mural action Delts Trample DU's In Two Straight Tilts I),,,ta l au Delta's volleyballers swamped Delta Upsilon, 15-2 alter winning the first game, 15-11, to take the series in two t?ames. Ron Morgan’s serving and Fred Gustovson’s hard spiking I'd tlic Delts in their final game rout. In the first game with the J'-ore 12-11 in their favor, the Delts scored three straight points ■ t ni uamma Delta handed Sigma I’hi Epsilon a 15-11 defeat in a tell-tale third game. Three straight points broke up a tight • contest in the final game with the ^ score standing 12-11 in favor of PE Class Has ■ Track Mate he: • As a variation of the routine PE classes. Coach Bill Bowerman has been holding an intra-class track ‘meet in hia physical education groups. The class is not a re •stricted one, and every member has been in the thick of the com •petition. Surprisingly enough, the fresh ,men are leading in the competition between the frosh, sophomores, Juniors and seniors. So far, they have run off four events, the ^huidles, dash, shot and mile run. Chan Sogge, senior, had the best time in the 50 yard hurdles, •6.7 seconds. Freshmen placed sec ond and third. • A junior, Bruce Springbett, took first in the 75 yard dash with *®n effort of 7.9 seconds. In the shot put competition, •Frosh Jack Moad, who holds the state high school record in this •*vent, did as he was expected and won the top spot. He put the ball out 44 feet. 6 inches, better than •any frosh has done for the last five years of spring practice. • Ilon Meskimen, another frosh from Eugene, beat all the varsity men in the class In the mile run. the Fijis. The well-balanced Fij team broke a 5-5 score, racking up seven points in a row and ther traded even with the Sig ps tc win 15-8 in the opener. Sigma Ph Epsilon rallied to take the seconc game 15-11 to bring about a thirc contest. The day's action was limited tc two contests as Sigma Alpha Mi forfeited to Kappa Sigma and P Kappa Phi dropped to Pi Kappc Alpha. No 5:15 games were playec because teams from Susan Camp bell II B, French Hall B, Nestoi Hall B, and Susan Campbell I I did not arrive. Overland Match Slated for Game Preceding the Oregon-Idaho football game this Saturday at Hayward field, there will be an invitational cross country run at 1:00 p.m. Invited to the match besides Oregon are Ore gon State, Portland university and Oregon College of Educa tion. The boys win race a little more than two miles, starting and ending at Hayward field. Retraction Beta Theta PI, not lambda Chi Alpha, won the Intramural volleyball contest Thursday aft ernoon between the two squads. The scores were 15-4 and 15-11. Going to a House Dance? There are a lot of house dances coming up in the near future. You will probably attend three or more before school is out this year. Will you have fun at these dances or will you sit around while the others do most of the dancing? Learning to dance well is as easy as walking . .. and is a lot more fun. Jacklyn's Dance Studio is offering you a free guest lesson and dance analysis. Come in today or call 4-5621 to make an appointment to learn to dance under the guidance of one of their expertly trained instructors. 24—7th Ave. West—Eugene Phone 4-5621 Wed.-8 p.m. DAVE BRUBECK i i with Charlie Parker Tickets on sale at S.U. Main Desk and Thompson's Playing in the -S. U. Ballroom Nine Leagues All Tied Up rrhe following Mantling* include all game* except Monday night's.) K-‘mt* LEAGUE 1-A French Hall .. \e»tor Mali . . Susan Campbell 11 . Stitzer Hall .... . Sit*an Campbell I . Merrick Hall . W .3 LEAGUE 2-A I’hi Sigma Kappa . Hale Kane . . Sigma Hall . Alpha Hall Gamma Hall. LEAGUE 3-A Barrister Inn . Campbell Club . l)orm Counselors Philadelphia House Legal Eagles . LEAGUE 4-A Fhi Delta Tbeta Beta Theta Pi . Sigma Chi . Chi P»i . . . Lambda Chi Alpha . LEAGUE 5-A Alpha Tan Omega / ' Kappa Phi i an Kappa Epsilon . * hi Kappa Sigma Sic/ma v LEAGUE 6-A Mgma Nu . Delta UpiiLn ^.el*a Tau Delta ..... Pi Kappa Alpha . 1 hi Kappa Psi ... . LEAGUE 7-A Sigma Phi Epsilon ... Kappa Sigma ... Theta Chi . Phi Gamma Delta. Sigma Alpha Mu French Hall LEA°U= > B Susan Campbell 1 . -Nestor Hall Susan Campbell II ” 11 Stitzer Hall . * Indicates double”forfeit"’’ c ... . „ LEAGUE 2-B i }}". Epsilon . r 5 T pnilon ... {•hi Delta Theta .ZZZZZ" Lll- ~appa Sigma . “hi Gamma Delta Hale Kane . ' LEA0UE *-® Delta Tau licit*-~~ U p L? fau .. Alpha _ “hi Kappa Psi . .