HVi lETTERMIM Fifteen Varsity Hopefuls Appear For First Duck Casaba Practice Mort Harkins Emerald Sports Writer With football still going at a etrong clip, basketball has come Into the limelight as Coaches Bill Borcher and Don Kirsch called their players together for their first practice. Under the guidance of Bill Bor cher, fifteen men turned out for the opening day practice, with other hopefuls to report at the Close of the gridiron season. Of these-fifteen men Borcher has five lettermen, Ed Halberg, Bob Stout, Ken Wagner, Bob Hawes and Howard Page. Letterman Barney Holland will report after the grid iron season. Coming up from the Junior Var sity of last year are several hope fuls. These include Dick James, Max Anderson, Jerry Ross, Ray Bell, Gary McManus, Kent Dor win, Art Weatherford and Bill Sherman. In the opening day session, two transfers also reported. These in cluded Max Glaves who trans ferred here from the College of the Sequioa in Visalia, Calif., and Ed Keegan of North Idaho Junior college. In the opening session of the "Junior Ducks,” 23 turned out un der the leadership of Don Kirsch. i The Freshman list included four! high school All-Staters, Phil Mc Hugh, Central Catholic; Tom! Crabtree, Marshfield; and Bill Moore and Johnny Lundell, The! Dalles. ! Theta Chi B's Outlast Co-op In IM Action The B team of Theta Chi took j the Campbell club's Bs in three sets 15-8, 11-15, and 15-2 for their) first win in two starts. Gus Kel-1 ler's arrival in the Theta Chi line- i up provided the spark for the final 15- 2 shellacking given the Camp bell Clubbers. After Theta Chi had won the first contest easily, the Campbell Club fought back to prolong the series, 15-11. SAE Edges Sigs Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s B team ! provided the biggest thrill of the! day's action by overcoming a large lead held by Sigma Chi to win j 16- 14 in a dramatic finish. Be ! hind 13-3 the SAE's suddenly caught fire, bringing the score to 14- 7 and then banged home nine crucial points in a row to win by the needed two point margin. This triumph coupled with a first game 15- 9 victory gave the SAEs the nod over the Sigma Chi B's. Chi Psi's Take Two Chi Psis B's toppled the Sigma Nu B team, grabbing the first tilt 15-3 and then coasting to a 15-12 Win in the finale. Behind 0-3 in the second game, Chi Psi ran up eight Straight points with Walt Lovell, A1 Evans and Bob Lawson lead ing the way. The Phi Kappa Psi second team forfeited to the Pi Kappa Alpha B’s in the only cancelled game Wednesday. Betas Still Winning The Beta Theta Pi B squad con tinued its winning ways by down- ■ Jng the Kappa Sigma B’s in two straight sets. After taking the first round by an easy 15-7 margin the Betas were forced to come from behind to win the second con test 15-13. The Kappa Sig’s erect ed a 12-4 lead in the final set only to see the Betas, led by the fine floor play of Norm Forbes, rally to win. Merrick Tips Stitzer Merrick roared to a 15-2 victory oyer Stitzer in the third and de ciding round after the two teams had split the first two sets. Fine spiking by Bob McNeil and good floor play by Jarl Gibson and Dud ley Makahanaloa led the Merrick team to the victory. Merrick won the opener 15-8 only to see Stit zer bounce back for a 15-9 vic tory which sent the contest into the third set. BILL BOUCHER Coach Greets Hoopsten Ducks Sharpen Play ForCurfman's Babes JACK ROCHE As»l»tant Grid Coach James Third Rusher; Garrett Nearing Top ivnr! ro /->__ aim^les — Quarterback , Bob Garrett, whose superb pass-' ing has rocketed Stanford into the lead in the Rose Bowl Derby, is closing in on California's Paul; Larson for the total offense lead ership of the Pacific Coast Con-' ference, according to figures re-' leased by the PCC Commission-: er's office. Larson has rolled up 908 yards ! passing and 48 rushing for 956! yards total offense, but is trailed closely by Garrett, with 925 and Paul Cameron, UCLA, 881. In touchdown responsibility, they are in reverse order, Cameron leading with 14, Garrett 11, and Larson 6. ’ Big Passing Yardage Garrett bagged the biggest passing yardage total in the PCC this year Saturday when he mov-1 ed for 2<2 yards on 11 comple- i tions in 14 tries. He has completed 72 for 1038 yards and 10 touch- j downs over the season, with only ■ four intercepted. Washington's Sandy Ledei-man is the second