Ducks Set For Huskies Oregon Gridders Look for Revenge In hopes of being able to atop the Washington Huskies’ wide op en style of play the University of Oregon football squad drilled once again on defensive maneuvers dur ing their last big work-out, Thurs \ day afternoon, before their Satur day tussle with Johnny Cherberg’s - high flying eleven. When the Ducks tramp onto 1 Portland's Multnomah stadium turf for their 1:30 p.m. encounter they will be searching for their , first victory in Pacific Coast con ference play. Ho rar the hustling warriors of Coach Len Casanova have had little success against league opponents and are therefore quite anxious to break into the win column this week end. Webfoot* Underdogs The Webfoots will enter the Husky tilt as a one to two touch down underdog. However, it is the consensus of opinion that if the Orcgons can find a much needed ; scoring punch they could very eas ily be too much for Washington to handle. Washington has a one won and one tied record in conference play and definitely is in the running for Rose Bowl honors this year. They will have to defeat Oregon this Saturday to keep their champion ship hopes alive, however. On the other hand the Ilueks, by virtue of their three straight losses, are completely out of the championship picture. Of inspiration to the Webfoot team is the memory of their last two games with Washington. Many of the Ducks very well re member just two years ago when the Huskies, led by Hurrying Hugh McElhenny, literally swamped them, 63-6, on the same field that the two teams will be playing on Saturday. Last year in Seattle with quarterback Don Heinrich leading the way Washington mur dered Len Casanova’s squad, 49-0. Huskies Pour It On In both of these encounters the Seattleites poured it on with ev ery weapon of their system. In the 1951 game McElhenny was still in the Washington backfield dur ing the last quarter when the game was already far our of reach for Oregon. Why the Huskies wanted to run up such a big score against them has been puzzling the Ducks for some time now. There seems to be no humane an swer as far as the Webfoots are concerned. In the Thursday practice it ap peared as though Casanova plans a few changes in his starting line up. With left halfback Dick James still hampered by a bad ankle it looks like Ted Anderson will take his place on the starting eleven. James will probably see some ac PACIFIC COAST CONFERENCE UCLA . Stanford . ( aji . nut .. Washington ... Southern Cal WS< OREGON Oregon State Idaho . . W L 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 0 Pet. 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 .500 .000 .000 .000 tion but will be slowed up consid erably by his injury. Another like ly starter will be Dean Van Leuven at the fullback post. Casanova has used three different men at this position this year and Van Leuven will probably be the starter Sat urday. If the weather is good the Kamo- could develop into quite a Passing duel. Sandy Lederman, Washington quarterback, is one of the leading passers in the nation this year and is making Husky fans very happy with his spectacular tosses. ±r°r Oregon dependable George Shaw will do the flinging. Al though the Duck thrower doesn’t have as impressive a record as Lederman he is well known all along the coast for his accurate arm. Probable starting line-ups the game as as follows: Oregon Reed . Reeve ..... for Sweitzer .. Pheister Patera ... Tucker Rerrie. Shaw Anderson Albright . *an Leuven Washington . Black .... Ward low ... Lindskog .Hohart .. Chambers .... McClary ..Lederman Kyllingstad Albrecht t m €xctPTfo»*Auy fast ¥ half SACK,WHO WAS 3 jf *J53 PCC 440?* dash, I S*05* 73* HUSKIES IP TAOU8L5! AGaimsr OKFCO# *INThI WILL. MfA A $€tfS*TfOWAL 59* rouCHOovui Cartoon by Bob Fudge SAE, Phi Delts V/iir oigma Ajpna Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta will meet next Tues day afternoon for the intramural football championship of 1953 by virtue of their victories Thursday in the semi-finals. * Sigma Alpha Epsilon continued its winning ways by slapping down Hale Kane, 18-6. Rex Davis was the hero for SAE. Davis threw two touchdown passes, one to Bob Brittain and the cither to Bill Hail. He scored the third SAE touchdown himself when he circled end for 20 yards in the final seconds of the fray. Sandy Kam passed to Robert Takano for the lone Hale Kan« score in the second Quarter. ■ Theta scored' midway in the first quarter and held on to gain a narrow 7-6 victory ovos previously undefeated Sigma Chi. Dick Schlosstein’s 15 yard pass, to Bob Wagner provided the win ner’s score. Another Schlosstein to Wagner aerial netted the all-im portant extra point. Sigma Chi tallied when Kcwatet Page tossed to Gordon Slcan test six points. Borcher Picks Football Victors GAME Clregon-Wash,. t’SC-OSC. L'C LA-Stanford.. WSC-Idaho..... N'otre Dame-Pitt Minn.-Illinois.. Mich.-.VWest. Purdue-Wisconsin.. Miss. St.-Kentucky.. LSU-Oeorgia... Borcher 26-7 use 49-0 ITU 21-6 WSC 13-7 X. Dame 35-12 TU. 20-17 Mich. 27-7 ^13-0* Vahey 24-13 Wash. 13-7 use 33-6 UCLA 12-7 WSC 27-0 i9DlT 111. 21-13 Mich. 24-12 Wise. 13-0 K7"‘ LSU 21-12 Miss. St. 7 6 LSU 7-6 Karr 26-11 Oregon 13 7 use 27 0 UCLA 20-13 WSC 20-6 N. Dame 21-7 Minn. 21-14 Mich. 7 0 Wise. 13-7 Miss. St. 27-13 LSU 14-13 White 27-10 Oregon 21 7 use 35-0 UCLA 20-0 WSC 28-0 S. Dame 13-6 111. 14-13 Mich. 27-7 Miss. St. 13-0 LSU 7-6 Steen 26-11 Wash. 14-7 use 38-0 UCLA 21-0 WSC 14 0 N. Dame 34-6 111. 21-13 Mich. 14-13 Wise. 14-13 Miss. St. 21-14 LSU 27-7 Ntlsen 27 10 Wash. 13-7 use 34-0 UU A 20 0 wsc 20 0 N\ Dame 35 13 Mi m»T al-20 Mich. 27-14 Perdno 14 7 Miss. SL 20-7 LSU 14-13 How Does A Nun Live? READ about Sister Mary Gilbert's experiences while she was a student at the University of Oregon! READ about the personal life of a common girl who became a nun! READ The Springs of Silence by Sister Mary Gilbert Have your book personally autographed! MONDAY from 10 a.m. to 12 noon V i I at The trade-book dept, in ; ' •m UNIVERSITY CO-OP yv_"THE STUDENTS OWN STOgE-'_y