Webfoots Defense, Pass For Trojans - Oregon’s Ducka sharpened up -on both offense and defense Wed nesday afternoon as they pre pared for the Saturday rlash in Portland with the potent Univer sity of Southern California Tro jans. Most of the drill was spent on rflefense in an effort to stop the Trojan offense, which last week 'rolled up 34 points in whipping California, 34-20. Coach Len Cas ! BARNEY HOLLAND, Oregon quarterback, will be pitching passes when the Ducks take on k the invading Southern Cal Tro 'jans Saturday. p WUfMtTWTN€ WANT ADS Hate*: 4c a word first Insertion, 2c on succeeding Insertions. ^EKD MONEY! Sacrifice 1951 V-8 Studebaker, automatic drive. See at 2260-3 Patterson , Drive or phone University Ex ’ tension 292 from 8 to 5. please return the history books i taken from room 232 Common wealth last Wednesday to the i sociology department. DESIRE—Married couple to share • our home in exchange for child care and housework. Ph. 5-2904 r after 6:00. 10-30 Order nylon stockings that really wear. Sheer or regular weight. • Phone Mrs. Phil Todd, Ph. . 3-3708, or leave your order at desk 212, second floor of the! library stacks. 8 a.m.-l p.m. . daily. H-4 FOR RENT—costumes, all kinds. ' 50c and up Grimes. 4-2737. • I OR SALE — French clarinet, good condition, $50, or make offer. Harold Chang, 3-1811. 11-2 LOST—Hopalong Cassidy mech . anical Horse pencil with built in de-coder. Contact Dick Moke. NO REWARD. Phone 4-5610. •10-30 WANTED—Circulation manager - for Emerald. Must have car and free 11:00 a.m.. period. Pays $1.00 for one hours work. Call Ext 219. 10-30 LOST—Brown corde purse in 244 Commonwealth or Co-op. Re ward. 2920 High 11-2 Marine Reserve officers interested in joining Eugene unit of organ ized marine corps reserve call 5-6714. 1st and 2nd lieutenants especially wanted. Reserve offi cers receive one day’s pay for two hours drill on Thursday nights. 10-30 He who has some goods to sell Yet shouts about it down a well; Will never make as many dollars As he who climbs a tree and hol lers. li-i Trojan Haters—Get your car ser viced for the trip to Portland at Dick Busey'sUnion Oil, 7th and Lincoln,- 11.1 anova commented that the defense "stood up well." Fames Click A short offense workout fol lraved the defense. Barney Holland and George Shaw, taking turns calling the signals, consistently hit their receivers with passes. The Trojans will come to Port land with a host of good back**. George Bozanic and Landon Ex ley are the quarterbacks, Aramls Dandoy, Lindon Crow, and Des Koch arc the halfbacks, and Harold Han and Econ Sellers handle fullback. Dandoy and Koch are both outstanding punters. B At end Is 6’3”, 218-pound Tom Nickoloff who was named on sev PACIPIC COAST CONFERENCE Stanford . 4 use.;. 1 ucla . ] Waahinpton ............2 < -imnrnu .. wsc . 2 Oregon State . 1 Mario . n OREGON . 