Albright Plays Second Year By John Cary Emerald Sports Writer Farrell Albright, Oregon’s big, hard running halfback has been one of the Ducks’ leading ground gainers all season. He and fellow halfback Dick James are running neck and neck for the individual rushing honors, with James having a slight edge at present. Albright is a jarring runne.’ with power for denting the line and speed for breaking away once he gets into the secondary. Second Year This is the second year of var sity ball for Albright, who packs FARRELL ALBRIGHT Top Notch Halfback a solid 194 pounds on a 6 foot 1 inch frame. The 20 year old junior is a ’51 graduate of Milwaukie high where he played two years of football for the Maroons at both half and fullback. In addition to football, he had time for 3 years of baseball as a pitcher, two as forward in basket ball and he even pole vaulted one year for the track squad. Plays Baseball, Too Baseball is one of Albright’s favorite sports, and except for spring football, probably would have earned a varsity letter for Coach Don Kirsch’s baseball club. This past summer, he pitched in the tough semi-pro City League of Portland. Playing for the Long shoremen, he compiled an envi able record of seven wins against a single loss. On the non-athletic side, Al bright has a serious interest in hunting. Campus activities include ROTC, and he is a pre-dental maj or. S U Board Petitions Due Today Noon Petition deadline for the 1953 54 Student Union board is today noon, according to Andy Berwick, board chairman. Five representatives are needed, a graduate member and a senior in the school of education for one year terms of office, and three jun iors from the schools of liberal arts, art, and physical education, for two-years terms of office. WVlLHMtrWTNe WANTADS Bates: 4c a word first insertion, 2c on succeeding insertions. FOR SALE—MG ,T. C., Stage 1. Phone 4-4664. 10-28 Please return the history books taken from room 232 Common wealth last Wednesday to the sociology department. DESIRE—Married couple to share our home in exchange for child care and housework. Ph. 5-2904 after 6:00. 10-30 Order nylon stockings that really wear. Sheer or regular weight. Phone Mrs. Phil Todd, Ph. 3-3708, or leave your order at desk 212, second floor of the library stacks. 8 a.m.-l p.m. daily. 11-4 FOR SALE—My equity in 1948 Mercury convt. Must sell, make an offer. Contact A1 Cook, Sacred Heart Hosp. 10-27 FOR RENT—costumes, all kinds. 50c and up Grimes. 4-2737. Delta Upsilon, Hale Kane, Phi Delts Nab B' Contests A well balanced Delta Upsilon B squad slaughtered Phi Kappa Sig ma's B's 15-3 in the second set after pounding the Phi Kaps 15-2 in the opener. The outcome was never in doubt as the DUs took an early lead and then poured it on. Phi Delts Over Fijis Led by smooth Bob Sogge, the Phi Delta Theta B's rolled over the Phi Gamma Delta B volleyball squad in 2 straight sets. The Phi Delts won the first contest by a Mural Standings League 1-A W French Hall .2 Susan Campbell 1.1 Stitzer Hall .1 Susan Campbell II.1 Nestor Hall .1 Merrick Hall .0 League 2-A Phi Sigma Kappa ...1 Hale Kane .1 Sigma Hall .1 Alpha Hall .0 Gamma Hall .0 League S-A Barrister Inn .1 Dorm Counselors .1 Campbell Club .1 Philadelphia House 0 Legal Eagles .0 League 4-A Phi Delta Theta .2 Beta Theta Pi .1 Lambda Chi Alpha ....0 Sigma Chi . 0 Chi Psi .0 . League 5-A Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2 Alpha Tau Omega .. .1 Tau Kappa Epsilon ... 0 Phi Kappa Sigma ....0 Pi Kappa Phi .0 League 6-A Sigma Nu .2 Delta Upsilon .1 Phi Kappa Psi .0 Pi Kappa Alpha .0 Delta Tau Delta .0 League 7-A Sigma Phi Epsilon....1 Kappa Sigma .1 Theta Chi .1 Phi Gamma Delta .0 Sigma Alpha Mu .0 L Pet. 0 1.000 .500 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 .500 .500 .500 .