Co-op Store Sales Hit $50,000 Mark In Year The Webfoot Consumers Co-op erative store has passed the $50, 000 mark in sales receipts in the first year and two months of serv ice to the student families at the Amazon housing project, accord ing to Norman Peterson, manager. A group of married students or ganized the co-operative under the laws of Oregon in August, 1952. The co-op first established the grocery store and has since brought savings to the members of the co-op through reductions in the price of gas, auto service, auto accessories, dry cleaning, fuel oil, electric trains, wool blankets, watch repairing, case goods, and other products. Profits made in the operation of the store will be di vided among the co-op members according to their purchase re ceipts. The co-op idea started when several families in the housing project bought case lots of canned goods together and then divided the goods among themselves. Lat er the co-op became a legal organ ization. When the private opera tors of the store in the Amazon closed their store because of busi ness difficulties, the co-op bought the assets of the private party and rented the building from the University. Membership in the co-op is op ened to anyone and may be ob Let “Webby” Webfoot Sell It For You Bates: 4c a word first insertion, 2c on succeeding insertions. Whether placed by phone, by mail, or in person, Emerald Classifieds make YOU a “selling salesman.” Phone Ext. 219. tf Costumes for rent. Men and wom en’s. All sizes. 5-2662 10-21 r tained by a payment of $25 to the store manager. An installment payment of $5 a month can also be made. The more than 7(1 families which belong to the co-op control the or ganization through a board of di rectors which they elect. The of ficers are Gordon Moore, presi dent; George McElhoe, vice presi dent, and Lionel Chadwick, sec retary. Other board members are Carl Weber, Jesse Himmelsbach, Lois Thornton, Charles Hawkes and Marbeth Braun. Dick Uhde assists Peterson at the store. Talk by Panel The foreign student coffee hour will be held at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Student Union, instead of Tuesday as stated in Tuesday’s Emerald. Highlighting the hour will be a panel discussion, “As We See Our selves,’’ which will be modulated by Alburey Castell, head of the philosophy department. Discus sion members included: H. E. Dean, assistant professor of poli tical science; Paul J. Deutsch mann, assistant professor of jour nalism; Oliver W. Stephenson, pro fessor of history, and Miss Joan Hutchon, Danforth fellow. Alliance Passed On To British (Continued from page one ) ship in Asia. Lerner also called for a reconsideration of Red China’s bid for United Nations membership. "As long as China is outside the UN,” said Lerner, “Russia stands as the spokesman for China. As soon as China enters the UN, it can assume Communist leadership in Asia.” The speaker emphasized the importance of destroying the Moscow-Peiping axis which he felt could be accomplished in this manner. to Hear Men's Oregana Pix Slated To Start Monday, Says Editor Men’a living organization pic tures for the Oregana will be tak en at Kennell-Ellis beginning Mon day, Janet Bell, living organiza tions editor, has announced. Attire for the men will be suits, preferably of a dark tone, Miss Bell said. She urged the men to wear ties of a solid color to cre ate more page uniformity. Eugene freshmen men not liv ing in dormitories may have their pictures appear on the page of the fraternity with which they are affiliated. Eugene freshmen men living in dorms may have their picture appear on either the frat ernity oc dormitory page. All oth er frgshmen men are to mark their hail'‘on their Kennell-Ellis envel opes. Complete schedule for the men's living organizations is as follows: Monday, Oct. 26, 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Alpha Tau Omega. 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Beta Theta Pi. Tuesday. Oct. 27. 9 a.m.-12 noon. Chi Psi; 1 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Lambda Chi Alpha; 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Delta Tau Delta. Wednesday, Oct. 28. 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Delta Upsilon; 9 a.m.-12 noon. Pi Kappa Alpha; 1 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Tau Kappa Kpsilon. Thursday, Oct. 29. 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Kappa Sigma; 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Phi Delta Theta. Friday, Oct. 30. 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m: Phi Gam ma Delta: Phi Kappa Psi . Monday, Nov. 2. 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Phi Kappa Deadline Set For - Senior, Other, Pics Independent off-campus senior men and women who desire to have graduation pictures appear in the Oregana must have pictures taken at Kennell-Ellis this week, Janet Bell, living organizations editor, announced. Picture taking time is 9 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturday morning 9 a. m. through 12 noon. All other women should' have retakes and make-ups taken this week also, Miss Bell said. She em phasized that a retake will cost an additions $1. Today's Staff Makeup Editor: Bob Patterson. Staff: Bev Lemmons, Janet Fer ris, Diane Lacey. Sigma; 9 a.m.*12 noon. Plii Sigma Kappa; 1 Pi Kappa Phi. Tuesday, Nov. .1. 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; 9 a.m.*5:15 p.m. Sigma Nil. Wednesday, Nov. 4. 9 a m.-5:15 n.m. Theta ('hi; 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Sigma Alpha Mu. Thursday, Nov. 5. 9 p.m. Sigma Phi Epsilon; 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Sigma Chi. Friday, Nov. 6. 9 a.m.*5:15 p.m. Alpha hall; 9 a.m.*5:15 p.m. Sigma hall. Monday, Nov. 9. 9 a.m. 5:15 p.m. Hamster Inn; 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Gamma hall. Tuesday, Nov. 10. 9 a.m.-5:15 p.m. Susan Camphell Hall. Wednesday, Nov. 11. 9 a.m.*5:15 p.m. Hale Kane; 9 a.m.*5:15 p.m. C’herney hall. Thursdaf. Nov. 12. 9 a.m.5:15 p.m. Merrick hall; 9 a.m.*5:15 p.m. French halt. Fridav, Nov. 1.1. 9 a.m.*5:15 p.m. Nestor half; Stitzer hall. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. PONY'S? 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