Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    Statistical Chief
To Speak Here
Chief of the statistical engineer
ing laboratory of the National
Bureau of Standards, Churchill
Eisenhart, will speak on cam
pus Tuesday on “The Role of the
Statistical Method in Scientific
Research.” The mathematics de
partment is sponsoring his ap
pearance on campus.
Eisenhart, who has been with
the Bureau of Standards since
1946, has been associated with the
National Defense Research com
mittee and the Office of Scientific
Research and Development. He
received the Naval Ordnance De
velopment award in 1946.
Lomax Receives
Shipping Award
Alfred L. Lomax, professor of
business administration, has been
awarded the Pi Sigma Phi award
by the Portland Propellor club.
The award certificate was pre
sented to Lomax for his research
in the field of shipping, marine
transportation, economics and for
eign trade. The Propellor club is
a national organization of busi
nessmen interested in shipping
and merchant marine.
New Scholarship
Awarded Johnston
William B. Johnston, fifth year
student in architecture, has been
awarded the new $1,000 Ina Mc
Clung scholarship, which was
made available through the sale
of timber land presented to the
University in 1923.
Johnson, who will continue his
research work this year on the
early architecture of Southwestern
Oregon, was selected for the grant
on the basis of his outstanding rec
ord in the school of architecture
and allied arts.
Because the award was not
available early enough in the year
to call for applications in the us
ual manner, the faculty commit
tee considered students already on
the campus for the scholarship.
In the future, however, it is
planned to use the fund for sev
eral scholarships of varying
amounts of less than $1,000 to
undergraduate students, accord
ing to Karl Onthank, chairman of
the committee on scholarships and
financial aids.
Rates: 4c a word first insertion, 2c
on succeeding insertions.
Honest Horse Noble. 25c per
hour. Call 7-7862. 11-2
FOR SALE—’37 Ford coupe, $65.
Excellent condition and two
luggage trailer, $75. 2392-2 Pat
terson Drive. 11-3.
FOR RENT—costumes, all kinds.
50c and up Grimes. 4-2737.
LOST — Green suede purse and
blue plastic billfold. Would find
er please return contents of bill
fold. No questions asked. Re
ward. Jan Ross, Carson II. 11-3
Nylons by Yours Truly. Regular or
sheer, guaranteed two months.
If you get a run in a single
stocking, we give 3 pairs free.
Phone Mrs. Phil Todd, 3-3708,
250-38 Cheshire. 11-4
FOR SALE — 1941 Oldsmobile
coupe. Hydramatic drive. $175.
See at 2170-12 Patterson Drive.
FOR SALE — French clarinet,
good condition, $50, or make
offer. Harold Chang, 3-1811.
LOST—Brown corde purse in 244
Commonwealth or Co-op. Re
ward. 2920 High 11-2
He who has some goods to sell
Yet shouts about it down a well;
Will-never make as many dollars
As he who climbs a tree and hol
lers. 11-1
Civil Service Commission to Hold
Junior Management Examination
The United States Civil Service
commission will again hold its
Junior Management Assistant ex
amination, a means of selecting,
each year, the most capable young
men and womery available for
training that will enable them to
become high-level executives and
administi-ators in the federal gov
Applications for the examination
are due at the Civil Service com
mission in Washington, D.C., by
Nov. 12. Students expecting to
complete a four-year college
course in public or business ad
ministration or the social sciences
by June 30, 1954, and who are citi
zens of the United States and
physically able to perform the
duties of the positions are eligible
to file applications.
The written examination is
scheduled for Dec. 5, with inter
views for those who pass the test
to be held in late February. Suc
cessful candidates will be assigned
work in various federal agencies
in Washington, D. C., or through
out the United States.
Homecoming Sign
Heads Announced
Ann Gerlinger and Ann Bank
head, co-chairmen of the Home
coming sign contest, have an
nounced sub-committee chairmen
for the event.
