Ftfty-fifth year of Publication . VOL. LV. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1953 No. 29 Sophomore Candidates List Activities «. ** mansis ior me tilled of Betty Co-ed and Joe College, to be chos ‘ en Saturday evening at the Soph omore Whlskerino by the vote of students attending the dance, are * listed below with their sponsor jng organizations. For Betty Co-ed: Phyllis Pear son, Alpha Chi Omega; Barbara Bailey, Alpha Phi; Jill Hutchings, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Paula Cur . ry, Nestor hall; Bev Jones, Pi Beta Phi* and Loretta Mason, Sigma \* Kappa. For Joe College: Phil Lynch, „ Alpha Tau Omega; John Shaffer, . Beta Theta Pi; Andy Nasburg, Sigma Chi; Don Hazelett, Phi Gamma Delta; Don Bonime, Sigma Alpha Mu, and Max Anderson, . Carson 5. Barbara Bailey „ Alpha Phi's candidate, blonde . haired Barbara Bailey, is a Stu „ dent Union hospitality girl, and in • this connection served at the SU T- open house and president’s recep ♦ tion this year. She is active in the campus Y, and modeled for the F* waffle breakfast last year. She is a member of the concert K dance group now being organized, „ and is a major in elementary edu . cation. Betty and Joe ■rr % x. mm* m Candidates for Betty Co-ed and Joe College take time out for a pic ture In front of the Student Union. Winners of the titles will be determined by vote at the Whiskerlno Saturday night. From left to right above, seated, are Phil Lynch and Andy Nasburg. Standing in the back are Barbara Bailey. Beverly Jones and Paula Curry. Not present for the picture was Max Anderson. j Seniors to Defend ! Traffic Offenders !. “Bach, Montague and Farris, Student Court Defense Counsel" . announced Thursday that they will - be available to defend persons ap * pearing before the student traffic J' court. Partnership action of law school •’ seniors are Donald F. Bach, Mal com J. Montague (1952-53 mem - ber of the student traffic court) I- and J. Kelly Farris grew out of * the denial of Farris’ motion to dismiss a citation at the traffic - court Wednesday night. - During the two hour legal ar - gument, Farris charged that the * court had no authority and was y acting in violation of the Oregon * and United States constitutions. y He then demanded a jury trial for Which the court had no machinery. * The court, choosing to test the . case, voted unanimously to fine Farris $2. When he refused to pay, the case was sent to the stu 'dent affairs committee. Speaking for the three law stu dents, Farris stated: “We are available at the law school and will defend any student who re quests our services before this so-called court. We are firmly convinced that this group of stu dents is acting unlawfully when it passes on the guilt or liability of a student for alleged traffic violations." Farris has indicated that he will appeal the Wednesday night ac tion of the court. Furthermore, he stated, “If my deposit money is meddled with in any way, I will seek an injunction in the circuit court for Lane county and ask for exemplary damage from all re sponsible persons." “No comment" was the state ment of Carl Weber, chairman of the court, when he was informed of these new developments. : 'See How They Run Ready For Opening The British play “See How They Run” opens tonight at the Univer sity theater under the direction of - Horace W. Robinson as the first * offering of the theater’s 1953-54 Season. Mistaken identity is the main theme of Phillip King’s com *. edy. Harry Smith, senior in speech, / Who plays the role of Clive, the . dashing young soldier, was seen in “Thunder Rock” and played the - second lead in “The Girl I Left Behind Me.” Penelope, C11 v e’s ex-touring partner and wife of the vicar, is played by Loretta Mason, sopho more in speech. She will be seen tonight in her first UT produc ' tion. First seen in campus produc tions last year as Pimple, the maid in “She Stoops to Conquer,” Judy Ellefson portrays the busy-body neighbors, Miss Skillon. Joella Wood, sophomore in speech, is cast as Ida, the comical maid. Wade Eaton, senior in so cial sciences, will be seen as Lion el Toop, the vicar. Other cast members include Ben Schmidt, Bishop of Lax; David Parkhurst, Mr. Humphrey; Pat Henry, the police sergeant and Paul Ten Hove, an escaped Rus sian spy. The setting was designed by by Howard L. Ramey, technical director of the theater. It was constructed by Sylvia Hill, Helene Roberson, Irle White, Spencer Snow, Jack Fronk, Jo Hicks, who is also property mistress, Goldie Ryals, Ula Mae Hostetler, carpen ter, and Floy Louise Von Groene wald, electrician. Press Meeting To Start Today Seven hundred high school jour nalists and their advisers from 110 Oregon high schools will attend the 27th annual Oregon High School Press conference today and Saturday. According to C. T. Dun can, associate professor" of jour nalism, this is the largest attend ance In the conference’s history. The conference is sponsored by the Oregon Scholastic Press and is under the direction of the school of journalism. Friday’s schedule includes: 12 noon to 1 p.m.: Registration in the Student Union lobby; 1 to 2 p.m.: Inside the Campus Publica tions—“How We Run the Emer ald” in Fenton 3, and “How We Run the Oregana” in the Dad’s Lounge, SU; 2:15 to 4 p.m.: Im proving the Quality—Newspaper section in Commonwealth 138, and yearbook section in Science 123; 4:20 to 5:15 p.m.: general assem bly, School of Music auditorium and 6:30 p.m.: candlelight ban quet in the SU ballroom. The schedule for Saturday will be: 8 a.m.: breakfast in the SU ballroom; 9 to 11 a.m.: round tables—newspaper section in Com monwealth 138 and yearbook sec tion in the Dad’s lounge, SU: 9 to 9:50 a.m.: Meeting of Oregon Association of Journalism advis ers in SU 334; 10 to 10:50 a.m.: new advisers meeting in SU ball room; 11:15 a.m.: general assem bly in SU ballroom; 11:45 a.m.: annual Awards Luncheon in SU ballroom and 1:30 p.m.: Oregon San Jose State football game. Trophies Presented To A D Pi, Alpha Phi Scholarship trophies, were pre sented £o two sororities Thursday evening by Panhellenic. Alpha Delta Pi won the award for the highest cumulative GPA for last year, while Alpha Phi received the trophy for showing the great est improvement during the year. Max Andcrmn Tall, blonde Max Anderson, a member of Alpha Tau Omega, is being sponsored by Carson five in the Joe College contest. He was a member of the track and baseball teams last year and will be this year also, and was on the freshman basketball team. He wdl play varsity basketball this year, and may be seen working in the SU, which is his job under his athletic grant-in-aid. Paula Curry Blonde hair and brown eyes are the rare coloring combination pos sessed by Kappa Alpha Theta’s Paula Curry, a busy Kwama mem ber. She is'also sergeant-at-arms for the AWS cabinet, sophomore rep resentative for the Co-op board and first alternate for the rally squad this year. An elementary education major, she went to Grant high school in Portland. Phil Lynch Alpha Tau Omega’s candidate for Joe College is Phil Lynch, pres ident of Skull and Dagger. Last year he was president of his dorm, Nestor hall, and worked on the Homecoming bonfire committee. This year he is men’s chairman: for the campus community chest drive, and is working on the but ton sales and registration com mittees for this fall’s Homecoming. Bev Jones An active Kwama is Bev Jones, Pi Beta Phi’s candidate. She is from Portland and last year was chairman of the Red Cross Rose burg project. She worked on the WRA carni val last year, and was on the publicity committee for Junior Weekend. She also was co-chair man of the Heart Hop decorations committee last year. Andy Nasberg Sigma Chi’s candidate for the title is Andy Nasberg, a member, of Skull and Dagger. This year he is assistant chairman of the Sweetheart of Sigma Chi contest. Nas berg’s freshman activities included work on the transporta tion committee for Duck Preview the Frosh Snowball committee