Mount Angel Choir Sponsored by SU The Failing Distinguished Lec ture series, in co-sponsorship with the Student Union board, will pre sent the Budapest Quartet here in January. However, the SU board alone will sponsor the Mount An gel Choir presentation in Febru ary, not in co-sponsorship with the Failing group as was incor rectly reported in the Emerald Friday. Classifieds WANTED—Two men, part time selling, commission. Personally contact student employment of fice. 10-2 1936 Ford Sedan for sale by orig inal owner, graduate student. Lots rubber, lifeguard tubes. Caldwell 1620 Sylvan 3-2710 or 4-7772. 10-1 ERIC’S Barber Shop, 729 E. 11th. Personalized service. 2 chairs. Eric & Walt. 9-28 For men double room, single beds, kitchen privileges if desired. Semi-private bath. Near bus. 1879 Moss street, phone 5-6222 evenings. tf ELECTRIC RANGE, apartment type, three burners, oven be low. Brand new wiring and burners. $35. RACING SKIS, hand-made, with poles but no bindings. $10, or will trade for photo equipment, or what have you? Phone 4-1294 or 5-1354 eves. tf Practically new rose-gold Conn trumpet. Cost $260 new, sell for $185. tf RIDERS wanted to campus. Leave 42nd and Jasper Road, Spring field, Monday-Friday. Call Ext 256, Mrs. Cooper. ■ 9-28 Single and double housekeeping rooms. 455 East 13th, phone 4-3548. 10-2 The STUDENT UNION PRESENTS Music of the Masters A program of Classical Music at the education movie shown Wednesday in 138 Commonwealth 7:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. OTHER EVENTS OF THE WEEK Tuesday, Sept. 29 Oregon vs. Stanford in the SU ballroom Friday, October 2 4 p.m. Friday at Four in the Fishbowl 7:45 p.m. a talk on folk songs 9 p.m. Mixer in the Fishbowl Sunday, October 4 2:30 and 4:30 Movie "Specter of Rose" in the SU Ballroom Sunday Thru Tuesday Art Exhibit Henry Oct Men's Dormitory Has Housemother by Len Calvert Emerald Assistant Managing Editor Something new has appeared on the University of Oregon campus —a housemother in a men’s dorm itory. Mrs. Katherine DePue is house mother at Susan Campbell hall, the first woman to fill such a post on the University campus. Mrs. DePue comes from the University of Maryland where she acted as housemother for six years. Her last place of employment was Theta Chi fraternity at Maryland. Particularly impressed with the friendliness of the people she has met at Oregon. Mrs. DePue also likes the cleanliness of the campus. ‘Susie’ Is Pleasant Terming herself as "partial to boys,” Mrs. DePue says that liv ing in "Susie” has been very pleasant so far, and she believes that there is a good, representa tive group of men living in the hall. Acting as housemother for 112 men, Mrs. DePue has one trait which is in her favor—she is not bothered by ordinary noise. Mrs. DePue believes that each group of men has a way of testing 1 the personality of their “mother i away from home.” To illustrate | her point, Mrs. DePue told of an ' incident at Maryland when a dance band was brought to the house at 3 a.m. It was a boy's going away party, she said, and the boy decided that the right way to end the evening was to bring the dance band home. No Noise Heard The next morning the men asked her if she had heard any thing during the night. She smiled and told them in her slight South ern accent, “either I heard some thing or I was dreaming." Noth ing more was done about the matter and the men cooperated perfectly with her after that, she said. At the University of Maryland it is customary for fraternities and dorms to have housemothers, according to Mrs. DePue. Ten new fraternity houses are being built there, she said, all with suites for a housemother. No Resentment Felt Mrs. DePue said that she can not tell if the men in “Susie" re sent her presence in the dorm or not. So far there has been no ex pression of resentment toward her presence, she said. The University feels that her presence in the dorm will aid the freshmen to adjust to campus life and also lend an air of gracious ness to the hall, Si Ellingson, counselor for men, said. Patronize Emerald Advertisers MATTOX PIPE SHOP, Oreg., Ltd. 950 OAK ST. Do You Want to Win $5.00 in Merchandise and a Carton of Chesterfields? See if your student body card is posted on the board at the Mattox Pipe Shop WINNERS CAN REPEAT!! TEN NEW NUMBERS EACH WEEK!!! NEW NUMBERS POSTED TODAY!! RUSH WEEK SPECIAL!! Any Freshmen Winners will be paid DOUBLE! MATTOX PIPE SHOP, Oreg., Ltd. 950 OAK ST. Everything for the Smoker Unsusal Gifts for Men It’S easy as p»e No entry Wanks. No box tops'. You can again C’monr cash in and again! let’s go! l . T V TWICE AS MANY AWARDS THIS YEAR WRITE A LUCKY STRIKE JINGLE based ea the lad that IVCKIfS TASTE BETTER!* Easiest $25 you ever made. Sit right down and write a 4-line jingle based on the fact that Luckies taste better. That’s all there is to it. More awards than ever before! Read the jingles on this page. Write original ones just like them—or better! Write as many as you want. There’s no limit to the number of awards you can receive. If we pick cne of your jingles, we’ll pay you $25 for the right to use it, together with your name, in Lucky Strike advertising. Remember: Read all the rules and tips carefully. To be on the safe side, clip them out and keep them handy. Act now. Get started today. ■ - -CLIP OUT THIS INFORMATION “ - RULES L Write your Lucky Strike jingle on a plain piece of paper or post card and send it to Happy-Go-Lucky, P. O. Box 67, New York 46, N.Y. Be sure that your name, address, college and class are included—and that they are legible. 2. Base your jingle on any qualities of Luckies. “Luckies taste better,” is only one. (See “Tips.”) 3. Every student of any college, university or post graduate school may submit jingles. 4. You may submit as many jingles as you like. Remember, you are eligible to receive more than one $25 award. ♦TIPS To earn an award you are not limited to “Luckies taste better.” Use any other sales points on Lucky Strike, such as the fol lowing: L.S./M.F.T. Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco Luckies taste cleaner, fresher, smoother So round, so firm, so fully packed So free and easy on the draw Be Happy—Go Lucky Buy Luckies by the carton Luckies give you deep-down smoking enjoyment COPR., THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY