iWebfoots Have Light Practice C each Len Casanova and 1>oys, fully recovered from last Sat ttrday s tussle vvitli Washington, donned pads and worked ou in a light practice Monday afternoon. Completely escaping in jury, the Webfoots came out of Saturday’s game full of read} •steam and willing to settle down in preparation for this week’1 game with the highly talented San I Jose State. Vern Sterling, Oregon line coach, Bent his boys through strict de fense practice against a model San Jose State line. The Oregon front line, lacking limps and bruises, held solidly against the San Jose type shift. Blocking Practice John McKay, backfield mentor took his crew through rigid block ing and running practice before PACIFIC COAST CONFERENCE Stanford .;... California . Washington .. Southern C'itl ... I’CI.A Washington State . Idaho OREGON Oregon State . W I. T Pet 3 0 0 1.000 ± o o l.ooo 2 0 1 1.000 2 0 1 1.000 2 1 0 .067 2 1 0 .667 0 1 0 .000 0 4 0 .000 0 5 0 .000 putting them through offensive ■ practice. Some emphasis was plac _ cd on the passing of quarterbacks George Shaw and Barney Holland. Receivers were having a field . day, pulling in pass after pass *■ showing some improvement over . last week's encounter against Washington. Strict attention was - given the shifting line, which is the type of line defense San Jose ' employs. Light Contact Quick thinking by both quarter - backs and smooth running by Dick . James and Ted Anderson pulled . the line defense wide apart. Only light contact was used on line play, and position and technique were _ the main lesson on the forward wall. This w e e k's non-conference game with San Jose State is the second game to be played on Hay ward field this year, and with Ore gon still seeking a good scoring „ punch, rigid practice sessions are on slate for the remainder of the week. Patronize EMERALD advertisers Snagger TOM ELLIOTT Junior Reserve End HNAH TODAY Phi Delts Edge' Nestor; SAE Slips By Fijis, 6-0 Phi Delta Theta will meet Sigma Alpha Epsilon this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. on the intramural field for the 1953 intramural touch ; football championship. The teams reached the finals by virtue'of victories, Monday over Nestor hall and Phi Gamma Del ta, respectively. The Phi Delta had no trouble downing the outmanned Nestor team, 53-6 on Field I. The Phi Delta took advantage of inter cepted passes, kickoff fumbles, and a loose Nestor defense to run up the lopsided score. By halftime, the Phi Delta had the game in the bag, and the first team left the contest to watch their next opponents, the SAE's edge past the Fijis. The winners' second and third squads finished the game, but ran into no real serious opposition. The SAE game was closer, how ever, with the Sigma Alpha Epsi lon crew coming ouf ahead by a Fastest Easter's Moved This Year (JPt - Luke Easter of the Cleve land Indians was stopped by a motorcycle policeman while speeding in his car to a World series game recently. The police man started out to write a tick et. Easter’s companion in the car, Nate Waliack, who handles publicity for the Indians, said to the policeman: “Honestly, that’s the fastest he’s moved all season.” The officer grinned after be ing told that Easter was about the slowest man in the majors and let the big first-sacker go without a ticket. CHINA'S PALACE J^ow ^$lout a oCate Snach ^Joniytit? ..We deliver free to all campus livings orgs... And we have your choice of Chinese or American foods Just phone 5-2012 or 5-3049 We're located at 33 E. 6th Ave. jfe., with UNION PACIFIC’S ' - HALF-FARE FAMILY TRAVEL PLAN GOOD ON MONDAYS, TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS IN COACHES AND SLEEPING CARS ON ANY UNION PACIFIC TRAINj FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS J. E. Atherton, General Agent Suite 21, Cascade BVldg., 163 East 12th Avenue Phone 5-8461 UNION PACIFIC RATtlROAD ROAD OF THE DAILY STREAMLINERS close 6 points, 6-0. The game was not as tight as the score would indicate, however, as the SAE’s ran up five first downs to none for the Fijis. Today's finals win be the first time in four years that Hale Kane hasn't been in the last playoff contest. The Hawaiian squad has won the touch foot ball championship for the last three years in a row. Hale Kane was toppled from this year’s playoffs by SAE in the quarter-finals. Oregon Teams May Snap Out UP) - The much-beaten Univer sity of Oregon and Oregon State football teams may be able to snap their losing streaks next weekend. They face a little easier competi tion this time. Oregon State takes on Idaho and the loser .probably will wind up in last place in the Coast Confer ence. Idaho was beaten 30-13 by Washington State last weekend. Oregon goes outside the confer ence to take on San Jose State San Jose lost a 34-14 decision to California last week. Tuesday, Oct. 20 . Touch Football Finals 4:00 pmi III Field: Phi Delta Theta vs Sigma Alpha Epsilon . Volleyball r 3 :S2l„C?u? *2- -'r«rick Hall vs. Susar Campbell I A; Court 43, Stitzer hall A vs Susan Campbell II A. 4:35: Court 40. French hall A vs. Xes Phi Sfgma kappa‘a43’ GamM ha" A vs a :1a: Court 40. Alpha hall A vs 'Hah bE*£!i£"5! 43’ Lt*al Ea*’« A vs r SAE Sets Pace For Fraternities I Sigma Alpha Epsilon has vault ed up to the top of the fraternity league after two nights of play. The SAE’s have a record of 6 wins and 2 losses. Don Hannu, Sigma Phi Epsilcn, has turned in the high average, 188, although he is bowling for the seventh place Sig Eps. League Standings W I, SAE .6 2 | Theta Chi .5 Lambda Chi .5 Sammies . 5 DU .41/, Phi Kaps ....4 Sig Eps .lr/ Pi Kaps .1 3 3 3 3 Vi 4 6 «/2 7 WRA Tourney Starts The WRA bowling tournament is also underway with two leagues of six teams each. One bowls oa Tuesday, the other on Thursday. In the Tuesday league are High land house, Alpha Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Phi I, and Pi Beta Phi. In the Thursday league are Del ta Gamma, Zeta Tau Alpha, Chi Omega, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Xi Delta, and Alpha Phi II. Sports Staff Desk Editor: Sam Vahey. Staff: Mort Harkins, and Val erie Cowls. Our fine water repellency treatment assures you of complete protection from the elements. ^ And our quality drycleaning assures you of smarts appearance. Together, they keep you sprue and dry no matter what the weather brings, f / 643 E. 13th Phene 4-3013 X°ur guarantee of satisfaction