The Power of Advertising * « ... Well, did you see that silly ad I put In yesterday’s Emerald for a room mate?" wumttrwme WANTADS Bates: 4c a word first insertion, 2c on succeeding insertions. NEED MONEY! Sacrifice 1951 V-8 Studebaker, automatic drive. See at 2260-3 Patterson Drive or phone University Ex tension 292 from 8 to 5. DESIRE!—Married couple to share our home in exchange for child care and housework. Ph. 5-2904 after 6:00. 10-30 FOR RENT—costumes, all kinds. 50c and up Grimes. 4-2737. LOST — Green suede purse and blue plastic billfold. Would find er please return contents of bill fold. No questions asked. Re ward. Jan Ross, Carson II. 11-3 LOST—Hopalong Cassidy mech anical Horse pencil with built in de-coder. Contact Dick Moke. NO REWARD. Phone 4-5610. 10-30 _ WANTED—Circulation manager for Emerald. Must have car and free 11:00 a.m. period. Pays $1.00 for one hours work. Call Ext 219. 10-30 Nylons by Yours Truly. Regular or sheer, guaranteed two months. If you get a run in a single stocking, we give 3 pairs free. Phone Mrs. Phil Todd, 3-3708, 250-38 Cheshire. 11-4 Marine Reserve officers interested in joining Eugene unit of organ ized marine corps reserve call 5-6714. 1st and 2nd lieutenants especially wanted. Reserve offi cers receive one day’s pay for two hours drill on Thursday nights. 10-30 Med School Tests Scheduled Monday Medical school admission tests will be given at -9 a.m. Monday in the Student Union ballroom, according to the counseling cen ter. The tests are scheduled to last all day. Candidates who have received admissions cards should note that the place has been changed from Commonwealth 138, the counseling center reports. The tests, which are given once a year, ?re required for admission to the medical school in Portland. 0 International Affairs com mittee of the YWCA will meet Friday noon in Gerlinger hall. Lothar Loewe will speak on Ger many’s role in the world today. He will also talk on university life in Germany. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. FOR SALE — 1941 Oldsmobile coupe. Hydramatic drive. $175. See at 2170-12 Patterson Drive. 11-3 FOR SALE — French clarinet, good condition, $50, or make offer. Harold Chang, 3-1811. 11-2 LOST—Brown corde purse in 244 Commonwealth or Co-op. Re ward. 2920 High 11-2 He who has some goods to sell Yet shouts about it down a well; Will never make as many dollars As he who climbs a tree and hol lers. 11-1 Trojan Haters—Get your car ser viced for the trip to Portland at Dick Busey’sUnion Oil, JtJi.and Lincoln. - 'KL-l The College Meeting Place National Donut Week Halloween, Donuts 50c a dozen THE COLLEGE SIDE INN Many Seek Frosh Offices; 30 in Race The following is a sample of the ballot which freshmen will be con fronted with in the election Wed nesday. The preferential voting system will be used where voters number the candidates in order of their preference from 1 towards 30, numbering as far as they wish. The complete ballot listing the 30 candidates for freshman class of fices is as follows: ASUO BALLOT for FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS Number the candidates, accord ing to your preference from 1 to wards 30, for as many as you wish—l; 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8 . . . 30. ( ) Anderson, Betty ( ) Balsinger, W. Edwin ( ) Basham, Doug ( > Berkshire, F. Rodney ( ) Brandt, Birger ( ) Brittsan, Darrell D. ( ) Cornell, Mary Jo ( ) Dobler, Betty Ann ( ) Dunton, C. Jay ( ) Edstrom, Joanne ( ) Frye, Claire ( ) Fuller, Jan ( ) Gleason, Janis ( ) Harman, Margie Gloria ( ) Hersh, Valerie ( ) Hyde, Mary ( ) Kraft, Karen ( ) Lundell, John ( ) McClenahan, Jack ( ) O’Connor, Dave ( ) Scott, Malcolm ( ) Reynolds, Judy ( ) Saar, Shirley ( ) Scales, Jeanne ( ) Signor, Jim ( ) Smith, Don L. ( ) Tharaldson, Olivia ( ) West, Gary ( ) Woi'kman, Lola Jean ( ) Young. Gary Campus Calendar Noon Emerald Upper Staff 110 SU 2:30 Warner Coffee hour 315 SU Starts Sunday "LIMELIGHT" Charlie Chaplin's greatest DAVE BRUBECK Wed. - 8 p.m. S. U. Ballroom Tickets on Sale Downtown iNDRTHilNO SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY In Technicolor Story off Threo Loves Pier Angeli Ethel Barrymore Farley Granger James Mason Kirk Douglas Plus Shakedown Show starts Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Oregon — USC After Game DANCE DICK SCHWARY (Oregon '52) and his Orchestra • Jantzen Beach • Saturday, Oct. 31, 9 'til 1 • $1.00 plus tax ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT IN OUR GREAT FALL SALE! The Response to This Great Annual Event Has Been Tremen dous! We Were Thrilled by The Hundreds Who Came All Last Week to Take Advantage of The Many Special Savings Values Offered! There are Still 2 DAYS LEFT, However ... 2 Days Yet in Which You Can Take Advantage of These Extra-Special Values and SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Many items Have Been Re grouped and Reduced Even Further for These FINAL 2 GREAT DAYS! ... YARDAGE-DOMESTICS ... MEN'S WEAR ... CHILDREN'S WEAR... LADIES WEAR . . . SHOES . . . READY - TO - WEAR OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M.