe Richards.
. Rummer weddings were Elynor
Robbloe and Bill Schuppel, ATO;
'•4<ay Moore and Ron Stager;
‘•Cathy Tribe and Don Siegmund,
Sigma Chi, and Sue Bennett and
J;" k Patera, Sigma Chi.
» Jean Ellickson will marry Lar
«y Weldon in Sacramento, Nov.
Chi Omega
1 - Marilyn Call was recently
> pinned to Jerry Hamilton, ATO.
■ Roberta Hackworth is wearing
-the pin of JUenny Rapp, SAE, while
• Carol Fisher is pinned to John
“•Weaver, Sig Ep.
: ---
Oregon A-VA
. The annual fail meeting of the
.Oregon Audio-Visual association
Will be held Saturday at the li
.brary. School librarians, admin
istrators, directors, coordinators,
-and other persons interested in
I audio-visual methods, are invited
'to attend.
The meeting will deal with the
problem of combining library and
&udio-visual areas in the small
* The conference opens with reg
J-tration at 9 a.m., followed by a
(panel discussion. Panel speakers
Jnclude Eleanor Ahlers, assistant
professor of library science; A. K.
s_Trenholme, director of the instruc
• ponul materials center; John E.
sdTentice, audio-visual director,
-fiend and Russell Tompkins, prin
cipal, Willakenzie school.
( * At 1:30 p.m. Florence Beardsley,
k*§f the department of state, will
l>peak on "State Needs in Relation
-‘to an Instructional Materials Cen
-ter,” to be followed by general
f discussion. The conference will
fcl'ise with a business meeting of
i-the Oregon Audio-Visual associa
• tion.
KWAX Presents
Series of Operas
* Puccini's “La Boheme,” sung
•Uy Eidu Sayoa, Richard Tucker
and Patrice Munsell, will be broad
cast over KWAX Sunday, after
noon as the first in a series of
regular two-hour Sunday operas,
according to Paul McMullen, sta
tion manager.
.880 kc
6:00 p.m. Sign On
* 6:03 Plano Moods
- 6:13 Guest Star
* 6:80 News Till Now
* 6:43 Entertainment Guide
7:00 New French Writers
. 7:30 Broadway In Review
- 7:45 Payne Award Show
- 8:00 Your Star Time
- 8:15 UN Story
. 8:30 Ways of Mankind
- 9:00 Kwaxworks
10:50 News Headlines
.10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight
11:00 Sign Off
- 2:00 p.m. Sign On
- 2:03 Musicomedy Favorites
* 2:30 Comedie Franchise
4:00 Sunday Opera
*6:00 Sign Off
Sigma Kappa
Summer marriages include Mar
ianne Merrick to LeRoy Dressel,
Barbara Tescher to James Steph
ens and Jean Ann McGee to Philip
Newman, belta Tan Delta. Joella
Wood announced her engagement
this summer to Bill Cheek.
Barbara Snyder was recently
pinned to Bob Lacey, Tau Kappa
P«.onnie Miller is a new Sigma
Kappa pledge. Pat Levy, Pauline
Merrill and Beulah Johnson were
recently initiated.
Gail Savage and Mollie Harbert
spent the summer working at Yel
lowstone National park, while
Peggie Miller, Pat Levy, Liz Col
lins and Joyce McGee held sum
mer jobs at Crater Lake National
Zeta Tau Alpha
Marilyn Jaehnke and Joe Brad
etich, Tau Kappa Epsilon, were
recently married. Connie Young
was married to Bud Mason, Chi
Psi from Oregon State this sum
0 The promotion sub-commit
tee of the Homecoming dance
committee will meet on the third
floor of the Student Union at 3
p.m. today, announced Don Bo
nime, sub-committee chairman.
0 The YWCA International Af
fairs Committee will meet Friday
noon in the YWCA. All commit
tee members are to attend.
0 The University Alpine club
will hold a rock climbing school
Sunday at 10 a.m. near Coburg.
Further information may be ob
tained by calling Tom Taylor at
Sigma Phi Epsilon or John Vaz
bys at Campbell club.
4WS Officials to Hold
Annual Meet in Salem
The annual state-wide conven
tion of AVVS cabinet members will
be held at Salem Saturday. The
convention, which lasts from 9 a.
m. to 4 p.m. will serve as a work
shop- and help session for cabi
nets from all Oregon colleges.
Attending from Oregon will be
Judy McLoughlin, president; Jean
Mauro, vice president; Dorothy
Kopp, treasurer; Paula Curry, ser
geant-at-arms; Sally Cummins, re
porter and Rosemary Hampton,
Intercollegiate secretary.
SU Sunday Movie
"Ox-Bow Incident"
Evils of mass hysteria
Henry Fonda Dana Andrews
SU Ballroom Nov. 8th
2:30 & 4:30 Adm:30cts
Women's Houses
Pledge Thirteen
. During the women’s open rush
period, the following girls have
been pledged: Carol Hillis, Lou
Ringuette, Cecily Ley and Janis
Gleason, Alpha Chi Omega; Janet
Ferris, Alpha Delta Pi; Sandra
Deck, Alpha Gamma Delta; Mary
Jean Hubbard, Delta Gamma;
Mary Mildred Smith and Connie
Shimp, Delta Delta Delta; Joan
Boileau, Helen Frances Johnson
and Dorothy Allen, Delta Zcta and
Ronnie Miller, Sigma Kappa.
at the
"From Here to
Charlton Heston
Show start sat 6:00 p.m.
Sports Staff
♦ Desk Editor: Bob RobinsonJ
Staff: Sam Vahey, Bruce Ten
nant and .Jim Signor.
Night Staff
Makeup Editor: Paul Keefe.
Night Editor, Valera Vierra",
Staff: Joanne Johnston.
royal cord
Now! The West’s favorite college fashion in the
newest, most popular campus color — Faded Blue!
Famous “College Cords" are rugged. They’re
handsomely styled by Day’s in ROYAL CORD, Juil
liard's sturdy, washable, husky-ribbed corduroy. In
Faded Blue, comfortable "College Cords" have
more eye-appeal than ever. Get yourself a pair
and see!
In Faded Blue, Campus Cream, Platinum Grey,
Suntan Beige and popular dark tones, Sizes 28-42.
Oregon Outfitters Herman#s
Keith Fennell's Bill Baker's
Robert's Bros. Hart Larsen's
Kirchoff and Scott