0 W I. Pet. 1.000 1.000 .750 .007 .500 .500 .107 .000 .000 eral pre-season All-Americar teams. Southern Cal usually sticks tc the ground, but Coach Jess Hill does have capable passers in Bo zanic and Dandoy. Dandoy Top Threat Dandoy, an all-around back, it second in the conference in rush ing with 3G6 yards, sixth in tota offense with 531, second in punt ing with an average of 40.9, anc has scored four touchdowns. H< also is tops in punt returns anc ranks fifth in kickoff returns. In team statistics USC is sec ond in rushing offense, third ii total offense, and first in rushint defense. * Campus Calendar Noon Drama Staff 110 SU < J AA U - 4.00 Homecg Queen Sel nosu 9:00 APO Kush Dadsrm SU • Members of the Homecom ing publicity committee will meet at 4 p.m. today in the Emerald quonset, instead of the Student tmion, according to Joe Gardner Emerald news editor. Journ Lunch 111SU Athletic Dept 112 SU Mtn Cl Clb Homecg sign Stu Aff Com 110SU 214 SU 337 SU 112 SU 334 SU 110 SU 214 SU 6:30 Ski Quacks ASUO Sen 7:00 Scab & B1 Hillel ASL’O Nom Asbly Ballrm SU IT WOMEN Ha^e you read Kinsey's Report? Forget it, sex is blase. For beautiful aesthetic experience listen to our Hi-Fi LP's GRAVES 1235 Willamette LAST CHANCE THIS YEAR Oregano for Buy now from your living organization representative! Suzie Il's Roll Over Merrick In IM Volleyball Lanky Don McLain’s smashing spikes broke the back of a Mer tick hall rally as the Susan Camp bell II A’s rolled to an easy 15-2 win in the deciding set. After the Suzies took the tight first set 17 15, the men of Merrick rallied to win the second round 15-5. Mer rick’s victory hopes were shat tered when their floor play suf fered a total collapse in the deci sive third round. rhi bigs Whip Alpha Phi Sigma Kappa edged Alpha hall 15-13 In a hard fought second ?ttra^er takin* °>e first contest lo-j. Dave Ross and Jerry Harrell led the Phi Sig forces to the win. French Tops Susie I French hall remained unbeaten trouncing “Susan Campbell I in two games 15-8 and 15-7. Both games started close with early 6-5 and 8-5 scores held by French but each time they rapidly pulled away to win easily. Hale Kane Oyer Sigma Hale Kane's A team tromped on Sigma hall A 15-1 in the open mg game and then toyed their way to a 15-8 victory, completing a sweep of the series. The defeat was the first for Sigma hall while Hale Kane remains undefeated in two starts. Two forfeit wins were recorded, Nestor hall A beating Stitzer hall A and Alpha Tau Omega over Phi Kappa Psi. LAST CHANCE THIS YEAR Oregana for '54 Boy now from your living organization representative! SPORTS FARE Thursday, Oct. 29 LLEY 7 „ VOLLEYBALL •» .^0, Court 40, Barrister Jnn A vs Phil H?"Sf u ;.,c;,urt 43’ n°rm c<'un f"'!* -A VI Campbell Club A. fc»P’-rlL40faL?mh‘ia Chi A,t’ha A vi Jk-tla Thrla Pi A; Court 43, Sigma Chi y\ vs i^hi r« A. D aV t,f'“rrt A0, Pf>’„ Kar'P* Sigma A vi Alpha Tau Omega A; Court 43, Tau Kao pa Epsilon A vs Pi Kappa Phi. Sports Staff I ♦ Desk Editor: Buzz Nelson. Staff: Jerry Pool, Doug Mask, and Sam Vahey. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. Fellows, girls will whistle at you ankles, now! Who >aid girls have a monopoly on trim ankles? Not so long as we have boxes full of Allen-A quality hose for men! Boxes? Counters! Genuine argyles, genuine 6x3 ribs, stripes,solids, half-boseandaoklets* All cokr-fast to wash and wash i s s and comfortably elastic. We have your size in your favorite style; So get your Allen-A hose today! hosiery underwear We give Gold Arrow Stamps 0 mu; on UTI-ITTIPHS 61 E. Broadway We Redeem Gold Arrow Stamps Mayflower starts Sunday ALL THE LOVE, LAUGHTER AND TEARS OF GREAT HUMAN DRAMA! J Charles. CHAPLIN limelight IH«U 1 UMTtO f] A»nsi» ** Claire BLOOM Sydney CHAPLIN. Busier KEATON 1 AT REGULAR MAYFLOWER PRICES 1 1 | l f