Enters Second Week of Activity "The YWCA is your campus treasure chest” is the slogan for the 1953-54 YW membership drive which is now going into its second week. Anyone interested in the pro gram of the organization has been asked to contact Tina Fisk, membership chairman; Eileen Lindblad, YW executive director, or any of the house representa tives. j , The organization is divided into three commissions, freshman, sophomore and upperclass, with Psych Honorary Plans Reception Members of Psi Chi, national psychology honorary, will com bine a business meeting with a reception for newly elected offi cers, Tuesday afternoon. The meeting will be held in the Stu dent Union. The newly elected officers are: Warren Bachelis, senior in psy chology, president; Frank Goode, graduate in psychology, vice-pres ident; Thomas Sloan, graduate in psychology, secretary; and Har old Hopper, graduate in psychol ogy, treasurer. Plans for inducting new mem bers will also be discussed. Night Staff Night Editor—Dave Parkhurst. Staff—Joan Applebaum. Let “Webby” Webfoot Sell It For You Bates: 4c a word first insertion, 2c on succeeding insertions. For sale—Bechstein Grand piano in perfect condition. Edward Morton, Law School. 10-14 Practically new Reflex camera— same features as Roili-cord— Speed 1/500 F 3.5, coated lens. Y. Kuroda, Gamma Hall, 3-1321 or 5-9415. 10-14 YALE, HARVARD, PRINCETON, WEST POINT, and NAVY—5 large regulation pennants of the country’s most traditional uni versities, 5 for $2.00. Postage prepaid. College Banners P. O. Box 381 Branford, Conn. 10-12 Golden Retriever pups for sale. Handsome companions for field and home. Registered. 1674 Columbia. 10-12 Whether placed by phone, by mail, or in person, Emerald Classifieds make YOU a “selling salesman.” Phone Ext. 219.' tf a j Graff Shirts with the little PETER PAN COLLAR White only Downsstairs at HADUY'S Tenth & Willamette various committees in each divi sion. • The freshman commission in cludes committees for interna tional affairs, public affairs, re ligious and worship, and service. The sophomore commission spon sors the Ki'ddie Carnival for all children in the community, and two special service projects. The upper-class commission is divided into service, worship, religious growth, international affairs, pub lic affairs, and student-faculty at home committees. The house representatives for the membership drive are C. G. Goodwin, Alpha Chi Omega; Der lene Crawley, Alpha Delta Pi; Dolores Tye; Alpha Phi; Carolyn Keith, Alpha Xi Delta; Pat Peter son, Ann Judson House; Nancy Hooper, Chi Omega. Charmayne Charley, Delta Delta Delta; Sue Smyth, Delta Gamma; Nancy- Gilbert, Delta Zeta; Sally Cummins, Gamma Phi Beta; Jo Kopp, Kappa Alpha Theta; Jill Hutchings, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Germaine La Marche, Orides; Pat Case, Pi Beta Phi; Jan Williams, Sigma Kappa; Namiko Ikedo, University House, and Ellen Wheeler, Zeta Tau Alpha. • Petitions are now being re quested for chairman of the Browsing Room committee of the Student Union. Deadline for peti tions will be announced at a later date. CAMPUS BRIEFS 0 Three gfrjfe were pledged re cently during women’s open rush ing: Carol Bestul, Alpha Chi Omega; Mary Hubbard, Delta Gamma, and Dorothy Barker, Chi Omega. 9 Heads of Houses will meet in the Student Union today at 4 p.m. 0 A call for petitions for the entertainment committee for the Sophomore Whiskerino has been issued by Lucia Knepper and Jo Zehnder, co-chairmen. The peti tions may be turned in at the ASUO box in the Student Union or to Miss Knepper at Alpha Chi Omega. • Members of Scabbard and Blade, military honorary, will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday in the Student Union, according to Joe Kennedy, president. 