Group Slates Climb Members of the Universitj mountain climbing club wlil cllmt Three Fingered Jack this Fridaj and Saturday, according to C. T Bresslc.', assistant profe: sor of ge ology and adviser of tlic group. The climbers will leave from Con don hall at 6 p.m. Friday. All students interested in mak ing the climb should sign up at the Co-op. A sleeping bag, or bed roll, and boots will be required, reports Bressler. Geology Class Plans Trip to Fossil Beds A field trip to the fossil beds near Glide, Oregon, is planned Sat urday for advanced students in ,'e'ology. Kwart M. Baldwin, associate professor of geology will lead the excursion. The trip will .start at 7 a m. John C. Gregor of the de partment of geography will ac company Baldwin on the trip. I - Japanese Politics Meeting's Subject An address by Paul S. Dull, as sociate professor of history and political science, on "Some Dynam ics of Japanese Politics” will start the first meeting of the year of the Social Science club, according to Alburey Castell, head of the phil osophy department. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Student Union. Campus Chest in Last Day Today is the last day for con tributions to the campus Com munity Chest drive, according tc Janet Wick, general •rhairman The envelopes containing each liv ing organization’s contribution* are to be turned in by the house representatives to the president’s office in Johnson hall by 5 p.m. A goal of $500 has beer, set for this year’s drive. Only $350 was collected in last year's campaign. No figures are yet available & current collections. Announcement of the winners in the competition between houses will be made next week, reports Janet Gustafson, women’s chair man. Last year’s winners were Al pha Phi and Alpha Tau Omega. * He built a $100,000 business >, with a $1 bill /\aL - . 1* Georg* Sevelle, at 26, had been a waiter, window-dresser, candy-maker and race driver’s mechanic. In spare moments, he dabbled in home chemistry. Through this hobby he developed a paint cleaner and preserver. In 1939, be brought his product to Union Oil. 2« Sevelle demonstrated how it could be used to “launder” our service stations with better re sults and for less money than we had been spend ing. Naturally we were interested in improving station appearance at less cost. So Sevelle took on the job of cleaning several Union Oil stations on a regular schedule. He was in business for himself. 3* The sole drawback was that Sevelle bad no truck to haul his equipment from station to sta tion. His capital consisted of a single dollar. So Union Oil agreed to lease him one truck. He did such a good job that his contract was soon ex panded to cover 150 stations. 4* Today Sevelle is almost an institution. He contracts for the cleaning of 4,000 Union Oil sta tions in 7 western states. He employs 35 men, operates 12 big trucks and 6 house trailers where his crews live in comfort. On top of running a $100,000 a year business, he’s a Southern Califor nia community leader, an active member of five local organizations. 5* This story is important, we think, for several reasons. First, it’s a real rebuttal to the defeatists who say there’s no opportunity left in the U.S. A. for a go-getter who’d like to be his own boss. We say (and Sevelle seconds us) that there’s ample room for the ambitious to spread their wings. 6* Sevelle's success also points up something many people don’t realize - the relationship be tween big and small business in every field of in dustry is healthy and helpful. Each is dependent on the other. So as Union Oil grows, it helps other enterprises grow too. After all, any company keeps on growing only as long as it pleases people. UNION OIL COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA INCORPORATED IN CALIFORNIA, OCTOMR 17, I MO This series, sponsored by the people of Union Oil Company, is dedicated to a disctission of how and why American business functions. We hope you’ll feel free to send in any suggestions or crit icisms you have'to offer. Write: The President, Union Oil Company, Union Oil Building, Los Angeles 17, California. (MANUFACTURERS OP ROYAL TRITON, THE AMAZING PURPLE MOTOR OIL