The committee chairmen are
Dean McMullen and Stewart John
son, men’s phoning committee;
Judy Kirk, women’s phoning; Pat
ty 'Fagan, awards, and Virginia
Johnson and Florence Woodworth,
Honorary Offers
Out of Town Rides
Alpha Phi Omega, men's serv
ice honorary, has organized a pro
gram whereby students who need
rides out of town may be matched
with those who need passengers.
The plan calls for the interested
parties to fill out forms three days
before they intend to leave, and a
committee will assign the cars.
Forms for this purpose will be
available' at the Student Union
main desk.
Campus Directory
Ready Wednesday
The 1953-34 Figger’s Guide
will go on sale Wednesday, ac
cording to A1 Oppliger, business
manager for the publication.
The student and faculty di
rectory will be sold at booths
in the Co-op and Student Union,
beginning at 8 a.m. and lasting
until 5 p.m., Oppliger said. The
price of the guide will be 50
After Wednesday the Pigger’s
Guide will be sold at the Co-op
and at the SU main desk.
880 kc
6:00 p.m. Sign On
6:03 Piano Moods
6:15 Guest Star
6:80 News Till Now
6:45 Four for a Quarter
7:00 Showtime
7:30 Chicago Roundtable
8:00 Campus Recital
8:30 University Radio Forum
9:00 Kwaxworks
10:50 News Headlines
10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight
11:00 Sign Off
Junior Panhellenic
Officers Elected
Junior Panhellenic officers,
elected recently, include Olivia
Tharaldson, Delta Delta Delta,
president; Jean Fay, Delta Gam
ma, vice president; Mary Gerling
er, Kappa Alpha Theta, secretary,
and Judy White, Gamma Phi Beta,
The group is composed of all
presidents of sorority pledge
classes. Their adviser is Barbara
Officers Elected
By New Ski Club
New officers elected by the Ski
Quacks, University ski club, at
their first meeting include Milan
Stoyanov, president; Jean Paulus,
vice president; Phyllis Pearson,
secretary, and Bill Porter, treas
The organization is making ten
tative plans for a trip to Mt.
Hood later this term. Dues were
set at $3.
Learn To Fly In 8 Hours
Piper Tri-Pacer “53” Model. Fred Savage, instructor
NOW — Sign up for Our New Installment Plan
• A small down-payment and you're in the air
• Small monthly payments keep you there.
Phone 7-2366
McKenzie flying service
Springfield Airport 1300 28th Street
Tel. 4-4243 , 29 West 11th
Open for evening by appointment
New Registration
Program Released
A new plan of curtailed pre-reg
istration, aimed toward lessening
registration-day confusion, calls
for adviser-advisee conferences
Nov. 30, at 8 p.m.
The new winter term time
schedule, with a trial program
blank on the back, will be distrib
uted before the meetings. The trial
program is to be signed by the
adviser after its completion nnd
kept by the student until regis
tration day, Jan. 4. If a student
requires more time for planning \
his study program, he may make '
an appointment to meet with his
adviser within two weeks follow-'
ing the meetings.
Patronize Emerald Advertisers.
Wed. - 8 p.m.
S. U. Ballroom
Tickets on Sale at
SU Main Desk
and Thompson's
We Promise You
High Quality Photofinishing
The Fastest Service in Eugene!
698 Willamette
Ph. 4-8241
Extremely fast
and durable...
Withstands great
temperature changes
"Easiest in the world to ski on," says
Hannes Schmid,* famous international star,
"Spalding is leading the field in quality
and workmanship.”
Other Spalding features: Patented inter
locking edge construction with offset screw
holes. Shock-absorbing tip and tail section.
See the big 195-f Spalding Ski Parade at your
favorite ski shop - Top-Flite, Continental,
Air-Flite and many more in a complete
range of prices.
•member Spalding advisory staff
0«f your copy FREE
"How to Coro for Your Skit"
contains helpful hintt on skiing
exercises, waxing instructions and
ski etiquette. Address
Dept II—
Chieepee, Matt.