Pledge List Released By Oregon Officials (Continued from page one ) Eugene Roberts, all of Eugene; William Bell, Fossil; Jerry Daven port, Norway; Clarence Dunton, Milwaukie; James Gerow, Oregon City; Ormand Hankins, Cottage Grove; John Hendrickson, Merrill; Verle Jensen, Junction City; Rus tin Kimsey, Hermiston; Larry King, Malin; George LaGrander, Drain; Jack Lane, Cove; Jack Lanford, Medford; Martin Magi, Tigard; Ray Miller, Broadbent; Donald Naibaur, Lakeview; John Ramos, Echo; Larry Rose, Reeds port; Carl Winans, Hood River; Gene Carpenter, San Diego, Calif.; Robert Crall, Orinda, Calif.; James Gillespie, Redwood City, Calif.; William Huffman, Los Angeles, Calif.; Carl Irwin, Seattle, Wash.; Henri Soumena, Millrace, Calif.; George Mutschler, Wilmington, Calif., and Paul Johnson, Anchor age, Alaska. Sigma Phi Epsilon—Gary Don nell, Joseph Flatt, Patrick Henry II, Donald Kupp, Gary Stanton and Harold Williams, all of Port land; Richard Redfem, Eugene; Bert Bamforth, Rogue River; Jean Bowles and Darrell Brittsan, both of Pendleton; Harry Cameron, Reedsport; Gary Cannon, Milwau kie; Roy Chase, Salem; Dennis Davis, Art Ekerson, Robert Hays, and George Maddox, all of Med ford; Wilbur Haase, Cornelius; Donald Hannu, Seaside; Boyd Harris, Condon; Donald Lovett, j Oswego; Vendis Miller, Prine ville; Charles Turryfill, Lowell; Lewis Tycer, Eagle Point; James Warren, Grants Pass; Charles Wingard, Hillsboro; Thomas But ler, Hercules, Calif.; Richard Childs and Clarence W. Curnow, both of Sacramento, Calif.; Phil ip Crundall and Robert Sullivan, j both of Los Angeles, Calif., and Homer Winslow, Petersburg, Alas ka. Tau Kappa Epsilon — David Carlson and Yoji Matsushima, both of Portland; Richard Harri son and Warren Wilson, both of Cottage Grove; Wilburn Pearson, Hopkins to Speak Carl E. Hopkins of the Univer sity of Oregon Medical school will open the 1953-54 lecture series of the University of Oregon chap ter of Sigma Xi, national science honorary, tonight in the science building. (ant(m tty SELL 5TTHRU THE WANTADS Bates: 4c a word first insertion, 2c on succeeding insertions. Audrey: Meet me for coffee to night at the SU near the juke box at 9:30. I paid for the ad, you buy the coffee. Ed. 10-6 4 kittens to give away; 3 toms. Call 3-3597. tf YALE, HARVARD, PRINCETON, WEST POINT, and NAVY—5 large regulation pennants of the country’s most traditional uni versities, 5 for $2.00. Postage prepaid. College Banners P. O. Box 381 Branford, Conn. 10-12 FOR RENT — Two car garage close to campuss, 1369 Beech. $5 per car. Phone 5-0384. 10-8 Golden Retriever pups for sale. Handsome companions for field and home. Registered. 1674 Columbia. 10-12 FOUND—Set of keys at Bill Bak er’s Men’s Wear. 10-8 . Whether placed by phone, by mail, or in person, Emerald Classifieds make YOU a “selling salesman.” Phone Ext. 219. tf FOR RENT: Small attractive apartment for one person. Pri vate bath and entrance. Ph. 5-5340 evenings. Klamath Falls; Ingemar Strom berg, Troutdale; Robert Christian, Medford, and Andres Toribio, Maui, T. H. Theta Chi—Douglas May, Port land; Emerson Hamilton, Jr., Carl Groth, Jr., and Stanley Hudson, all of Eugene; Stanley Drapela, Sal em; Thomas Burke, Roseburg; Howard Eaton, Beaverton; Rich ard Speelman, Samuel Taylor and Kenneth Thayer, all of Ontario; Rext Titus, Baker; Gary West, Halfway; Peter Zinsli, West Linn; James Davis, Payette, Ida., and Robert Maupin, Eureka, Calif. IT Press