an# the float parade committees fon both Homecoming and Junior Weekend. He was also social chairman of French hall. Whiskerino Tickets To Be Sold at Door me annual Sopho more Whiskerino, ‘‘Stubble Stomp,” will be available at the door for $1.80 Saturday evening, reports Don Bonime, chairman of the ticket sales. The dance will feature the mu sic of Bill DeSouza and his 10 piece orchestra with Vicki Stuart. \ocalist. This will be the first ap pearance of DeSouza’s band on campus, although he has played at Oregon State college and Willam ette university. The winner of the beard-grow ing contest will be determined at intermission by a board of student and faculty judges, according to Phyllis Pearson and Dick Gray, 16 Picked by Sig Ep For 'Swamp Girl' Semi-finalists in the ‘‘Swamp Girl of Sigma Phi Epsilon” con test have been announced by Dave Todd, social chairman. The women will be entertained Tuesday at a dessert at the Sig Ep house. Following is a list of the 16 semi-finalists: Judy Kirk, Alpha Chi Omega; Margie Hainan, Al pha Delta Pi; Pat Wilson, Alpha Omicron Pi; Arlene Moad, Chi Omega; Charlee Sommers, Delta Delta Delta; Sue Erickson, Delta Gamma; Mary Sandeberg, Gam ma Phi Beta; Carol Kern, Kappa Alpha Theta; Ruth Hoppe, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Sharon Snyder, Pi Beta Phi; Barbara Hogard, Carson 3; Jan Hargis, Carson 4; Sue Sears, Carson 5; Rosalee Todd, Hendricks hall; Kay Whiteman, Hendricks annex; Bev Ferniman, Highland house. co-chairmen of the beard growth contest. Betty Co-ed and Joe College will be introduced as soon after inter-, mission as possible, Marilyn Par rish and Bob McCracken, co-chair men of the selection contest, said. Students are to vote for their choice for the titles as they enter the dance. Sigma Chis Pick 12 Sweetheart of Sigma Chi semi finalists were chosen Thursday evening after the 26 candidates at tended an informal dessert at Sie nna Chi. s The 12 semi-finalists, who are to attend a formal dinner at the fia ternity Sunday noon, are as fol lows : Connie Long, Alpha Chi Omega: Janet Filbert, Alpha Omicron Fj; Betty Bartz, Alpha Phi; Joanne Cowart, Chi Omega; Dennice Parr. Delta Delta Delta; Carol Aikerr, Delta Gamma; Gail Seidel, Gamma Phi Beta; Sally Thompson, Kappa Alpha Theta; Donna Aaris, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Marcia Cook, Phi. Beta Phi; Sue White, University house; Sally Greig, Carson four. -f Viles to Entertain “Friday at Four” this afternoon in the Student Union fishbowl will feature as entertainer Pat Vile» singing and playing the guitar. Ho was last week’s winner in tbo Horace Heidt system of selection currently being conducted. Others who will appear in th© show are Joan Klinger, vocalist,. Keith Cameron, pianist, and Bill Hathaway’s specialty act. Scott Lehner will be master of cere monies for the show. Torchlight Parade Ends In Near-Riot Thursday A torchlight parade staged hy supporters of Don Hazelett, Phi Gamma Delta nominee for "Joe College,” ended in a near-riot in front of Alpha hall late Thursday night. The ruckus started after water bags from the hall were thrown at the marchers as they paraded in front of Carson hall. In retaliation, Hazelett's supporters chased the "Alphaholics” back to the dorm. At the door of the hall, the marchers were met by more water as they milled about in front of the building. The torchiighters then ran toward the hall, breaking through the bolted door. Two or three torches were car. ried into the hall, as the paradergt entered. A door panel was broken on a second floor room in the me lee and smoke filled the the building. In the front of hall, torches were piled in front of the door, close to the building. No blows were exchanged. Outside, amid tnore water and shouts froji both sides, the march ers left, going toward the Student Union parking lot. Men from Al pha, Gamma and Hale Kane, watched the marchers leave. A Eu gene police car patroled the streets, around Straub for the next few minutes.