Foreign Students At UO Total 110 Students from 36 nations are attending the University of Ore gon this term according to For eign Student Adviser Kenneth S. Ghent. The total number of for eign students enrolled is 110. Canada leads the list with 21 students; there are 10 each from Germany and Japan, nine from China, six each from Latvia and India, five from Guam and four from the Philippines. Other nations represented are Argentina, Belgium, Egypt, Den mark, Estonia, Italy, Iraq, Korea, Okinawa, Peru, Lithuania, Paki stan, Samoa, Liberia, Mexico, Aus tria, France, Finland, Thailand, Sweden, Hong Kong and Singa pore. Among the group are 23 wom en students: five from Japan; four from Latvia; two each from China, the Philippines and Canada; and one each from Argentina, Aus tria, Denmark, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Peru, Sweden and Thailand. SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS Rates: 4c a word first insertion, 2c on succeeding insertions. TO SETTLE ESTATE House and 90x114.7 foot lot at 1608 Alder to highest cash bid der. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. Lot suitable for apartment or small chapter house. Submit sealed bids to Ray and Pennington, Medical Center. Bids to be opened 15 November, possession immediately thereaft er. Direct inquiries to R. E. Kerr 4-1896. 10-5 Whether placed by phone, by mail, or in person, Emerald Classifieds make YOU a “selling salesman.” Phone Ext. 219. tf FOR RENT: Small attractive apartment for one person. Pri vate bath and entrance. Ph. 5-5340 evenings. Anyone knowing of a garage for rent near vet’s dorm, No. 2, contact “Bob” in Room 105. 10-5 1939 Nash — radio, heater, new battery, licence. $60.00. George Boyd 4-0422 or 5-9096. 10-4. FOR SALE—Tuxedo, good con dition. 1638 Columbia, phone 5-9301. 10-7 WANTED—Two men, part time selling, commission. Personally contact student employment of fice. 10-2 Single and double housekeeping rooms. 455 East 13th, phone 4-3548. 10-2 Sigs, DU's Win Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Delta Upsilon, and Theta Chi post ed wins in intramural football ac tion Thursday afternoon. The Sigs rolled over the Legal Eagles on the strength of four touchdown passes from Howard Page to Bob Newburn. Phi Kappa Sigma edged the Pi Kappa Alpha team 6-0 in a hard fought contest. The Phi Kaps only touchdown came when Gene Beck crossed the goal. Delta Upsilon edged out Sigma Nu by a margin of two first downs to none, after the teams had bat tled to a 0-0 stalemate, and in the final game of the afternoon Theta Chi won over the Tekes by forfeit. r" ' Vets Eligible For Civil Service Rating Veterans who served in the armed forces after June 30, 1950 and whose names were on civil service registers after that date, may now be restored to the elig ible registers for priority, accord ing to a recent announcement by the U. S. Civil Service commis sion. Application for reinstatement must be made before Oct. 14, or 90 days after the veteran’s dis charge, whichever date comes lat er. Further information may be obtained from the civil service representative at the Eugene post office. Hear Dr.Merv Rosell MONDAY AT 7:30 P.M. World-Wide Communion Sunday 11:00 a.m. "A MEMORABLE DAY" - KASH Broadcast 7:30 p.m. ^'COMPROMISE" University class, 9:45 a.m. Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bdwy. at High Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Welcome - - - to the “Land of Ducks” We hope your academic stay at the U. of O is one you'll re member for a long time to come. During the coming school year you'll probably have a lot of new friends . . . new school chums . . . new "dates" and new social gatherings to attend. You'll want to be one of the 'regular crowd' too, I'm sure . . . and get in on the "whirl of dances and parties" that will be held during the coming school year. Tell me . . . how is your dancing these days? Do you need to learn the basic steps of good dancing? Or do you need a little "brushing up" on your present dancing? In either case, how about a suggestion from us. Why not stop in now at Jacklyn's Dance Studios and let our expert, talented dance in structors teach you the newer dances ... or "brush up" your old ones . . . quickly and smoothly. There's no reason why you shouldn't dance as well as the best on your crowd. DANCE STUDIO 24 W. 7th Ave. Dial 4-5621 LOOK SHARP Cti*o«4 from a com plot# lino. Soft, worm, conifbrtoblo. 64 CARDIGAN* Orlon_ ond lambiwool, the perfect combination, washable, of course. All popular colors, sixes 3d to 42. $9.93 KANDEL 64 U SLIPOVER* £ For the young ot heart. luxurious. 1 Soft paste's / and con- I tentative colon. f Sizes 3d to -12. $6.93 KAN DEL 64 COED* for iport and N«ol and comfor'cbl*. All popular colon. Sliai 36 lo 42. Turllanack, long ilaava $8.95; lhr*«-quor lar $7.95. THERE'S A KANDEL SWEATER FOR ALL ^OCCASIONS AS FEATURED IN SUNSET MAGAZINE •AlfiiJffiwr-?*#,. in*" o o' C'l.vt, pi«l| | tcnbiwoc) 7h*r wcth to«*t-K,lly hoi<* fh*.r HCANDEl KNITTING MILLS 4834 N. !.>t«rtlot« Pel ONl I 1, • • • I beau-bait the exciting **in or outer**' > blouse shirt Swaat simplicity Itialf . . . that* saucy man-loilorad bloutas da slgnsd axprauly (or faminlna (Igura flatlary. Waar than "in or out" at you ploaia ... Ihay hovo that ha-man oppaal that rotas you "baou-boit" at first glanca. woe sHore Choice o! several foshion right styles in provocotive stripes, In exclusive sanforized woven shirt ing. Vented tides . . . ocean poorl buttons . . . double yoitel . . . full neckbonds. In softest blues, greys, tons. They're odor*, oblel 4.98 Others at 2.98 to 6.95 Your Are Invited To Us our Convnint ^ To Use Our Convenient' CHARGE OR LAYAWAY PLAN! WILLIAMS 1015 WILLAMETTE ST. NOTICE To All Course 'Changers' and All Course 'Droppers' • If you have bought the wrong book or have dropped a course, the Co-op will refund cash in full for all such books returned through OCT. 5 if they are in NEW CONDITION. This applies only to books bought this term. REMEMBER: October 5 LAST DAY to return books at The University Co-op After the game it's the FOOTBALL RECEPTION (lower level) rnftfc