0 Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women's honorary, will not accept any jobs unless given at least three days notice, according to Janet Wick, president. The group is available for campus service, pro vided sufficient notice is given, re ports Miss Wick. Campus Calendar Noon Spanish Tble 111 SU 4:00 Hds of Hses 110 SU YWCA Serv Comm Gerl 1st FI 6:00 Soc Scl Din 111 SU 7:00 YM Off Campus S19 SU Phi Mu Gerl 2nd FI 7:30 NAACP 334 8U 8:00 Soc Sci Cl Dadsrm SU House Dance Dates Revealed Following is the complete list of house dances dates released Saturday by the Office of Student Affairs: Nov. 7 Campbell Club Kappa Sigma Sigma Alpha Epsilon Phi Delta Theta Sigma Chi Phi Kappa Psi Tau Kappa Epsilon Hale Kane Sigma Xu Phi Gamma Delta Alpha Tau Omega Sigma Phi Epsilon Nov. 14 Carson Hall Delta Gamma December 5 Pi Beta Phi Alpha Chi Alpha Delta Pi Orides Alpha Gamma Delta January 16 All Co-op Dance Yeomen Beta Theta Pi Delta Upsilon Lambda Chi Alpha Delta Tau Delta Pi Kappa Phi February 6 Chi Omega Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Phi Sigma Kappa Delta Delta Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Delta Zeta Kappa Alpha Theta Alpha Omicron Pi Gamma Phi Beta Rebec House Zeta Tau Alpha February 27 Chi Psi Phi Kappa Sigma April 3 Sigma Alpha Epsilon April 10 University House Alpha Phi Pi Beta Phi Highland House Sigma Kappa Delta Delta Delta Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Delta Pi Delta Gamma Rebec House Orides May 1 Sigma Chi Phi Kappa Sigma Sigma Xu Sigma Phi Epsilon Lambda Chi Alpha Delta Tau Delta May 8 Gamma Phi Beta Highland Hou^e Carson Hall Kappa Alpha Theta Chi Omega Alpha Gamma Delta May 22 Campbell Club Yeomen Kappa Sigma Beta Theta Pi Phi Delta Theta Chi Psi Tau Kappa Epsilon Hale Kane Delta Upsilon Sigma Alpha Mu Phi Gamma Delta Alpha Tau Omega Pi Kappa Phi \ A Buck's on Indian Maiden's dream; To a doe, just another "guy"; But a buck invested in City Clubs Is any buck’s best buy I / CHy Chib »ho»» are a "natural" for the college man. They give you smart, distinctive styling, real comfort, and they’ll stand up under rugged use. They’re "right” for the active man with discriminating taste. Priced right, too. *8’» to *15’* SHOES OF ^ DISTINCTION FOR MEN AS ADVERTISED IN True • Itquire Ar|«iy • Sport American Legion Lecture to Feature 'Musical Pioneers' A recorded concert and lecture by George Hopkins, professor of piano, on "Our Musical Pioneers” will be given in the Peter Benson Howard listening room Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Record selections will include a piano sonata by Charles Grlf fes, a symphony by Roy Harris, a piano sonata by John Cage, and a string quartet number by Char les Ives. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. Ii ... Our Hallmark Christmas Card Albums arehew! Right now is the time to select your cards for imprinting with your name See our new Hallmark Albums for best selections. CHOOSE CARDS FOR YOUR FRATERNITY OR PERSONAL USE VALIEV STATIONERY CO. 76 West Broadway Five Scholarships Offered by Lodge The Order of the Eastern Star has announced the establishment of five $100 scholarships for wom en students who are members or daughters of members of the Or der of the Eastern Star in Oregon. The Scholarships will be pre sented to junior women in need of financial assistance during their senior year. everything that j Christmas means is in thjs gift / Warmest of greetings to those you love, most lasting of gifts in the pleasure it brings ... surely, this is the year to have your portrait made for Christmas giving! There’s time, if you phone for your apj>oiiitmeiit, now. THE FEHLEY STUDIO ON THE CAMPUS Ph. 4-3432 October is Hospitality Month throughout the nation »••••••• Our food is always so good and there is so much of it you feel like a stuffed pig when you leave. Don't let that keep you from sipping our nickle coffee 854 E. 13th On the Campus