4 ‘VOL. LV. i UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1953 No. 39 12 Still In Running For Title Of Queen Twelve candidates wore still In h e running for Homecoming ueen following the third elimina ally Jo Greig Js Sweetheart Sally Jo Greig, freshman in pre journalism, is the 1953-54 Sweet heart of Sigma Chi. Announee tient of her selection was broad ast directly from Sigma Chi .Thursday evening by radio station KORE immediately following the -Counting of ballots. The surprised and happy new -Cwetheart was nearly speechless when she heard of her selection. JBhe did manage to stammer out words of thanks to Carson four •for making her their candidate and more thanks to the men of “fjigma Chi. i Sally's court will consist of T>onna Aaris, Kappa Kappa Gam tna; Carol Aiken, Delta Gamma; "^larcia Cook, Pi Beta Phi, and : Connie Long, Alpha Chi Omega. * words “Happy Birthday, SU” wiU be the center of attraction in the ceremony. Speaking about the whole birth day week, Berwick said “The last, four SU boards have seen nothing but progress, and this year’s board hopes to continue the steady pro gram of the past to present to the. campus the best possible programs to serve every student interest.” As the last event of the birth day-celebration week, a no-date dance will be held in the fishbowl tonight from 9 to 12. Admission is free. Phyllis Pearson, SU dance chair man, anounced that “The Comets,” a six-piece campus combo, will furnish music for the dance. In termission entertainment has net yet been selected. Miss Pearson said. The fishbowl is to be decorated in the birthday theme, with bal loons, ducks, happy-birthday sign* and candles placed throughout the room. Sigma Phi Epsilon Features Interviews of 'Swamp Girls Sigma Phi Epsilon “Swamp Girl” finalists attended their final interview last evening at the Sig Ep house, according to Paul Keefe, contest chairman. The result of the vote to determine the winner will be announced Saturday evjyi ing at the “Swamp Stomp,” fall term Sig Ep house dance. The five finalists were selected from a field of 26 freshmen wom en. Each women's living organi zation on campus nominated one candidate. The following girls are finalists for the title: Jan Hargis, sponsored by Car son 4, is five foot five and claims Roseburg, Oregon, as home. This “honey blond” Alpha Phi pledge has green eyes. Carol Kern, a blue eyed bru nette, is five foot four. She is from Portland where she attended Grant high 'school. Carol is spon sored by Kappa Alpha Theta. Judy Kirk, the shortest of all the finalists, is from The Dalles. Judy is five foot one, has brown eyes and light brunette hair. She is an Alpha Chi Omega pledge. Sharon Snyder, a Pi Beta Phi pledge, attended St. Mary's Acad 1 ictured above are the five semi-finalists in the Sigma Phi Epsilon “Swamp Girl” eontest. They are, left to right, Pat Wilson, Judy Kirk, Sharon Snyder, Carol Kern and Jan Hargis.