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 .000 .000 1.000 1.000 1.000 -.000 .000 1.000 1.000 .000 .000 .000 1.000 1.000 .000 .000 .000 0 1.000 0 1.000 1 .000 1 .000 1 .000 0 1.000 0 1.000 1 .500 1 , .000 ; 1 .000 score of 15-5, and then they re peated for a 15-6 margin in the final. Hale Kane Wins Hale Kane’s B volleyballere ral lied from the brink of defeat in their first game with Alpha Tan Omega Bs and then took the decid ing game, 15-4 from the tall ATOs. Down 3-11 the Hale Kane team led by Martin Magi suddenly caught fire, improving their score to 11-14 and scored five straight points to steal the first game from a bewildered ATO team. In the second game of their series the Hale Kane team fell short of pulling the same stunt, losing 15-12 after being behind 4-11. With Magi completely dominating the game witn his dif ficult serves and powerful spiking, the Hale Kane Bs easily won the final 15-4. Delts Win Delta Tau Delta B team dropped Pi Kappa Alpha B, winning two out of the three games by the Frosh Hoopsters To Hold Meeting A meeting of all freshmen In terested In turning out for frosh basketball will be held at 6:S0 p.m. Wednesday in McArthur court, according to Coach Don Ktrsch. Klrsch has requested all fresh men who will turn out for bas ketball this year to attend the meeting, and to bring pencils. "For That Trim Look" Try the STUDENT UNION BARBER SHOP S.U. — Basement level HOURS: 8:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. RENTALS Easy Terms, Students! Choose from portables or standard Brooks Office Machines 30 E. 11th Eugene Ph. 4-8035 same 15-4 score. The PI Kaps took the second game by a 15-8 margin. The Delts had a shutout going, 12-0, until the Pi Kapps scored four in a row in the first game and easily rapped up the final game, scoring with 6 and 7 point streaks. Forfeits Mar IMs Nestor Hall B forfeited to French Hall B and Susan Camp bell Hall B and Stltzer B both drew losses as neither team ar rived to play. Stitzer B and Susan Campbell IPs B squad both suffered forfeit losses when neither squad put ir. an appearance for their scheduled contest. Lettermen Meet An Order of the “O” meeting will be held Wednesday noon, Oct. 28, at the Kappa Sigma fraternity house. All members and those desiring to be Initiat ed are urged to attend, accord ing to Don Hedgepeth. • SPORTS FARE Tuesday, Oct. 27 j VOLLEYBALL 3:50, Court 40. Theta Chi It v« Chi Pai l!; Court. 43, Sigma Nu Jt vh Campbell Club Jl. ; 4:35, Court 40, Sigma Alpha E Odilon II y» Kappa Sigma It; Court 43, iteta Tin u I’i It vn Sigma (‘hi It. j 5:15, Court 40, Stitzer Hall It vu Su-aij Catnnbell I It; Court 43, Phi Gamma Delta It vh Sigma Phi Kpftilon It. (1 PACIFIC COAST CONFERENCE S In nford use UCLA Wanhingtou California WSC Oregon State Idaho OREGON W 4 L 0 0 1 1 1 2 5 2 4 ct ip I .(p i| .7 t .1-/3 .5001 .500 At,7' .000 .000. HEILIG 'From Here to Eternity' For 25 Years SEYMOUR'S CAFE has been the favorite meeting place for U. of O. students when downtown. There's a friendly atmosphere at Seymour's, and we want the present generation of students to enjoy them selves and feel at home here as those students of other years. We cash small checks and give other helpful services that appeal to students. You'll find good food at Seymour's at sensible prices from a hamburger to a full meal. Drop in at Seymour's this week end with your friends. DARLE SEYMOUR '23 JIM MOLA '38 v/oi|riiour4 i«T‘l 3 4n«(« *-1; [•] Si R/TiOU’A I 1°’ cyv-ti lood Last Chance this Year!! - - ' J 17:t --3% : !'<*»>•/ •- • Oregana for 54 This week only: Buy from your living organization representative! Was $6.75 Now $6.25 or partial payment of $3.25