Students Invited To Skiing Movie University students have been invited to attend Warren Miller’s movie, “Ski Fantasy, today at 7:30 p.m. in the Roosevelt Jr. high school on 24th and Hilyard, according to John Nasholm, mem ber of the Tri-Pass Ski club. Sponsored by the Ski club, the show includes pictures of ski areas in the United States, Swit zerland and other countries where skiing is widely popular. 880 kc 6:00 p.m. Sign On 6:08 Piano Moods 6:15 Guest Star 6:30 News Till Now 6:45 Surprise Package 7:00 Campus Classics 8:00 Public Health Series 8:15 Journeys into Jazz 8:45 Hairnet 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:00 Campus Request Show 10:50 News Headlines 10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight 11:00 Sign Off Cant (/wit? SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS Bates: 4c a word first Insertion, 2c on succeeding insertions. Costumes to rent. Men's and wom en’s. All sizes. 5-2662. 11-11 Need ride to San Francisco over Thanksgiving and to Los An geles December 15. Will share expenses. Juergen Dobberke, Alpha hall. 11-5 FOR RENT—costumes, all kinds. 50c and up Grimes. 4-2737. Nylons by Yours Truly. Regular or sheer, guaranteed two months. If you get a run in a single stocking, we give 3 pairs free. Phone Mrs. Phil Todd, 3-3708, 250-38 Cheshire. 11-4 House dance photo. Four day serv ice. Call Jim Monson. Ph. 4-0245. 10- 4 Tutoring from a native German. Call Lothar Loewe, Ext. 531. 11- 9 1947 Olds club sedan, Hydra, ra dio, heater, spot and backup lights. Beautiful finish. A very smart car. Ph. 5-9386 For Sale or Rent—Tuxedos, all sizes, wide price range. FEN NELL’S MEN’S WEAR 11-6 SU Currents SU to Feature Linen Display A linen exhibit by Joan Patter son will be shown in the Student Union art gallery from Nov. 15 to Dec. 5, according to Barbara John son, SU art gallery committee chairman. Faculty Meets Bank Official Faculty members of the depart ments of economics and political science and the school of business administration will meet with Henry W. Riley, treasurer of the International Bank for Recon struction and Development at a luncheon Thursday. Riley, on campus for three days, will address a class on money and banking this afternoon. His sched ule also includes a seminar on money and banking Thursday aft ernoon, a seminar with the depart ment of economics, also Thursday afternoon, and a session with the international economics class Fri day morning. Riley returned last spring from a European tour in behalf of the International Bank and will out line some of his experiences and observations before the classes. Freshman Officers Elected For YWCA __ Officers of the four YWCA freshman commissions were elect ed last week, according to Eileen Lindblad, executive director. Luann McClure is president of the public affairs committee, Car olyn Kaser is vice-president, Pam ela Rabens, secretary and Olivia Thoraldson, chaplain. Hope Hol gerson, Donna Mast and Camille Wold are junior advisers for the commission. President of service commission is Cynthia Vincent. Marilyn Mount is vice president, Joanne Brandon is secretary-treasurer, Arlene Hardt is historian and Joann Woodruff is chaplain. Junior ad visers are Carol Cross, Rosemary Hampton, Margie Harris and Bobbette Gilmore. Sharon Gienger is president of the religion and workshop com-, mission. Other officers are Sally' Allen, vice president; Mary Ger linger, secretary-treasurer; Mar garet Tyler, chaplain, and Lois Reid and Donna Trebbe as junior advisers. International affairs is headed by Sally Calkins, with Shirley Bostad as vice president, Marion McDowell as secretary-treasurer, and Geraldine Hofer as chaplain. Jerry Yager and Barbara Snyder are junior advisers. Wed.-8 p.m. DAVE BRUBECK with Charlie Parker . Tickets on sale at S.U. Main Desk and Thompson's Playing in the :S. U. Ballroom Miss Patterson, professor in clothing, textiles and related arts at Oregon State college, has stud ied at the University of Oregon and has had her work exhibited on the West Coast and in Canada. The exhibit will include large pieces of linen, small table mats, a large table cloth, a large floor rug and other smaller pieces along with some of the natural mater ials used. This exhibit is now on display at the Memorial Union at Oregon State college, Miss Johnson said. * • * Mixer Will Climax SU Anniversary Climaxing the week of events honoring the third year of the Stu dent Union building and the fourth year of the SU board will be the third annual birthday dance Fri day night. This informal, no-date fishbowl mixer will be from 9 to 12 p.m. and will feature the entertainment of Max Pierce and his accordion. Education Board Releases Movie The State Board of Higher Edu cation has released a semi-docu mentary motion picture in color with sound to interpret its instruc tional research and service pro grams to the public. The film was produced by the department of visual instruction as a training experiment. Narra tor for the production was Glenn Starlin, assistant to the president. The music, cast and settings were provided by students and faculties throughout the state system, in cluding Oregon. The board’s division of informa tion believes that the film is one of the first college productions in the nation not aimed at student recruitment or building alumni en thusiasm. Showings of the film have al ready been scheduled by educa tion classes, study groups and ser vice clubs, the division of informa tion reports. A preview of the final work print was held early in the term at Emerald hall. Social Calendar Wednesday Desserts Orides-Pi Kappa Phi . Alpha hall-Alpha Omicron PI Lambda Chi Alpha-Sigma Kap Pa Tau Kappa Epsilon-Delta Zeta Dinners Beta Theta Pi-Kappa Alpha Theta Pi Kappa Alpha-Preference Din ner Campbell club-University house. Sigma Phi Epsilon—Pi Seta Phi Friday Firesides Phi Kappa Sigma Pi Kappa Phi House Danees Kappa Sigma Sigma Alpha Epsilon Phi Delta Theta Sigma Chi Phi Kappa Fsi Tau Kappa Epsilon Sigma Nu Alpha Tau Omega Sigma Phi Epsilon All Co-op Dance-Student Union. Haar Writes Injury Study Franklin B. Haar, professor of health education, is the co-author of a research study which has been published in the October is sue of The Research Quarterly of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. The study is an analysis and evaluation of the reported injuries in secondary schools in Oregon which were protected by the Stu dent Mutual Benefit Insurance plan. Co-author with Haar of the study is Donald B. Martin, a 1052 graduate of the University now teaching at The Dalles high school. RUBY'S CORN KITCHEN • CARMELCORN Made fresh daily and so de licious, crisp, and crunchy! 766 E. 11th Ave (near Mayflower Theater) Open daily 2 to 10 p.m. Today's Staff Staff: Geoi-tfe Waaaon, Bev Lemmon, Dtano Lacey. Janet F<.v„ ria, Bob Patterson, Mary Alico Allen. VOTE GARY YOUNG Frosh Class Proxy jf the most generous gift of all... because it's part of you YOUR IT i Be generous to those dear ones of yours—have your portrait made for Christmas— NOW I THE FEHLY STUDIO on the Campus Ph. 4-3432 GIBSON’S FOR BEAUTY DISTINCTIVE HAIRSTYUNG Tel. 4-4243 29 West 11th Open for evening by appointment For a Prettiest you at a perfect dance You'll want a Bonnet Nook formal ... a rich, rustling dress you'll wear to his house dance, to your own and for the holidays ahead. Our fanciful formals come in white and all the vibrant autumn colors ... in velvet, satin, lace, taffeta and nylon net. Alterations are free of charge. Come in today and see our fall formals! $21.95 on up The Bonnet Nook 921 Willamette Member of Oregon Central Credit