MURALS Campbell Club Snags B Win I Aid'd by (he fact that Sigma "B” had only three men show 1 up for a game, the Campbell Club I bera "B’a” rolled to a compara tively naay victory yesterdAy. The icorea of the two games played 15-1 and 15-& Despite the fact that they only had three players, Higma Nil improved in the aecond game, and during the first part of the game, it looked aa though (.they were going to pull out an 4ipaet.. Chi Psi Over Theta Chi The Chi Psi B team had the same luck as far as numbers were concerned as did the Campbell -Clubbers, as Theta Chi "B” had 'only three men as far aa the op position was concerned. Theta Chi K’ gave Chi Psi quite a run for their "money as they were just barely beaten out in the first game by a * ‘10-14 count. The spread in the ' .second of the two contests was a Wittle greater, though, as Chi Psi I /rolled over Theta Chi 15-8. *SAE Wins Easily _* In other action on court 40, -the SAE team rolled over Kappa “.Sigma in two consecutive games, . and by the same score in both stamps, 15-2. This score points out fT*-hc fact that SAE will be one of ,\thc big teams to reckon with in volleyball action this year. ' Siq Eps Bounce Fijis f - The only other action in yester - lay’s volleyball games was the |- 'final on court 43. This game saw ■„ he Sigma Phi Epsilon team beat .the Fijis of Phi Gamma Delta in two games. The scores of the |jtame.s were Identical, 15-10 and “15-10. One of the most outstanding players on both teams proved to ' be the towering Burr Bottwell, ■"vho does his playing for Sigma ' Phi Epsilon. He did a fine job on „ the net as well as doing some ac Fcurate serving. i The other two games yesterday were not played as a result of - one, or in one case, neither team . showing up. Beta Theta Pi gained ’ n win by forfeit over Sigma Chi, L while in the final game on court ■ 40, neither Susan Campbell I B, P nor Stitzer B were present for the 8 game, so therefore, both teams P were chalked up with a loss. ■DG's,AOPi -'Lead Bowlers - Delta Gamma and Alpha Omi - cron Pi are tied for the leadership .‘of the Thursday afternoon Wom en's Recreational association bowl - ing league with four wins and no - losses. High score for a three game ‘ series was turned in by Jean Man T gam, Delta Gamma, who racked - up a 447 total. THURSDAY LEAGUE W L ,■* Delta Gamma .4 0 Alpha Omicron PI .4 0 C’hl Omega .0 4 Alpha Phi II .0 4 Zeta Tau Alpha ......0 0 k VOLLEYBALL - Wednesday, Oct. 28 / 3:50, Court 40. Alpha Tan Omega B vs Phi Kapjta Psi li; Court 43, Merrick hall A * vs. Susan Camp he 11 II A. 4 :35, Court 40, Susan Campbell I vs French Hall; Court 43, Stitzef liali A vs. Nestor T 5:15, Court 40, Phi Sigma Kappa A vs Al , pha Hall A; Court 43, Hale Kane A vs Sigma Hall A. SPORTS FARE LAST CHANCE THIS YEAR Oregana for '54 Buy now from your living organization representative! Rival Bosses Plot Strateqv oZnWITISr;^UJHEBN CALIFORNIA Head Football Coach Jess Hill, left, and I^ve^yT ^rn 8 i Tl ^T'd < 0aCh ,0hnny MCKay’ A—*“* C«ach Jack’Roche, Unl cJl IZ and H,,a^ Football Coach I>„ Casanova, plan attacks for the two foes when they meet this Saturday in Multnomah stadium. y Webfoots Hold Heavy Practice Uregon s football squad held heavy offensive scrimmage Tues rlay afternoon m an effort to sharpen up their scoring punch for the fracus with the rugged Southern California Trojans in Port land Saturday. for ,T.he.h^slHr.nJ^Lil?cJ?^Pi Paying USC's type defense and . sity. However, as the afternoon ! progressed the offense began to ' move. The offensive drill empha | sized running but the passing was | noticeably effective. The Ducks | continued working on their »plit-T ! formation which was emphasized in the San Jose game. Fourth In Nation The Trojans are currently ranked by the United Press as fourth in the nation. Aramis Dan-; boy, tail-back on the single-wing. , has been the offensive spark for i the USC squad and his wide runs 1 will place a heavy burden on the Ducks defensive ends. Coach Len Casanova reported! that guard Jack Patera, center Leahy Drills Irish V|a Telephene, TV South Bend, Indiana >SP)—Frank Leahy resumed supervision of! practice at Notre Dame although he was in a hospital bed one mile away. He did it through television. The Notre Dame coach has been ordered to remain in the hospital although he maintains that he has recovered from a stomach ailment. Today, a special micro-wave closed TV circuit was arranged by WSBT in South Bend. Leahy watched the practice and with a direct telephone line was able to keep in constant touch with his as sistants on the field. Leahy was stricken at halftime of last Saturday’s game against Georgia Tech. The Fighting Irish went on to win, 27-14. PACIFIC COAST CONFERENCE Stanford . use .. UCLA . Washington .... California . wsc . Oregon State . Idaho .... .. OREGON W ... 4 .3 .3 .1 .. 0 ...0 L 0 0 1 1 1 2 5 2 4 Pet. 1.000 1.000 .750 .667 1 .500 .500 .167 .000 .000 Ron Pheister, and end Len Berrie had been injured in last week’s game but that they should be ready for the USC game. Berrie Captain Berrie, 210, 6 foot, 1-inch end, was selected team captain for the j game. He played freshman ball at i USC in 1950. The Ducks haven't played the Trojans since 1950, when they lost; 30-21. The last Portland fracus was in 1948 when Oregon won ; Frosh Hoopsters To Hold Meeting A meeting of all freshmen in- | tcrested in turning out for frosh ] basketball will be held at 6:30 ; p.m. Wednesday in McArthur : court, according to Coach Don : Kirsch. ] Kirsch has requested all fresh- ’ men who will turn out for bas ketball this year to attend the meeting, and to bring pencils. Sports Staff ♦ Desk Editor: Jim Signor. Staff: Sam Vahey, Norm Steen, and Bruce Tennant. CAMPUS - 852T f RUBY'S Corn Kitchen POPCORN BALLS are always a favorite. In a choice of colors and flavors! 766 Ell th Ave. (Near Mayflower Theater) Open Daily 2 to 10 p.m. Lettermen Meet i An Order of the “O” meeting will he held Wednesday noon, Oet. 28, at the Kappa Sigma, fraternity house. All members and those desiring to be Initiate ed ,?rc urged to attend, accord ing to Don Hedgepeth. r Xirc we stretching thing3 a bit? May be — but when you find out how mild and sweet and refreshing the Medico pigxr can be, you’ll go for Medico, too! It’s the replaceable filter in Medico that makes the big 'difference. Tt. it little filter traps dangerous nitctii'e and tars, disagreeable juices and flakes, j That s why reuniless smokers, begin ners and old timers alike, who never enjoyed the pleasures of a pipe, note en joy the clean mild fragrance of Medico — the pioneer in filtered smoking. Try a Medico Pipe. 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