Group Meets Tonight Jurgen Dobberke and Lothar Loewe, German students in jour nalism, will be the featured speak ers at the organizational meeting of the University Press club to night at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union. Both Dobberke and Loewe were with Berlin newspapers and helped cover the East German revolt against Soviet domination last June. In addition to his speech, Dobberke will show some photo graphs that he took during the riot. The Press club is open to all university students who are inter ested in journalism, regardless of year or major. 1953-54 Concert Dates Set Concert dates have been set for the 1953-54 Eugenc-University Civic Music association season, ac cording to an announcement by Dr. G. B. Hull, president of the organization. First presentation will be Paul Gregory's "John Brown's Body" on Oct. 19. Other artists sched uled include Leonard Warren, Met ropolitan baritone, on Oct. 29; Yehudi Menuhin, violinist, Jan. 8; the Vienna String symphony with soprano soloist Rosl Schwalgcr, Feb. 8; Guimar Novaes, Brazilian pianist, Jan. 31; Portland sym phony, Mar. 2; Addison and Win ters, colored duo, Apr. 7, and Na dine Connor, metropolitan so prano, on a date in May to be announced later. cllno Connor, Metropolitan Ho ur court, and University students aro admitted on student body cards. Campus Calendar Noon Cnlv Theater Bd 110KIJ FSFF llisu Art Gal Comm 112.SU p«l Chi 113 HU 1:00 Scabbard St Blade 334 KU 3:00 Hkull St Dag 111KU 4:00 Eron Hem 334 N(J 6:30 Phi Theta Ups 7:00 Young Demos 110SU Christian Sol Gerl 1st FI 7:30 Journ Press Cl DadsrmHU make your wardrobe grow... Coin—Mated SepnaM r w sweaters + skirts + accessories I y v n t MIX their colors... MATCH their colors... MULTIPLY your campus wardrobe with these 100% wool separates! You’ll simply live in these wonderfully textured, smart-fit ting co-ordinates in their perfectly dyed-to-match spicy fall tones... Here is luxury at a price—COLLEGE CASUALS gives you a revolving wardrobe to suit college budgetsl f C Checked knit veil to motel) cardi gan in tome color combination!. With glowing gold bottom. Sizes 10-11----$7.95 A. Smartly styled turtle-neck sweater with hot wing % sleeves. 100% alt wool zephyr in nutmeg brawn, pap rika, soge green. Sizes 10-18—4S.95 B. Ever papular checked cardigan jacket with fashion-right dolman sleeves, ribbed knit trim, one but ton at neck. 3-D checks In green, ! paprika end white; brown, gold end white; paprika and white. Sizes 10 18-------S8.9J D. Perl little matching hot complete! any outfit YOU choose. In nutmeg brown, poprika, sage green, or checks in nutmeg ond beige or green and paprika. Adjustable to ony head site_$5.95 , E. Ever-necessory slim skirt in a % j 100% wool overweove with slot ' seam front and trouser side pocket. / In green, poprika, brown. Sizes 10 H --. . .$10.95 •' -T-—*-MAIL ORDER—»••.«**.**, COLLEGE CASUALS *--- - POST OFFICE BOX 242 127 WEST STATE STREET ITHACA. NEW YORK Gentlemen: Please send me the following: STYLE Colors Ovonlily Sizes Nome. Cityl_ -Address. -State. PA.O, D Check □ w X t. Cleverly styled ihlrt neck sweeter With button-down collar and bat wing % sleeves. In green, paprika, 'brown, gold, black, white. Sizes 10 . »« --$7.95 i l C. For drama — with o casual Aoir, i the checked stole with luxurious i Iringed ends — ond two pockets, j tn green, paprika, brown. Checks in brown and beige or green and pop rika-$7.95