vduiLtm n urmt WANT ADS WANTED—Two men, part time selling, commission. Personally contact student employment of fice. 10-2 1936 Ford Sedan for sale by orig inal owner, graduate student. Lots rubber, lifeguard tubes. Caldwell 1620 Sylvan 3-2710 or 4-7772. 10-1 For men double room, single beds, kitchen privileges if desired. Semi-private bath. Near bus. 1879 Moss street, phone 5-6222 evenings. tf ELECTRIC RANGE, apartment type, three burners, oven be low. Brand new-hiring and burners. $35. RACING SKIS, hand-made, with poles but no bindings. $10, or will trade for photo equipment, or what have you ? Phone 4-1294 or 5-1354 eves. tf Practically new rose-gold Conn trumpet. Cost $260 new, sell for $185. Phone 3-3784. tf Single and double housekeeping rooms. 455 East 13th, phone 4-3548. 10-2 There are openings for part-time students (men and women) es tablishing and servicing ac counts with retail outlets and businesses on 5 fast-moving household, industrial and auto motive products. No door-to door selling required. Gross profit averages 30c on the dol lar on wholesale sales. Openings in Eugene, Springfield, Rose burg and vicinity. Also need crew manager at additional bonus for Eugene and one for Roseburg. Prefer seniors with previous sales experience for crew manager positions. Any student anticipating financial difficulty during school year, contact Miss Sylvester at Stu dent Employment Service im mediately. 10-1 LOST: Four leaf clover pin. Pearl center. Sept. 13th or 14th. Re ward. Phone 5-6576. 10-1 Silver fox jacket reasonable. Ph. 4-8215. 9-30 WANTED: Hebrew tutor. Ph. 4-8215. 9-30 STUDENTS INVITED Debaters to Meet The University forensic squad will hold its first meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Villard 305, Coach Herman Cohen, instructor in speech, has announced. All students interested in speech activities on the campus, regard Hawk Discusses Discipline Code (Continued front page one ) Hawk or Mrs. Wickham and let them handle it, thus avoiding a court record for the student. Offenses Vary The immorality and gross inde cency categories are the “catch all” departments of the code. Of fenses here can range from the infrequent sexual offenders to the man who “cusses out the house mother at 1 a.m.” And here again the drunkenness charge can us ually be applied. The final article in the code con cerns relations between Oregon and Oregon State college. It reads: “In order to prevent vandalism, officials of the University of Ore gon and Oregon State have mu tually agreed to suspend any stu dent who engages in malicious acts on a foreign campus.” Hawk also warned that, accord ing to the code, "disciplinary of ficials have been directed to as sume that participation in an un chaperoned party at a hotel or in a motel is sufficient cause for suspension from the University.” Class To Take Hike A 15 mile round trip hike awaits the members of the general biol ogy class taught by J. C. Stovall, assistant professor of geology, next Sunday when they journey to Collier Glacier. Some eighty persons, including members of the Obsidian club led by F. E. Sipe, associate professor of biology, are expected to take part in the field trip. less of previous experience are urged to attend, Cohen said. Program of the University speech department has a double barrel design with debate, ora tory, interpretative reading and extempore on the agenda for stu dents interested in competitive speaking. Other side of the pro gram is symposium which is de signed to give students practical experience in public speaking. Debate topic for the coming sea son is based on free trade while symposium members will discuss the improvement of Congressional investigations. James Wood, 1953 graduate of Willamette university, will serve as the graduate assistant this year, Cohen said. He replaces Rob ert Kully who handled the debate program during the past season. University debaters brought home several Northwest cham pionships in 1953. Phil Cass and Don Mickelwait won first place at the annual College of Puget Sound tournament and the Pacific Forensic League championship. Second men's team in junior divi sion, Paul Ward and Bruce Holt, took first place in debate at the tournament for Far West states at Linfield college. Members of the symposium team travel over the state of Ore gon speaking before civic, frater nal and educational groups. For ensic squad competes at tourna ments in Oregon, Washington, California and other western states. "For That Trim Look0 Try the STUDENT UNION BARBER SHOP S.U. — Basement level HOURS: 8:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Staff Auditions Held for KWAX A special organizational meet ng to select personnel for KWAX, Oregon's student-operated radio station, will be held at 7:30 to night in Studio A, Villard, accord ng to Station Manager Paul Mc Mullen. Applications will be taken for :he following positions: student program director, continuity direc :or, writing staff, music librarian ind staff, traffic manager, news nnd special events directors and engineering staff. Auditions for chief announcer and staff an nouncers will also be held. Campus Y Group Sponsors Dessert The YMCA-YWCA Internation al Affairs committee will sponsor an international -students dessert Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Alumni hall on the second floor of Ger linger. All international students on campus are invited, according to Germaine La Marche, co-ordin ator of the affair. Folk singing, get-acquainted games and refreshments, furnish ed by the YWCA advisory board and the YMCA, will be included in the program. Patronize Emerald Advertisers, freshmen .... get your Rooter's before the UCLA game Cotton Gabardine .$1.25 Corduroy .$1.65 Cotton Gabardine .$1.25 Corduroy .$1.65 HOW THE STARS I GOT STARTED * * I ■ si Patrice Munsel says: “When I was a kid, I wanted to be a lady football player. Then I dreamed of another career — whistling! Somebody discovered I had a voice, so I took singing lessons. I worked hard at it — then I won the Metropolitan Opera auditions when I was 17.” V f STARTED SMOKING CAMELS BECAUSE A EMEND OF M/NE ASKED ME 70 TRY THEM. NO OTHER C/GARETTE EVER GAVE ME SUCH PLEASURE. CAMELS TASTE SO GOOD —AND THEY'RE SO MSLO ! CWOKX Q^&\AT* Start 1 smoking j Camels < yourself! ] 4 Smoke only Carneta , for 30 days and find out why Camels are \ America’s most popular < cigarette. See how mild I and flavorful a cigarette can be! fotMifdmss. QhdF/QVOt Cmmmj AMELS AGREE WITH MORE PEOPLE THAW ANY OTHER. CIOAP.ETTE l