Web foots Awaiting :Southern Cal Game 1 r ~ Oregon Seeks * Upset Victory By Bob Robinson - Assistant Sports Editor - Oregon’s rejuvenated football team ran through their last big ^practice session, Thursday after noon, before Saturday's all-impor ■* tna battle with Southern Califor nia on Portland’s Multnomah Sta dium turf. » The Ducks, who only last week end broke a four game losing . streak by downing San Jose State 26-13, will be anxious to continue v their winning ways in their fray with the powerful Trojans. ^ Coach. Len Casanova's warriors have never quite hit their stride * in Pacific Coast Conference action this year. The Webfoots have ■ dropped four consecutive league games and as a result are firmly entrenched in the conference cel . lar- Oregon's two victories have been over kings-x opponents. Last Saturday afternoon on s, Wayward field the Ducks put to gether a steady defense and a sparkling offense to chalk up a very impressive win over San Jose . State. Whether Casanova's hard working eleven can continue to y click against the stronger USC ^ squad remains to be seen. * For the undefeated Trojans of * Jess Hill this game with Oregon i is quite important. Southern Cal * has gone through the season with [out a defeat so far and are very much in the thick of the fight for the Pacific Coast Conference championship. The only mar on their record is a 13-13 deadlock > with the Washington Huskies. 1 Last week the mighty men of \ Troy took advantage of the breaks to subdue California's highly re i epected Bears, 32-20. If Southern Cal should succumb ( Oregon the Trojans’ successful record so far would have a tre mendous black mark added to it. On the other hand, should Ore gon carve out a big upset over the Californians it would do won ders for the morale and reputa toin of the Duck eleven. Although the Webfoota have played good football against all their big op ponents this year they as of yet have been unable to knock one of them over. This is their golden opportunity. In anticipation of the rugged encounter his boys are due to have Casanova ran his charges through an extensive offensive and defen sive drill Thursday. With the third team running through single wing formations, similar to those em ployed by the Trojans, the Ducks’ first and second squads worked quite some time on the defense. Then the ball changed hands and the first two elevens worked on the offense. During the entire session the whole team demonstrated a spir ited and determined attitude. It was apparent that all of the play ers had an upset win over South ern Cal on their mind. From the way the team lined up Thursday it appeared that Cas anova planned to stick with the same starting team that he used last weekend against San Jose with one exception. Larry Rose, sophomore fullback, will probably open in the fullback slot against the Trojans. If there are no other changes, the probable starting eleven for the 1:30 p.m. Saturday fracas will read like this: John Reed, left end; Hal Reeve, left tackle; Ken Sweitzer,• left guard; Ron Pheis ter, center; Jack Patera, right guard; Keith Tucker, right tackle; Len Berrie, right end; George Shaw, quarterback; Dick James, left halfback; Farrell Albright, right halfback; and Larry Rose fullback. Officer Names Grid Winners This week’s guest selector is k Oregon athletic trainer Bob Offi cer. The guests still hold a wide percentage margin with a 38 right and 12 wrong record. Tops among the sports writers are Jim White and Buzz Nelson, each with a 41-5 mark. GAME Oregon-USC.. OSC-MSC . * WSC-Staufurd. Wash.-Utah.. LSL'-Miss Neb.-Kansas . Army-Tutanc.. Rice-Kentucky. UC! A Cal. Texas SMU. Of ficer 38-1 2 M SC 380 Nelson 4115 use 20-6 M SC 41-0 Stan. 28-7 Wash. 20-13 UCLA 14-7 J.SU 13-0 Kansas 7-0 Texas 14-0 Ttilane Tie 13-13 Stan. 21-7 White 41-15 use 20-7 M SC 26-20 Stan. 20-6 Wash. 14-7 UCLA 14-13 M is*. 13-6 Kansas 19-12 Texas 27-13 Army 28-6 Kice 20-6 Wash. 13-0 UCLA 34-6 M iss. 7-6 Kansas 13-9 SMU 21-1.) Army 26-14 Kice 31-12 Vahey 39-17 use 14-8 M SC 49-0 Stan. 27-6 Robinson use 13-6 M SC 35-6 Stanford 20-7 Wa-h. 13-7 UCLA 7 6 LSU 21-20 Kansas 6-0 Texas 19-7 Army 32-12 Kice 24-21 Wash. 28-14 UCLA 20-13 LSU 14-7 Kansas 21-12 SMU 27-19 Army 27-6 Kice 26-20 Karr 38-18 use 21-20 MSC 34-13 Stan. 20-16 Wash. 14-13 UCLA 27-20 Miss. 20-7 Kansas 26-14 Texas 20-13 Army 13-7 Ken. 21-19 ATOf Campbell Club, Barrister Inn Record Intramural Triumphs Alpha Tau Omega, Campbell club, and Barrister Inn all scored impressive victories in "A” Volley ball action Thursday afternoon. ATO breezed to two quick wins over Phi Kappa Sigma, both by scores of 15-2. Leading the way for the winners was big Max An- ; derson and Ron Chevrier. Both of these boys spiked home numerous points to help their team’s cause Led by little Jim Katekura, the Campbell Clubbers had little di ficulty in downing the Dorm Coun selors in two straight games, 15-2 and 15-8. Katekura’s dynamic serve was by far the outstanding feature of the match. Also look ing good for the winners was Hank Mishima. For the losers Tom Wrightson and Dick Bruce played well. Barrister Inn had several shaky moments as they squeaked by Philadelphia House in a very close battle, 7-15, 15-9, and 15-8. Dick McDaniel played brilliantly in leading his team to victory. In other games Thursday Sigma Chi rolled over Chi Psi, 15-6 and 15-5; Lambda Chi Alpha edged Beta Theta Pi, 15-4 and 15-11; and Pi Kappa Phi downed Tau Kappa Epsilon, 16-14 and 15-9. Outstanding for Sigma Chi were Gordon Sloan, Ed Halberg, and Doug Ruhlman. Chi Psi fell be hind at the start and was never Soccer Practice The University of Oregon soc cer team will be selected this weekend when the squad turns out for practice on the IM field at 2:30 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday, according to Godfrey I bom, manager. Ibom has divided the prospects into two teams for the two days of practice. BOB OFFICER Oregon Trainer J. Arthur Rank presents "The Browning Version" S.U. Ballroom Sunday Nov. 1st 2:30 and 4:30 adm. 30c The Duck was sort off wondering where to go and quack some good jokes with the flock this weekend. Mother duck wouldn't let him go to the ball game so he ran away from the nest Saturday night with a downy friend. The next day he waddled back to his books feeling relaxed after an evening of enjoyment at ROD TAYLOR'S on the Glonwood Strip VETERANS! October 31st Saturday is the last day to draw supplies this term. ■m UNIVERSITY CO-OP11 "THE STUDE-NJTS OWN STORE-"Ji able to match the stellar play of the Sigma Chi’s. In the closest single game of the day Pi Kappa Phi edged out Tau Kappa Epsilon 16-14 in their first encounter. The Pi Kaps also won the second fray by a 15-9 score. Dave Stewart and Pete Tyreman were standouts for the victors while Herb Uamanuka was the spark plug for Tau Kappa Epsilon. Lambda Chi Alpha won their first game over the Betas with ease but found their opponents a different team in the second match and were pressed all the way before finally winning out by a 15-11 tally. i1 STARTS SUNDAY Grapes off Wrath with Henry Fonda John Carradine Jane Darwell -2ND TOP HIT Tobacco Road with Gene Tierney Charles Grapewin Ward Bond {aERtk3*cm*.