Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1953, Page Two, Image 2

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    AL KARR, Editor
BILL BRANDSNESS, Business Manager
JACKIE WARDELL, Managing Editor
Th» Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday daring the college year
from Sept. 15 to Jane 3. except Nov. 16, 26 through 30, Dec. 7 through 9, 11 through Jan. 4,
March 8 through 10, 12 through. 29, May 3, and 31 through June 2, with issues on Nov. 21,
Jan. 23, and May 8, by the Student Publications Board of the University of Oregon. En
tered aa second class matter at the poet office, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 par
school year; £2 per term. •
Opinions expressed* on the editorial page are those of th.e writer and do not pretend to
represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials are written by
the aditor; initialed editorials by the associate editors.
Alpha Delta Pi I
Eva Jean Miller announced her
engagement to Cliff Matousek, 1
graduate student last year, early 1
this fall, while Pat Lauer received 1
a ring- this summer from Ray Ryf- '
fenbarker. Addie Woodruff and
George Booth, PiKA, also an
nounced their engagement this <
Carol Shellenbarger married '
Don MacMillan, Theta Chi from ]
Oregon State, Oct. 26 in Ketch- ]
ikan, Alaska. Mary Ellen Burrell *
and BUI West, Campbell club, ]
were married in Eugene early this
summer. Another summer mar- 1
riage was that of Betty Harlan i
and Don Blanchard, Theta Chi r
from Linfield, who were married -
in Dallas.
Delta Gamma
Sally Erickson is wearing the
pin of Duane Best, Kappa Sigma.
Sharon Isaminger recently an
nounced her engagement to Gary !
Meyer, Sigma Nu now living in
Pendleton. Anne Armstrong is en
gaged to Bill Wilson, ATO.
DG’s married during the sum
mer include Anne Starkweather
to Ron Matson; Norma Shields to
Ray GUkey, PiKA; Julie King to
Mike Kilkenny, ATO; Mary Stone
to Dick Ruckdeschel, Sigma Chi;
Sue Haynes to Rod McGrath,
ATO; Carolyn McLean to John
McBee, Sigma Nu; Janice Taylor
to Roger Reynolds, Theta Chi;
Kay Maier to Ron Parelius, Fiji;
Bev Nelson to Don Nearas, Phi
Pelt; Rhoda Gow to Dick Patrick,
PiKA; Dorothy Pleier to BiU Sage,
Sig Ep; Marcia Eagleson to Don
Sloan, Sigma Chi and Cathy Led
ingham to Dale Pederson.
Drive Limited
Future Oregana sales wUl be
limited to 137 more copies, accord
ing to Martin Brandenfels, sales
manager of the book.
’ A total of 2700 copies of the
-book will be printed altogether,
"Brandenfels said. The reason for
this year’s sales being limited is
that the extra work involved in
extensive, year-long sales has not
justified the number of additional
copies sold.
UO Debaters Rian
Trip for Weekend
• Members of the forensic team
will attend the annual WiUamette
Valley Institute at Corvallis Sat
urday. The question of the meet
will be free trade as a, policy of
the United States. Symposium
speakers will discuss the improve
ment of congressional investiga
' Students participating in the
meet include Joanne Hutchison,
Sue Shreeve, Patricia Peterson,
Phil Cass, Bruce Holt, Shirley
Katz, Kent Parsons, Elizabeth
Collins, Wilma Whittenfield, Pa
tricia Adkisson and Forber Hill.
The team coach is Herman Coh
en, instructor in speech, with
James Wood, graduate student in
Kappa Alpha Theta
Mary Waddell was recently
pinned to Larry Kleinsmith, Beta,
while Molly Martin is wearing the
pin of Jack Kretger, SAE. Flor
ence Wright and Larry Wolfard,
Beta, were pinned recently and
Dorothy Kopp is wearing the pin
of Don McIntyre, Phi Psi.
Recent freshman pinnings in
clude Bette Ann Dobler to Dick
Buren, Beta; Donna Organ to
Neil Rosser, Fiji at UCLA, and
Bara Price to Bill Pauli, Sigma
Nu at USC.
Ann Bankhead has anounced
her engagement to Tom Moss,
SAE, while Ann Hopkins will wed
Ted Anderson, ATO. 1
^ Tryouts for “Speak of the
Devil,” radio workshop drama to
be given over KOAC Thursday,
will be held at 3 p.m. today in
Studio A Villard, according to
Paul McMullen, director. The pro
duction will have an all-male cast,
and any men interested in radio
drama are welcome, said McMul
g E. R. Bingham, associate
professor of history, will speak on
"The Pacific Northwest: Unique
or Typical?” at the Friday evening
coffee hour to be held at 7 to
night in the Student Union brows
ing room. There will be an infor
mal lecture, coffee and a discus
0 Petitions are due at 3 p.m.
today for general chairmen of the
AWS auction, which will be held
at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Student
Union. Petitions for entertainment
chairmen, promotion chairman,
collections chairman and publicity
chairman may also be turned in
to Paula Curry, AWS sergeant
at-arms, at Kappa Alpha Theta.
