CAMPUS BRIEFS 0 Charles Schleicher, professor of political science will lead a dis cussion on “American Education System,” at a coffee hour for for eign students to be held Thursday, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Student Union. 0 Tuesday at 5 p.m. is the deadline for petitions for Kiddie Carnival committee members, ac cording to General Chairmen Jo anne Gerber and Ann Erickson. Freshman and sophomore women are eligible. The petitions should be turned in to the YWCA office. 0 Members of Mortar Board, senior women’s honorary, are to meet at 6:30 Tuesday evening in Carson hall, according to Sandra Price, president. 0 Coed Co-bp Council will meet tonight at 7:30 in the communiters’ lunch room in the S.U., according to Elsie Schiller, president. 0 Amphibians, women’s swim ming honorary, will hold tryouts at 7:30 tonight and 7 p.m. Thurs day, according to Sally Stadel man, president. All members are to be at GerUnger by 7 p.m. 0 All campus living organiza tion representatives for the com munity chest and members of Kwama and Skull and Dagger are t omeet at 4:30 p.m. today in the Student Union, according to Janet Wick, campaign chairman. Solici tation material will be distributed. 0 All students interested in forming a University Press club have been invited to attend a meet ing Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union. Two German ex change students in journalism will speak on their coverage of the June riots in East Berlin. I JLute*U*Uf 9*i ..:0«KWAX 6:00 p.m. Sign on. 6:03 Piano Moods 6:15 Guest Star 6:80 World News 6:45 Payne Award Show 7:00 Showtime 7:30 Chicago Roundtable 8:00 Campus Recital 8:30 Serenade to the Student 9:00 Kwaxworks 10:50 News Headlines 10:55 Tune to Say Goodnight 11:00 Sign Off Gut?dot SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS Rates: 4c a word first insertion, 2c on succeeding insertions. TO SETTLE ESTATE House and 90x114.7 foot lot at 1608 Alder to highest cash bid der. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. Lot suitable for apartment or small chapter house. Submit sealed bids to Ray and Pennington, Medical Center. Bids to be opened 15 November, possession immediately thereaft er. Direct inquiries to R. E. Kerr 4-1896. 10-5 Whether placed by phone, by mail, or in person, Emerald Classifieds make YOU a “selling salesman.” Phone Ext. 219. tf FOR RENT: Small attractive apartment for one person. Pri vate bath and entrance. Ph. 5-5340 evenings. Anyone knowing of a garage for rent near vet’s dorm, No. 2, contact “Bob” in Room 105. 10-5 1939 Nash — radio, heater, new battery, licence. $60.00. George Boyd 4-0422 or 5-9096. 10-4. FOR SALE—Tuxedo, good con dition. 1638 Columbia, phone 5-9301. 10-7 Joint Dinner Set By Two Groups Orides and Yeomen, off campus independent organizations, will hold a joint dinner Monday at 5:30 p.m. at the Gerlinger sun porch. All independent students living at home are invited. Guests are not requested to bring anything, as present mem bers will furnish the food. Yeomen and Orides mothers are helping sponsor this event. Snap Schedule Living organizations scheduled to have their pictures for the Ore gana taken at Kennell-Ellis to day include Delta Zeta and Gam ma Phi Beta, both from 1 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Delta Delta Delta and Delta Gamma were to have their pictures taken from 9 to 12 this morning. Carson 2 and Carson 3 will have their pictures taken from 9 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. tomorrow, according to Janet Bell, Oregana living or ganizations editor. When you pause... make i! count... have a Coke t fev. I BOTTLED UNDE* AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY IY COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF EUGENE, Eugene, Oregon *Coko" it Q registered trade-mark. Q 1953. The Coco-Cola Company **" .. — ■ . YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND A FREE LECTURE ENTITLED “Christian Science: It’s Awakening and Healing Mission” By Ella H. Hay, C. S., of Indianapolis, Indiana Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Tuesday, October 6, 8:00 p.m. Church Edifice, 1390 Pearl Street Radiocast over Station KASH, 1600 kc. First Church of Christ, Scientist Eugene, Oregon Calling All Gourmets see us for the best in SEAFOODS - STEAKS - CHICKEN Lots of free parking Reservations taken for dinners or parties Dial 5-9064 BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNERS We believe you'll find the largest variety of restaurant and seafood dishes in Eugene New Lynwood Cafe Vi Miles North of Overhead on 99N Campus Calendar Noon Spanish Table HI NU 4:30 Community Chest 334 SU 5:80 Yeomen-Orldes Pollack tJerl 2nd FI 7:00 Orides Open Meet Gerl 3rd FI Today's Staff Makeup Editors—Len Calvert, Jackie Wardell. Night Editor— Dave Parkhurst. Staff — Joan Applebaum, Sue Spear. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. Petitions Asked For Whiskerino A call for petitions for chair men and members of committees for the Sophomore Whiskerino has been issued by Jim Duncan and Sam Vnhcy, general co-chairmen. Co-charimen will be selected for each committee, Duncan said Sun day. Students may petition for the Betty Co-cd and Joe College, tick et sales, publicity, promotion, dec orations, chaperones, entertain ment, and beard growing contest committees. Petitions should be turned in at the ASUO box on the third floor of the Student Union by noon Wednesday, according to Vahey. Student Lunches (professors', too) For the finest in food, try the Special Student Lunch at the College Side Inn KANOEL64 SLIPOVER* B C For the young at heart, luxurious. Soli pa:te't and con lervatlve colors. Sizes 36 to 42. $6.93 beo*« frem o com tele Hu*. 5 • f f, orm, tenafortablc andtl &w«at«*rj '•» manufactured ■ the West KANDEL 64 CARDIGAN* Orion and lambswool, lh* perftd combination, wathablo, of court*. All popular colors, tizot 36 to 42. 59.95 KANDEL 64 COED* For sport and casual wear..., and comfortable. All popular colors. Sixes 36 lo 42. Turtleneck, long sleeve $8.95; three-quar ter sleeve, $7.95, THERE’S A KANDEL SWEATER FOR ALL OCCASIONS fui v A* . mmm. t0‘" Q b-'• n 1"^ (ji piv» •vviof!, V ic.rc or<* Lr'lbs'-o^i '* C^h CP'! KoiC! I'{ f beau-bait .. • the exciting **in or outer”' blouse shirt \ Sweat simplicity Itself . . . thee* >. soucy mon-lailored blouses de signed expressly for feminine figure flollery. Weor then "in or eul" os you pleose ... they hove Ihot he-man oppeol that rales you ''beau-bail” ot first glance. m shore efoUieb Choice of sevc-o! fcshicn right style* in prcvocotive stripes, in exclusive sonforized woven shirt ing. Vonied sides . . . oceon pearl buncos . . . double yokes . . . full neckbands. In softest blues, greys, tons. They're odor* oblol 4.98 Others at 2.98 to 6.95 Your Are Invited To Use Our Convenient CHARGE OR LAYAWAY PLAN! WILLIAMS ' 1015 WILLAMETTE ST.