Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 13, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    i TO's, Phi P si's
ake IM Victories
470,6, Betas, 0
Led by slender Johnny Keller,
Alpha Tau Omega battled to a 6-0
Win over the Betas in a hard
fought defensive battle.
The lone score of the afternoon
Jame on the last scrimmage play
of the first half with Kcllar pass
ing eight yards to Myron Bagley
vho made a diving catch in the
end zone. A hard charging Beta
defense spoiled the conversion at
tempt, and nil other scoring ef
forts of the afternoon went for
naught. Keller’s long end sweeps
off a pass or run option highlight
ed the game.
Alpha Hall Slips By
Alpha hall, in the 3:45 game
on IM field 3 came out victorious
over the Campbell Clubbers in a
rough contest Monday.
The final score was tied 7-7, but
Alpha hall piled up a total of
Eifty yards in four downs against
seven yards in four downs for
I'ampbcll club.
Both scores came in the fourth
(jtiarter, with the Campbell Club
bers striking first blood on a pass
from Ernsley Rogers to Larry
Beckius. The conversion went on
a pass from Rogers to Bob Rob
inson. Later in the last period, Al
ha hall got in their licks as Jim
Bagby flipped an aerial to Gordon
Pefley for their lone TD. The pass
tor the conversion went from
Bagby to Stan Starkel.
Phi Psi's Blank Sig Eps
In the Becond game on Field 3,
fcv Stiles turned out to be the big
gun for Phi Kappa Psi as they
rolled over the Sigma Phi Epsilon
a*ven by a 13-0 score. Stiles passed
for both of the Phi Psis touch
downs, and also for the lone con
version. besides intercepting a pass
Which he ran back for fifty yards.
The first score came when Stiles
passed to Doug White, and then
passed to White again for the
conversion. Stiles' interception set
his team up for the next score
which came on a 40 yard aerial to
Gary Newton. There was no con
version on this touchdown.
Delts Triumph, 14-0
Led by blonde Paul Peterson and
lefty Ron Ricketts, the Delts scor
ed early and were never headed.
On his third play from scrimmage,
Peterson threw 10 yards to Pat
Van Winkle in the end zone for a
touchdown, then he threw to Ron
Morgan for the conversion and a
7-0 lead.
In spite of a fighting Sammie
defense, Delta Tau Delta started
to roll again in the third quarter,
With most of the yardage coming
on passes from Peterson to Rick
etts. But with the goal line in
[.sight, the Kammie line stiffened
and Sam took over.
On the Sammie’s first play,
however, Ricketts intercepted a
flat pass and galloped over to
make the margin 13-0. The con
version was again successful on a
pass from Peterson to Ricketts.
Hale Kane Over Phils
Hale Kane maintained their un
defeated record by downing Phil
adelphia House, 13-0, behind the
passing of Kandy Kam. The first
of two Hale Kane scores came
midway in the second quarter
when Kam faded far back and then
unleashed a long, long pass into
the end zone.
Bob Takano, the intended receiv
er, stabbed at the ball, deflecting
it off to the right where Wilfred
Watanabe grabbed it for the score.
The cool Kam then tossed to Or
lando Mathias for the extra point.
The final score came on another
long pass late in the third period
when Kam threw 33 yards to Bob
Takano in the end zone.
Three Forfeits
Field 2 saw no action yesterday
as there were two forfeits. Sigma
hall was forced to forfeit to Bar
rister Inn, and Chi Psi won over
Pi Kappa Phi in the same way.
Susan Campbell I took the bat
tle of the Suzies for this season
when it won over Susan Campbell
II by forfeit.
GMC Sponsors
Essay Contest
Announcement has been made
by the Highway Research Board
; recently of their Better Highways
! college contest, open to under
| graduate and graduate students
I of this and other universities
i throughout the country.
I Made possible by the General
i Motors Corporation, this contest
has for its general subject some
phase of financial, economic, and
administrative improvements for
our systems of highways.
Of interest mostly to students
majoring in business, political sci
ence, law, or journalism, the con
test application blanks are avail
able in the Office of Student Af
fairs in Emerald Hall.
Manager Needed
Any freshman Interested in
managing frosh basketball this
winter is asked to contact Tom
Stamper, phone 5-9267.
Desk Editor, Jim White.
Staff, Bob Robinson, Bruce
Tennant, Jerry Pool.
Learn To Fly In 8 Hours
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NOW *- Sign up for Our New Installment Plan
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McKenzie flying service
Springfield Airport 1300 28th Street
Varsity, Frosh Work
For Saturday Games
in preparation ror tneir games
this week-end, both the Oregon
varsity and the Oregon Frosh
football squads ran through ex
tensive practice sessions Monday
Len Casanova’s hard luck team
has high hopes that they will be
able to break a two year jinx this
Saturday when they take on the
Washington Huskies at Portland's
Multnomah stadium. In 1951 the
Ducks were thoroughly drubbed
by the Seattleites, 63-6, and.last
year it was almost as bad as the
Huskies trimmed the Oregons
49-0. In both contests Washington
showed no mercy for the Webfoots
at all and did their best to score
as many points as possible.
Two such beatings as this
have left a rather sour taste In
the mouths of the Ducks. There
is nothing that the local eleven
would like better than to hand
Johnny Cher berg’s purple-clad
warriors a return beating.
Casanova, recognizing the fact
that the Webfoots have lacked a
scoring punch in their last three
games, had them working on of
fensive plays most of the after
; noon in hopes that he could find
i the key to the scoring gate.
Fullback Cece Hodges and End
Chuck Creenley practiced with
out pads because of injuries they
suffered in the Washington State
game last week-end. Guard Jerry
Nelson is still on the injured list
and was not suited down.
Also practicing vigorously
Monday afternoon was Bill
Hammer’s Oregon Frosh squad.
The Frosh play their initial
game this Saturday against
Humboldt State at Areata, Cali
fornia. Since his team has only
been practicing for ten days,
Hammer figures that they will
look pretty ragged in the first
encounter. However, the 46 man
squad has lots of spirit and de
termination and could surprise
many people in their opener.
Highlight of the Frosh practice
was a short defensive scrimmagn
against the varsity second team.
Although Varsity Halfback EicTfc
Pavlat made many nice runs, cn
the whole the Frosh did pretty
well in foiling many cf the seniors'
offensive maneuvers.
Tuesday, Oct. 13
3:30 IM^Fktid Susan Campbell I vs. Frcr-cH
Field 1 Merrick Hall vs. Nestor Hall
Field 2 Stitzer ilali vs. Susan Camp
bell II
Field 3 Campbell C.'ub vs. Signtf*
30 E. 11th
Special Student Rates
Fcr the term cr year
Brooks Office Machines
PJi. 4-8035
The world’s most famous towers are, left to
right, the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of London
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treme right) may rapidly become as familiar
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the Bell System’s radio-relay stations which
speed telephone calls and television programs
coast to coast.
In May, 1948, these towers connected only
five Eastern cities. Five years later the TV
network included 95 towns and more are being
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Being the first network of its kind in the
world, the planning, research, engineering
and construction requirements are providing
real opportunities for the kind of people who
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If working on new developments appeals to
you, check with your Placement Officer for
the details on employment with the Bell Sys
tem. There are positions open for electrical,
mechanical and civil engineers, as well as
business administration and arts and science