ranking passer with 60 comple tions and Larson third, 52. Cameron has a big bulge in rushing with 553 yards and an average of 5.5 per play. Aramis Dandoy, Southern Califoi’nia, is second with 411 and Dick James Oregon, third, 409. Dandoy and James have three games to play and Cameron only two. Cameron also leads the PCC in scoring with 54 points on nine touchdowns, to 48 points for A1 Talley, California, and 42 for Ron Cook, Stanford. The UCLA tail back also ranks second in punt ing with a 41.6 average to 43.1 for Flip Kleffner, Idaho. f Morlpy Catches Most Sam Morley, Stanford end, has the reception lead well in hand with 27 for 314 yards and three TDs, to 21 for 319 for teammate John Steinberg'. Garrett leads in pass interceptions with seven. Dandoy is the leader in punt returns with 290 yards and a 17.4 average, followed by Cameron with 166 yards. Jay Buhler, Idaho, has 205 yards on kickoff runbacks and Ralph Carr, Oregon State, 203. Net 553 411 409 357 321 321 303 298 276 245 235 Rushing TCB Cameron, UCLA 102 Dandoy, SC 75 James, O 87 Davenport, UCLA 88 Marks, C 55 Kleffner, I 65 Cook, St 61 Talley, C 65 Stits, UCLA 33 Albright, O 57 Berry, WSC 49 Passing PA Garrett, St 127 Lederman, W 136 Larson, C 115 52 908 Shaw, O 91 35 414 Eidam, I 68 Cameron, UCLA72 Withrow, OS 62 Berry, WS 39 Holland, O 34 Dandoy, SC 41 Total Offense .. Rush Larson, C 48 Garrett, St -111 Cameron, UCLA 553 Lederman, W 18 Berry, WS 235 Dandoy, SC 411 Shaw, O 135 James, O 409 Ave. 5.5 5.5 4.7 4.1 5.8 4.9 5.0 4.6 8.4 4.3 4.8 Pet .567 .441 .451 .384 .456 .389 .436 .590 .500 .415 Pass Ttl 908 956 1036 925 328 881 769 787 362 597 165 576 414 549 409 PC Yds 72 1036 60 769 31 481 28 328 27 302 23 362 17 233 17 165 '4 Your Cashmere Sweaters and Skirts Need Our Quality Cleaning! 815 E. 13th Ph. 5-6321 Buzz Nelson Emerald Sports Writer Oregon a football squad ran through another practice session of offense and defense Wednesday afternoon for their impending clash with the University of Idaho Vandals on Hayward field Satur day. On defense Coach Len Casa nova had the third team run Idaho plays at the first and second teams. And judging from the suc cess of the third team, the first two units may be in for a rough time Saturday. Defense Ragged On top of the recent poor show ing by the defense, Casanova ex pressed concern over the number PACIFIC COAST CONFERENCE Stanford .. UCLA . 2 use . 3 Washington . 2 Washington State . 2 California_ i OREGON . I Oregon State ."_1 L 0 1 1 1 3 3 4 T Pet 0 1.000 0 .800 .0 .750 .667 4.00 .333 .200 .167 .000 of Oregon injuries. Ducks currently on the dis abled list -include airplane cas ualties Dean Van Leuven and Jerry Nelson, both probably out for the season and Larry Rose, who Is counted on to shoulder some of Van Leuven’s duties at fullback but who is currently out with a foot injury. He may see action Saturday. End Len Berrie is still doubtful as is giant End Emery .Barnes, who has an injured hip. Contrasting with the Oregon in jured list is the Idaho team which at present has all 34 gridders in top shape. The Vandals are es pecially well rested in that they had an open date and did not plav last Saturday. v y Now Playing "Limelight" starring Charles Chaplin Vandals Ready One Idaho player, senior Guard Ray Faraca, will be in the start ing lineup for the first time since he was injured in the first game of the season. Also recovered from recent injuries and available for duty will be End Lou Mendiola and Tackle Burdette Hess. But despite the seeming well being of Coach Babe Curfman’s team, the Vandals are reported to be quite lacking in depth. Starting backfield for Idaho shapes up with either veteran George Eidam or Soph Bob Haines* at. quarter, hard-running Dick Pickett and Jay Buhler at the halfbacks, and Flip Kleffner, top punter in the conference, at full back. Haines, a 6-foot, 182-pounder, is ranked as the finest passer to come to Idaho in years but lack ing in experience. Recent reports indicate, however, that he has been improving fast in drills. SPORTS FARE j Thursday, November 5 VOLLEYBALL 3:50, Court 40, Susan Campbell I A vs Susan Campbell II A. ^a„Cr 40> Gamma Hall A vs Alpha 3 Ilik^Kane A.' Pti SigIr‘a Kapp* A » Sports Staff ♦ Desk Editor: Buzz Nelson. Staff: Sam Vahey, Jerry Poof and Doug May. LOOK FOR THE COOP CHRISTMAS AO TOMORROW McDOMAlD Prices 9:00 to 1 112:00 to [After 5:< WtTHOUT