DUCKS DOWN USC 13 -7 (Continued from page one ) 5 foot, 9 inch halfback, who last year jumped on the track team and performed acrobatics on the trampoline, vaulted at least four feet off the ground to snag the aerial. He was upended in the effort, and crashed to the turf on his shoulder. An ordinary defender would have lost the ball, but not James. His “theft” gave Oregon possession with two and a half minutes left ’in the game, and Shaw used up of this time with just four playa, even though Ore gon was penalized once for de laying the game. Barney Holland, senior quarter back, piloted the Webfoots to both their scores, once In the second, and again in the fourth period. Not only did he fire his passes with needle-threading accuracy, but he also threw such a variety of plays at Southern Cal, that the Trojans didn’t know where the next play was coming from. Keith Tucker, junior tackle, celebrated his 20th birthday Sat urday, and he must have been feel ing pretty good. It was he who opened up the hole for Oregon's second touchdown, and who gen erally made a nuisance of himself In the Trojan attack. Ron Pheistcr, center, turned in one of his usually good perform ances, as did Guards Jack Patera and Ken Sweitzer, Tackle Hal Reeve, and Ends Emery Barnes find John Reed. In the backfield, little Walt Gaf fney was a package of dynamite. He kept the Oregon ground at tack moving when the passes failed, and turned in some steller defensive work. Dean Van Leuven also had a great day on defense. Oregon's line, which has not al lowed more than two touchdowns a game all this season, was press ed hard by the Troy visitors, but held the foes to a net of 144 yards. And USC held second place in the RCC rushing department going in to the fray. Now the Jess Hill coached op ponents racked up a gross total of 214 yards on the ground, but the Webfoot forward wall, especially He's Happy... COACH LEX CASANOVA Elated With Victory the ends, threw USC runners for losses accounting for SO yards, more than the Trojans were pen alized. The contest was hard fought, as the list of post-game injuries points out. For Southern Cal, Ara mis Dandoy left the game late in the third quarter with a pelvis in jury after being crumpled by the Duck stalwarts on a line plunge. For the Ducks, Farrell Albright was taken out of the ball game early in the first half with a hand injury. Len Berrie had some more trouble with his ribs; Emery Barnes picked up a bruised hip; and Ken Sweitzer injured his leg. As the game started, it looked like El Tropan was going to have a field day on the Multnomah surf. Led by the busting runs of Addi Team Statistics Ore. •No. of rushing plac* . 41 Yards gained rushing .„.j92 Yards lost rushing . 25 Net yards rushing .167 Passe* attempted . 16 Passes completed . 8 Passes had intercepted . 2 .N’et yards passing . 114 Total offense .2Hi hirst downs rushing . 6 First downs passing . 6 Total first downs . 12 Number of punts . 6 Punting average . 35.6 Yards penalized . 30 Fumbles . j Hall lost on fumbles . 1 Hall lost on downs . 1 use 52 214 70 144 18 7 1 96 240 12 4 16 5 43.8 78 3 2 2 Individual Statistics Pushing Oregon Shaw . g Albright . . 3 James . 12 Gaffney . j2 Att. Net Ave. Van Leuven .. ... Holland Southern Cal Bozanic . Huckley . Hawthorne . Dandoy PASSING Oregon Holland . 9 Shaw . 7 Southern Cal Contratto . 2 I*1,** .10 Koch .. Bozanic . ... RECEIVING 70 10 52 32 7 -4 8.5 3.3 4.3 2.7 1.4 -4.0 . 2 . . 7 . 4 .10 .14 10 13 37 19 33 4.5 0 6.5 5.3 4.8 3.3 0.0 Att. Com. Pet. Yds. .555 .428 69 45 .. 1 .. 3 Oregon Gaffney _. 1.000 .200 .500 1.000 .333 34 31 16 13 2 Yds. Berrie If odges ....2 1 ...A ... 3 ....1 23 10 11 44 26 son Hawthorne and Lindon Crow, the Southern Cal squad marched from their own 17 to the Duck 5, but then ran out of steam. Oregon got the next real sized offensive away, an aerial drive that resulted in Oregon’s first TD just before the half. Barney Hol land came into the game when SPORTS FARE Monday, November 2 VOLLEYBALL 3:50, Court 40, Pi Kappa Phi A v« Pi Kap pa Alpha A; Court 43, Delta Upsilon A vs Delta Tau Delta A. 4:35, Court 40. Sigma Phi Epsilon A vs Phi Gamma Delta A ; Court 43, Kappa Sigma A vs Sigma Alpha Mu A. 5:15, Court 40, Susan Campbell II B vs French Hall B; Court 43, Xestor Hall B vs Susan Campbell I B. ...So's James DICK JAMES Interception Ices Game the four minute rule went into effect and threw six straight passes, three of them completed. The first was to Gaffney and covered 14 yards. With a third down and ten yards to go on the SC 28, Holland flipped a short pass to Hodges who picked up interference and went down to the 16. On the next try, Barney nailed Shaw with a lofting spiral in the end zone for the score that put the Ducks ahead. Shaw's con version was good. Southern Cal retaliated in the third frame with a drive that cov ered 75 yards in 18 plays, all on the ground. The Troy attack bogged temporarily within the Duck 5, but Dandoy cracked over on fourth down from the 1. Sam Tsagalakis came off the South PACIFIC COAST CONFERENCE Stanford . UCLA ... use .. Washington Washington State CaH forma . OREGON Oregon State Idaho . W L T 5 0 0 4 .3 2 2 3 0 4,0* 3 0 .333 4 0 200 5 o .ley 2 0 .1*00 It .0 ern Cal bench to boot the tying' tally. The winning touchdown driy® was set up when Des Koch, USC'a ace punter, fumbled the pass frem center on fourth down and could pick up only three yards running. Oregon took over on downs, and Mr. Holland came into pitch. On the first try, he fumbled and lost four, but made it up on the ne*t scrimmage attempt with a 1.5 yard pass to Shaw. Gaffney carried for 8, and then Holland hit Shaw again to put tb® ball on the SC 12. Gaffney picked up a first and ten with two line punches, and then went off tackle for the winning tally after a pass fell incomplete. Penalties hurt Southern Cal in. the dying minutes, as the Tro jans were pounding for a tying oe winning score. A penalty for to® many time outs hurt the losers chances midway through the laid, frame, and a clipping penalty coat the Trojans 18 yards and a fired down on the Oregon 25 with It minutes left. Koch, the top punter in the PCG put on a fine kicking exhibitic n, averaging 43 yards per try. One at his coffin corner kicks zeroed cut on the Oregon 3, and another 0 his quick kicks went 58 yards from, scrimmage. USC Coach Jess Hill comment ed after the game that his beya made a few mistakes and Oregon didn’t make any. He added that there was “just too much Shaw/' The Duck win boosted Oregon up into seventh place in the Coa: