Herald The Oregon Daily Emerald U published Mouday through Friday during the college year from Sept. 15 to June 3, except Nov. 16, 26 through 30, Dec. 7 through 9, 11 through Jan. 4. March 8 through 10, 12 through 29, May 3, and 31 through June 2, with issues on Nov. 21. Jan. 23, and May 8, by the Student Publications Board of the University of Oregon. En tered as second class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per school year; $2 per term. • Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not pretend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor; initialed editorials by the associate editors. AL KARR* Editor BILL BRANDSNESS, Business Manager CAMPUS BRIEFS g The Webfoot Consumers co op will hold a general membership meeting to nominate directors at the Student Union Friday at 8 p. m. The more than 70 student fam ilies of the group are urged at tend, according to Pres. Gordon Moore. 0 Chi Delta Phi, women’s lit erary society, will meet tonight at 6:30 in the College Side Inn. 0 Gamma Alpha Chi, women’s honorary advertising oshe tf meet at 4 p.m. today in the Stu dent Union, according to Sally Thurston, president. 0 Theme suggestions for Home coming may be turned in this week in boxes at the Student' Un ion and the Co-op7 according to Geri Porrit and Barbara Wilcox, theme selection co-chariman. They may also be turned in to Miss Wil cox at Sigma Kappa or to Miss Porritt at Delta Gamma. 0 Hillhel, Jewish youth organ ization, will meet at Sigma Alpha Mu tonight at 7:30, according to Howard Sussman, president. 0 Members of the Condon club will hold a social at 7:30 p.m. to day in the men’s lounge of Ger linger hall. 0 Druids, junior men’s honor ary, will meet tonight at 6:30 in the Student Union, according to Pres. Peter Williams. 0 The Oregon Alpine club, newly organized mountain climb ing organization on campus, will meet at 4 p.m. today at 4 p.m. in the Student Union. All those who are interested are asked to attend, according to John Vazbys, spokesman for the group. 0 Inter-fraternity council will meet tonight at 6:30 in the Stu dent Union, Pres. Con Sheffer has announced. The Western Regional Inter-fraternity council meeting, to be held at Oregon State col lege, will be discussed. 0 Carolyn Call has been added to the list of Sweetheart of Sigma Chi candidates. She is sponsored by Carson five. jHutenim9n ...On KWAX 880 kc 6:00 p.m. Sign On 6:03 Piano Moods 6:15 Sports Shots 6:30 News 6:45 Four for a Quarter 7:00 University Hour 8:00 Guest Star 8:15 UN Story 8:30 Gai Paree 8:45 Payne Award Show 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:00 The SU and You 10:30 Kwaxworks 10:50 News Headlines 10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight 11:00 Sign Off I*'-. - -ipsgg-ar— — — 0/ The International Affairs commission of-the YWCA will meet Friday noon in the YW of fices in Gerlinger hall. Any soph omore, junior or senior woman who is interested in international affairs may attend the meeting and foreign students are espec ially urged to come, according to Germaine La Marche, Interna tional Affairs chairman. Pi Kaps Elect National Prexy A new national president of Pi Kappa Alpha will be elected in Portland Saturday by the frater nity's supreme council, meeting for the first time in the Pacific Northwest, according to President John Gilbertson of the Portland alumni. The new president is to succeed the late Harvey T. Newell, Jr., who was killed in an airplane crash. The 12 visiting officials also will mnke 1954 convention plans, at tend the Oregon-Washington game and be honored by northwest ac tive and alumni members at a banquet Saturday night in the Multnomah hotel. Monday th« group plans to visit Oregon, Ore gno State and Linfield chapters and Tuesday will dedicate the Uni versity of Washington chapter’s new house. Editor Speaks To Ad Group Lou Thomann, west coast edi tor of Printers’ Ink, national ad vertising weekly, will speak to members of the Lane county Ad club and University students in terested in advertising tonight at 8 in the Veterans’ Memorial build ing. Thomann, who is on a tour of the Northwest, will show a film strip presentation along with1 his talk following an Ad club dinner at 7 p.m. The film “Which Ad Pulled Best” was run as a series in Printers’ Ink to show the effectiveness of advertisements. Advertising and business ad ministration classes will also hear talk by Thomann today. Independents Elect Officers Today Officer# 4o fill three vacancies svill be elected by the United In Sependent Students at a meeting today at 4 p.m. in the Student Union. Positions open are corre sponding secretary, historian and parliamentarian. Plans will also be made for an independent students dance, ac- j wording to President Hollis Ran •ome. -1 Trouble Washing Your Good SPORT SHIRTS? Let Us Wash Them Right! mgzspGfee*is<& 1','STANT PRESSING■/ 815 E.13th Ph. 5-6321 Campus Calendar Noon Vales Lunch 110 SU RE Wk 319 SU 1:00 Yates Asbly Ballrm SU 3:00 Cerebral Palsy 110 SU 4:00 Gamma Alpha Chi 111 SU Mt. Climb Cl 333 SU UIS v 334 SU Asbly Comm 337 SU Yates Coffee Hr Dadsrm 6:30 Druids Phi Beta IFC Phi Theta Mu Phi Eps 111SU 112 SU 333 SU 112 SU Gerl 2nd FI 7:00 Asbly “Tryouts Ballrm 7:30 Alpha Phi Omega 110 SU Condon Cl Gerl 1st FI Biology Cl 314 SU f Student Interested In French and Spanish may attend the week ly luncheon meetings held in the Student Union. Regardless of the student's ability to speak the lan guage, these meetings are design ed for his Interest and enjoyment. Let “Webby” Webfoot Sell It For You Rates: 4c a word first Insertion, 2c. on succeeding insertions. FOR SALE—’51 M.G. $1295. Ph. 3-2667. 10-19 FOR SALE- '47 Frazer sedan, radio, heater, overdrive, $300. Call 4-3351, days, 5-8050, at nights. 10-17 FOR SALE—Man’s bicycle in ex cellent condition. Only $10. Ph. 3-3682 or see it 1608 Columbia. 10-16 LOST — Jeweled Kappa Sigma fraternity pin. No questions asked. Reward $25.00. Phone Eugene 5-0301 Amos Bowles. Whether placed by phone, by mail, or in person, Emerald Classifieds make YOU a “selling salesman.” Phone Ext. 219. tf FOR SALE — '46 Dodge Sedan. Good condition and dependable. $495. Call 5-5853 10-16 Costumes for rent. Men and wom en's. All sites. 5-2662 10-21 Vacancy in John Straub. Contact Bill Hallock in Sigma Hall. 3-1721 10-14 After Saturday's Game i (and Friday evening, too) Nick Vidan invites you Oregon Students out to his “establishment'" to enjoy his de licious hamburgers and COOL BEVERAGES at VIDAN’S KOFFEE KIP 514 NE Broadway Portland Students— Before driving to Portland this weekend— Fill up and SAVE at PRIDE OF OREGON Broadway and Alder (across from the ice plant) GAS FOR LESS