Ducks Go On Spree 26-13 i ■ 4^' Hi ii* 1 pggU ■ 1 H j i 1 i 1 r OUTSTANOIMr WE6FOOT TACKLE HAL CARRIES A SOLID 222 POUNDS OVER A 6-1" FRAMS. HIS Size C«MSlMEO WITH ‘■‘R ORWMOfr competitive i ?2?'L Hi? Rocked many ' ENEMY PLAY rant . * * Cartoon by Bob Fudge web roofs hind [ Scoring Punch . In Last Period - Coach Len Casanova’s foot -hall eleven played a whale of a ‘-hall game on Hayward field, Saturday, finding a long lost -scoring punch to squash out the San Jose State's Spartan’s, .1*26-13. And oh, what satisfaction it t. brought Oregon fans and play ^ ers, alike. ^ It was the*.first home triumph i.-for the Ducks since the Idaho game in 1951. The Ducks racked 1. up the most overall yardage for * one game since they lost to Cal 4“ ifornia, two years ago. And it was - the most points for a single game, \ since the same Cal contest, 28-26. Attack Improved Every part of the Webfoot at tack and defense was Improved. „ Oregon upped its running and K Passing average. The locale lower » ed the total of yardage racked up v* against them on the ground; and *. also held the Spartans to enough i yardage through the air so that L 0regon still leads the Pacific 4 Coast conference in pass defense, b Despite the win, Oregon still * showed lingering effects of its old f illness, no scoring punch; at least - till the fourth quarter. Penetrations „ In the first, Oregon penetrated ■- to the enemy 36, where a George 4 Shaw aerial was intercepted; in V the second, the Ducks got as far \ as the 22 and again the 10, but - both times, fizzled out. The same - was true as late as the third - frame, when separate marches got - as far as the 33, 15 and 21. But when the final 15 minutes rolled around, Oregon was either - too mad or San Jose was too tired. (Please turn to paye Jour) Team Statistics V»rd$ gained rushing .290 ]49 Yards lost rushing . 23 64 Passes attempted . 15 ]q Xet yards rushing .267 85 Passes completed . 6 4 Passes had intercepted . 3 fj Total yards passing .105 81 Total yards gained . 372 166 hirst downs rushing . 15 9 First downs passing . 4 2 Total first downs . 19 11 Punting average ......."" 27.5 33.8 Yards penalized . 74 71 Fumbles . 0 5 Fumbles lost .o 4 Individual Statistics RUSHING Oregon Gaffney _ Att. Net Ave. .11 67 6.3 Albright . Anderson . Hodges _ James . Shaw . Hose . Van Leuven San Jose Walker .. Matthews .... Taylor .. Fanner . Rinehart . Goldberg . Hiram . Fierce .. Kice . Passing Shaw . Holland .. Pierce .... Kice . Rinehart - 8 "ZZ1Z22 . 6 .. 1 .12 .~..I5 .—. 4 .. 2 IZZZ 5 ..2 50 25 5 100 19 1 0 6.2 5.0 5.0 4.5 3.1 1.0 0.0 16 16 57 4.8 40 2.7 8 2.0 3 1.5 1 1.0 -2 -0.4 -10 -5.0 -28 -7.0 Att. Com. Yds. Pet. _8 .7 -.4 -3 21 84 17 0 .250 .571 .250 .000 64 1.000 The case of the Unapproachable Alumnus OR... How do you get that gift horse to open his mouth? Once there was a Wealthy Alumnus who was also a Soft Touch. Tie an Old School Tie around your neck and he’d give you hi* shirt to go with it. One day he realized that this habit of always saying “Yes” to the Big' Question Was costing him a Pretty Penny. So he became a Hard Man to Get To. Letters, phone calls and per sonal visits all encountered a secre tary with a face like a flint and A 4-word vocabulary. (“He’s out of town.”) p This was Rough on the Old School, but nobody had a solution—until the football coach, a Brain in his own right, came np with a Magnificent but Simple Idea. He dashed down to the Western Union office and dis patched a Telegram saturated with Old School Spirit and dedicated to the theme that unless some Noble Soul came through pronto, the eleven would be playing barefoot and jersey less. The Ice jam was broken. A Fat Check arrived the next day. Today things are back on a Normal Finan cial Basis. There’s nothing more practical than using Telegrams to Hurdle Barriers and get to the Guy (or the Cal) you want to talk to. When you want something . . . Cash from Home, a Date with a Dreamboat, an Interview with the Man who does the Hiring . . . it pays to Make your Bid via Western Union. -- —■» 870 Pearl St. Telephone 4-3221 Four Forfeits Mar Intramurals ruu‘ Juricus marred intramur al volleyball action Friday after noon. Sigma Hall won over Gam ma hall; Campbell club tripped Legal Eagles; Phi Delta Theta i decisioned Chi Psi; and Sjglna Alpha Epsilon beat Phi Kappa Psi; all when the opponents didn’t snow up. In the two contests that were played, Sigma Nu edged past Del ta Tau Delta in two close ones., More Sports on Page Four 15-9, and 16-14; and Theta Chi downed the Sammies in straight sets, 15-6, 15-4. Monday, Oct. 26 i VOLLEYBALL 3:50, Court 40 Stitzer Hall B v, Susan v^*jJestor1 Hal/ B°°rt ^ frmch hilT * 4:phi nS£ tc’, Pn £amma Delta E v» . 0™««1 ^1fa^K(a™crV3' A!pba T-“ ss8r5&r to Ittita B vs Pj Kappa Alpha B. A New. Idea in Hand Lotion Bcrfm Argenta I YflBH lore Its Convenience Tiny toil pillows... filled with creamy, lanolin-laden Balm Argent* ... each just right for one application... se perfect fer gift*... for travel... for home... yu J. Fail Sheedy* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil Became He Flanked The Finger-Nail Test Scfarl at I'm concerned” said Sheedy’s gal, "your hair looks like some Uimg the cat dragged in. Purrhaps you better spring for some Wildroot Cream-Oil, America’s favorite hair tonic. Keeps hair comb'd without greasiness. Removes loose, ugly dandruff. Relieves an noying dryness. Contains Lanolin. Non-alcoholic.” So Sheedy roared down to his druggist for Wildroot Cream-Oil, and now he's feline mighty fine. All the girls paws and stare when he passes. So you better leopard on the bandwagon and tty Wildroot Cream-Oil right meow. Scratch up 294 for a bottle or handy tube at any toilet goods counter. And ask you* barber for some Wildroot Cream-Oil on your hair.Then you'll be the cat’s whiskers! *o/131 So. Harris Hill Rd., Williams silk, N. Y. Wildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo 11, N. Y.