* Chi p,i .LEAGUE 4-B ( ampbell Club .. . Sigma Xu . ... Theta Chi .. , LEAGUE S-B Sigma Alpha Epsilon . Beta Theta Pi Kappa Sigma Sigma .. Cni ..... L Pet. 0 1.000 1 .667 1 .607 2 .333 2 .333 3 .000 0 1.000 0 1,000 1 .500 2 .000 2 .000 0 1.000 0 1.000 1 .500 2 .000 2 .000 0 1.000 0 1.000 1 .500 2 .000 2 .000 0 1.000 1 .500 2 .000 2 .000 0 1.000 0 1.000 i .ooo 1 .000 1 .000 0 1.000 0 1.000 1 .500 1 .000 1 .000 0 1.000 1 • .000 1 .000 1 * .000 2*• .000 0 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 1 .000 2 .000 0 1.000 0 1 .500 1 .000 1 .000 0 1.000 0 1.000 1 .000 X .000 0 1.000 0 1.000 1 .000 SPORTS FARE Tuesday, November 3 VOLLEYBALL 3:K:V°- Phi Dt,U Th^ B Delta Sigma B vs Sig 3 Hu DeltaV0’ ,U,e Kane B v» Delta miiftwtrwme WANT ADS Rates: 4c a word first Insertion, 2c on succeeding Insertions. FOR SALE!—'37 Ford coupe, S65. Excellent condition and two luggage trailer, *75. 2392-2 Pat terson Drive. 11-3 FOR RENT—costumes, all kinds 50c and up Grimes. 4-2737. LOST —- Green suede purse anc blue plastic billfold. Would find er please return contents of bill fold. No questions asked. Re ward. Jan Ross, Carson n. li-j Nylons by Yours Truly. Regular oi sheer, guaranteed two months If y°“ get a run in a singh stocking, we give 3 pairs free Ph°B® ^rs‘ Phil Todd> 3-3708 250-38 Cheshire. — 1941 oidsmobile coupe. Hydramatic drive. *175. See at 2170-12 Patterson Drive. _ 11-3 House dance photo. Four day serv ice. Call Jim Monson. Ph. 4-0245. _ 10-4 --*--_ Tutoring from a native German. Call Lothar Loewe, Ext. 531. _______ 11-9 Vote No. 1 for JAY DUNTON Frosh Class President. 11-3 1947 Olds club sedan, Hydra, ra dio, heater, spot and backup lights. Beautiful finish. A very smart car. Ph. 5-9386 Nippy, chilly autumn days—and nights, call for Ruby’s kitchen hot popcorn straight or with your favorite beverage. We pop for parties, two till ten p.m. at RUBY’s KORN KITCHEN, Next to Mayflower. 11-3 For Sale or Rent—Tuxedos, all sizes, wide price range. FEN NELL’S MEN'S WEAR 11-6 all but two x III Webfoofx Hold Light Grid Workout After Giant-Killing USC Contest EaSriifei***•*&& l Mori Harkins herald Sports Writer , rhe conquest is over, the battle won and thirty-six of thirty eight victory happy Ducks have returned. The other two, Dean Van Leuven and Jerry Nelson, are in an Astoria hospital where both are recovering from the crash of Van Leuven’s light plane Returning from the Portland jaunt where the D„rt« ! Air or/« *-» / norse or southern Cali fornia, the Ducks set right down in preparing for this weekend’s encounter with the Idaho Vandals. No Pads Although eliminating all forms of grid iron protection, pads, in other words, the Ducks brushed up on their offensive plays, took a few wind-sprints and went into the club house for a chalk talk Showing plenty of pep and fire after their decisive win over the Trojans, the Ducks elected John Reed and Barney Holland as this week’s team captains along with the leadership of team captain for the year, Emery Barnes. Seeing his boy’s emerge victori ous, Coach Len Casanova had nothing but praise to offer his crew. Special merit to George Shaw, Barney Holland and Dick James and to the forward wall led by Ken Sweitzer was given When asked about the return of-Van Leuven and Nelson, Cas anova reported that it is very Lettermen Meet Tl*e Order of the “O” will hold a very important meet mg Wednesday noon at the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, according to Don Hedgepeth. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Sam Vahey Staff: Mort Harkins and Doug May. * I unlikely that Nelson will pja/ again this year, and future grltl iron action this season for Van Leuven is questionable. The only other injuries the Ducks have to nurse are those of guard Ken Sweitzer and Len Berrie who are nursing bad legs and Emery Bernes who re-injured his hip. ' Seven Appointee Positions Filled The state Board of Higher Ed ucation approved seven personnel changes at the University wh«n it met in Portland Tuesday. Robert Dubin, of the University of Illinois, was approved as hear* of the department of sociology at Oregon, with his appointment ef fective Sept, l, J954. Joel Berre man was designated acting head of the department for the current academic year. Dubin’s appoint ment fills the vacancy created by the resignation of Eldon Mooi« - in June, 1S53. Bordon Wood was appointed an associate professor of law; P. rj. Ward, assistant professor of mil itary science and tactics; Kenneth G. Tollenaar, assistant director of the Bureau of Municipal Resear* h and Service; Jan J. Muller, assist ant professor of dentistry, and Robert F. Watkins, assistant pro fessor of dentistry. NO SHRINKING NO SAGGING “JUST RIGHT” SWEATER, DRYCLEANING Our careful, expert dry* cleaning makes a load of difference when it comes to keeping lovely sweaters lovelier longer. — Don’t gamble with good sweat ers, let us dean them correctly.