UN Discussion Set For YMCA Lunch “The United Nations and You” will be discussed at the YMCA frosh lunch Friday in the small dining room of Straub. Speaker will be Wayne Stauffer, ex-air force chaplain. He and his wife have given several talks on the UN to various church groups in the country, according to Russ Walker, executive YM secretary. The meeting is open to all fresh man men, Walker said. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. SU Sunday Movies present "Jesse James" in the SU Mallroom 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. Adm. 30c WVlt M9iTWTN£ WANT ADS Rates: 4e, a word first Insertion, 2c on succeeding Insertions. Marine Reserve Officers interested in joining Eugene unit of or ganized Marine Corps Reserve, call 5-6714. 1st and 2nd lieu tenants especially wanted. Re serve officers receive one day's pay for 2 hour drill Thursday nights. 10-28 FOR SALE—'40 DeSoto. Doug Lind, Rm. 3, Science Building. 10-23 FOR SALE—MG T. C., Stage 1. Phone 4-4664. 10-28 Model A—New plates, good tires, motor. Phone 5-1604, 5-6533. 10-26 For San Jose football weekend treat get Tops soft “like HOMEMADE ‘paddle-lickin’ good” ice cream. Open nights till 10 p.m. Tops, Corner 25th and Hilyard. 10-25 FOR SALE—My equity in 1948 Mercury convt. Must sell, make an offer. Contact A1 Cook, Sacred Heart Hosp. 10-27 Parents — Alumni — Students You are sure to get the highest quality food at the lowest possible prices in the most modern of restaurants at the New Llywood Cafe. Just drive out highway 99 one mile north of Eugene and you'll see it on the left. COMPLETE DINNERS $1.50 to 3.50 OPEN EVERY DAY Lots of free parking For banquet or party reservations Dial 5-9064 New Lynwood Cafe V2 Mile North of Overhead on 99N C+HttAS PAUCB RESTAURANT Drop in for an after-game or after-Whiskerino meal meal that's deliviously different. ' , Our Week-end Special • Bean Sprout Chow Yuk • Green Pea Chow Don Free Parking after 5:30 p.m. OPEN Friday and Saturday — 12 p.m. to 3 a.m. Sunday and Weekends — 12 p.m. to 1 a.m. Closed Monday 33 E. 6th Ave. Tel. 4-4243 GIBSON'S FOR BEAUTY DISTINCTIVE HAIRSTYLING 29 West 11th Open for evening by appointment CAMPUS BRIEFS 0 A meeting of Pill Eta Sigma, freshman men’s scholastic honor ary, will be held at 4 p.m. today n the Student Union, according to Pres. Bob Summers. 0 The Homecoming publicity committee will meet at 4 p.m. to lay in the Student Union, accord ng to Emerald News Editor Joe Jardner. 0 Tryouts for next week’s ra Jio workshop drama, "The Lower Ftoad,” will be held this afternoon from 3 to 5 in Studio A Villard, according to Director Dick Hiatt. There are a number of parts available, and Hiatt expressed himself as “especially anxious to use new people in a variety of small but important roles." 0 The Student Union movie committee will meet at noon to day, not Thursday, as was an nounced in the Emerald. Barbara Wilcox, chairman, has stressed the importance of the meeting and urges all members to be present. ^ “Folk Art in India" will be the subject of a speech by Shan bhu Nath Jba, graduate student from India, at a coffee hour to be held in the Student Union brows ing room at 7:45 this evening. YWCA Kiddie Karnival Scheduled for Tonight The Kiddie Karnival, sponsored by the sophomore commission of the YWCA, will be held tonight from 7 to 9 In Gerlinger Annex, according to Ann Erickson and Joanne Gerber, general co-chair men. All grade school children and their parents are invited to attend the annual event. Campus Calendar 11:00 a.m. HS Fret** (Jonf Lobby 2nd FI 3:00 p.m. Fulbright Inter 315 SU 4:00 Frl at 4 Fishbowl 7:00 Kiddy Karnival Gerl Annex 8:00 I’si Chi Gerl 3rd FI WILLIAMS GREAT FALL SALE IS NOW UNDERWAY! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! For Women... 39.95 COATS, 8-16, assorted.-29.95 22.95 FALL SUITS, all sizes, assorted.17.99 14.95- 19.95 Famous-Name DRESSES.$10 49.95 Matching Tweed COAT-HAT-BAG.$35 4.98-7.95 BLOUSE Clearance, large selection.2.88 8.95 NYLON DUSTER ROBES.-. 5.88 $1-1.98 PEARL and METAL JEWELRY, all kinds.84c $1-1.69 FABRIC GLOVES, all colors and sizes.74c 1.19-1.75 NYLON HOSIERY, all first quality 1st Pair, 99c 2nd Pair, 69c 3rd Pair, 39c 9.95 WHITE BUCK SADDLE OXFORDS.5.88 6.95- 10.95 LADIES7 DRESS and CASUAL SHOES.3.88 For Men... 8.95- 14.95 OXFORDS and WORK SHOES.4.44 $35-39.50 ALL WOOL TOPCOATS, water repellant.28.88 1.50 TIES! TIES! TIES!..2for$1.50 8.95- 15.95 WOOL GAB and FLANNEL SHIRTS.7.94 3.98 SLEEVELESS SWEATERS.2.94 3.98 WHIPCORD WORK PANTS.2.94 29c COTTON-NYLON WORK SOX..4 for $1 FAMOUS-NAME LUGGAGE, entire stock.20% Off! 8.95- 24.95 SPORT and OUTDOOR JACKETS.i/3 Off! AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER VALUES IN OUR CHILDREN'S, MEN'S, LADIES', SHOE, YARDAGE AND DOMESTICS DE PARTMENTS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS! s 10 15 W i L J.A METTE ST. OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P. M.