0 All prospective teachers who
plan to use the University Teach
er Placement service in obtaining
positions for mid-year or next fall
will meet Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the
auditorium of the music school.
Those interested are asked to en
roll and file their records with the
office as soon as possible, accord
ing to Earl M. Pallett, director of
the teacher placement service.
0 The polling committee of
United Independent Students will
meet today at 4 p.m. in the Col
ege Side Inn.
Religious Notes
Luther House 1
The recognized Luther scholar i
on the west coast, Warren Hov- ]
land, head of the philosophy de- <
partment at Oregon State college, i
will speak at Luther house this i
Sunday at 5:80 p.m. As this is the
436th anniversary of the Reforma- (
tion, Hovland will speak on “The
Unfinished Reformation.”
Wednesday noon luncheon will
feature first of three talks on
"Faith, Love and Charity,” by Ing
ward Olsen, Eugene Bethesda
church. A pancake supper will be !
served next Friday at the house.
Anyone interested in helping may
call or stop by.
Wesley Foundation
Sunday at 6 p.m. is "Informal
ity Night” including fireplace
food, accordion music by Jack
Youngblood and listening to rec
ords. Coordinator for the evening
will be Stan Heth.
Tuesday, at the 5:30 p.m. pot
luck, Wesley Maztigkeit will de
scribe his Mexican workcamp ex
perience with the Aztec Indians.
Singing will follow the program.
Betty Peterson will lead the
Thursday 12:30 p.m. chapel. Next
Saturday Wesleyans will have a
shipwreck party. Wesleyans will
come at 7:30 p.m. dressed as ship
wrecked mates.
Westminster Foundation
The Halloween party will be to
night at 7:30 p.m. Old clothes
should be worn. Sunday coffee
hour at 9 a.m. followed by Bible
study. That evening at 6, vespers
will be led by Jim Baker and
Chris Berning. A discussion and
role playing on the topic of organ
ized religion will follow.
Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. there
will be the regular fellowship sup- '
per. David Hatch and Lee Mc
Gary will teach the group folk
songs. The chapel at 12:30 will be .
led by Bonnie Bracken.
Christian House
Regular doughnut hour Sunday *
at 9:15 a.m. followed by Bible class
led by Victor Morris. Sunday even- *.
ing, delegates to the National '
Disciple Students’ conference will
present a program entitled •*
“Echoes from Lake Geneva.”
880 kc
6:00 p.m. Sign On
6:03 Plano Moods
6:15 Guest Star
6:30 News Till Now
6:45 Entertainment Guide
7:00 New French Writers
7;30 Broadway in Review
7:45 Payne Award Show
8:00 Your Star Time
8:15 IN Story
8:30 Ways of Mankind
9:00 Kwax works
10:50 News Headlines
10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight
11:00 Sign Off
2:00 pjn. Sign On
2:03 Musicomedy Favorites
2:30 Comedy Francaise
4:00 Sunday Opera
6:00 Sign Off
Student Church Directory
490 13th Avenue East
TWO SERVICES - 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sermon: “God And Man"
Wesley Goodson Nicholson Weston H. Brockway
Minister Director of Music
Sunday Services—8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Sermon: "Remembering the Reformation"
Bible Class: 10:00 a.m. —Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader
East 11 th Avenue at Ferry Street
W. B. Maier, Pastor Donald Schaeffer, Assistant
First Assembly of God
710 W. 13th St. (about l'/4 miles west of the university)
Rev. E. Elsworth Krogstad
Rev. Norman Campbel, Minister of Youth
9:45 a.m. Sunday School Hour. Special clas§ for college
students in beautiful Youth Chapel
11:00 a.m. Preaching and Communion
6:30 p.m. C.A/s. Youth Service in Fireside Chapel *
7:45 p.m. Youth Evangelist, Ron Prinzing of Lodi, California
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pearl
Sermon: "Everlasting Punishment"
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86
West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon
Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger
Dynamic Southern Evangelist
11:00 a.m. "Looking For a City"
3:00 p.m. "When Jesus Comes
7:30 p.m. "When God Slams the Door"
Meetings continue thru Nov. 8th
9:45 a.m. University Class, Fred Rady, teacher
6:30 p.m. University Fellowship
Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor
Brdwy. at High
3int Wetliockst Church
1185 Willamette
Two Services — 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. ®
"Protestantism Affirms"
Ministers: Berlyn V. Farris, S. Raynor Smith, Dorothy Harding,
Kenneth W. Peterson
1166 Oak Phone 4-1425
Dr. Carroll Roberts, Minister
All students invited to sing in
our student choir for the evening services
oCet d to C^hurch