SCHEDULE RELEASED >Washke Explains Football Rules - To Intramural House Managers raul Washke, director of the “University of Oregon’s intra Ynural program, officiated at a meeting of the intramural manag ers Thursday at \ p.m. in the Physical Education building. The purpose of the meeting was to ac quaint the managers with the •yules of play, and also to clear up $ny questions that might have arisen. . The main part of Washke’s discussion was taken up with the explanation of the manager's part jn the intramural program, and .Who to go over the playing rules for their touch football program. Some time was also spent in ex plaining the part that the Intra mural office plays in the program. Entries for the football section -6f the sports program closed last Week, but there is still time to en ter A and B volleyball teams. Managers were cautioned howev er that a B team may not be en tered without first entering an A team. The deadline for handing in •entries for the volleyball teams will be some time next week. The touch football schedule for next Jvfeek follows. Monday, Sept. 28 :50 IM Field, Sigma Alpha Ep n vs. Phi Kappa Sigma; field ^i Kappa Alpha vs. Beta Theta field 2, Phi Gamma Delta vs. ma Alpha Mu; field 3, Delta J DeIta vs. Pi Kappa Phi. P|;45 IM field, Susan Campbell I Merrick hall;, field 1, atitzer vs. French hall; field 2. Nes hall vs. Susan Campbell II; 3, Campbell club vs. Phil ihia House. Tuesday, Sept. 29 lS50 IM field, Hale Kane vs. Sigma hall; field l, Barrister Inn vs. Alpha Hall; field 2, Phi Delta Theta vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon; field 3. Phi Kappa Psi vs. Lambda Chi Alpha. 4:45 IM field, Sigma Chi vs Delta Upsilon; field 1, Sigma Nu vs. Theta Chi; field 2, Sigma Al pha Epsilon vs. Alpha Tau Omega; field 3, Phi Gamma Delta vs. Chi Psi. Wednesday, Sept. 30 3:50 IM field, Phi Delta Theta vs. Kappa Sigma; field 1, Tau Kappa Epsilon vs. Legal Eagles; field 2, Merrick hall vs. Stitzer hall; field 3, French hall vs. Nes tor hall. 4:45 IM field, Susan Campbell1 I vs. Susan Campbell II; field 1, Philadelphia House vs. Hale Kane; field 2, Sigma hall vs. Barristen Inn; field 3, Campbell club vs. Alpha hall. Game over KASH Twenty northwest radio sta tions will broadcast Saturday’s football clash at Palo Alto. Eu gene listeners will be able to pick up the broadcast over local station KASH. It will also be heard over HEX In Portland. Jack Shaw, brother of Ore gon’s starting quarterback, win sportscast the game. Commen tary will be by Ernie Smith. The game will be sponsored by Tide 1 Water Associated Oil company. Desk Editor: Bob Robinson; Staff: Jim Signor, Bruce Tennon, Sam Vahey. WR£ THEY ARE ' Staff Selects Winners; Bouck Guest Picker After a week of football games that didn't agree with us, the Em rald sports staff once again puts its reputation on the block and teks the weekend's winners. Ted Bouck, Athletic Business Manager, is this week's guest, match rig his predictions with those of Sports Editor Sam Vahey, Emerald ditor A1 Karr, and Sportswriters Norm Steen, Buzz Nelson and Jim £T gon-Stanford . Houck .778 Cal 2712 Ohio St. 27-13 CSC 21-14 CO I* 20-7 \ fooy t Oregon 20-14 Cal 25 6 . 500 Ju ) 4" ( al 20-7 Ohio St. 14-7 Indiana 7-6 C SC 7-0 COP 21-19 Michigan 14-7 Florida 14-13 Michigan 21-6 Georgia 14-10 CSC 21-7 wsc 14-13 Michigan 21-20 Georgia 28-19 White .600 ()regon 26-14 Cal 20*0 ()hio 33-6 CSC 13-12 COP 13-7 Michigan 28-0 Georgia 41-14 Steen .600 Cal 36-0 Ohio 14-7 rsc lo-7 wsc 21-20 Michigan 27-21 Georgia 34-0 Nelson .500 Oregon 20-19 Cal 20-6 Ohio St. 27-7 Minnesota 19-13 COP 26-21 Michigan 21-7 Georgia 26-13 Xotrc I). 14-13 < >kla. 14-13 Notre D. 21-20 Okla. 7-0 Notre I). 14-13 Notre D. 14-7 Mich. St. 27-6 Mich. St. 25-13 Mich. St. 14-0 Mich. St. 34-0 Mich. St. 27-0 Mich. St. 33-13 Alabama 13-6 I.SU 7-0 Alabama 26-14 Alabama 13-0 LSU 21-20 Alabama 25-6 4 A Welcome Awaits ALL OF U. OF O. STUDENTS at First Baptist Church Broadway at High y :45 a.m. Bible Study 11:00 a.m. “The Doomed City” (KASH Broadcast) 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Hour 7:30 p.m. “The Sacrlet Cord” Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor A spirited and determined foot ball squad from the University of Oregon departed for Palo Alto, Calif., last night, Thursday, for what could be one of their most important games of the season. ■Saturday afternoon these serious minded proteges of Coach Len Casanova will lay all their chips on the table when they lock horns with Sanford’s unpredictable In dians. Although considered as just an other ball game by most people, this encounter is much more than that for Oregon’s Ducks. Last week the Webfoots surprised the whole nation with a convincing 20-12 victory over highly favored Nebraska. Immediately after their win people all along the Pacific coast began picking Oregon as thfi third best team in the PCC. Paul B. Williamson, noted foot ball prognosticator, went so far as to name the Ducks as the 20th best team in the United States in his weekly ratings. It has been many years since so much acclaim has been heaped on an Oregon football team. Now, it is up to the Ducks to prove their wares. One game is hardly enough to judge whether or not a team has what it takes to be great but another win, over Stanford, would cer tainly erase the last shadow of a doubt as to the abilities of this Orpgon eleven. Entering the tussle in the un usual role of favorite Oregon will have no easy time with Stanford. Even though the Indians looked poor in losing to College of Paci fic, 25-20, last weekend they should not be taken lightly. Ever since jovial Chuck Taylor took over the coaching reins they have played up and down football. One Saturday they look like champs and the next like chumps. If they are on they could give Oregon a rough afternoon. In the final home practice Thursday afternoon before going south, Casanova ran his charges through a brief but important session. Defensive maneuvers, planned to stop Stanford’s strong aerial attack, were stressed. Also ... mm. m CHUCK TAYLOR Indian Head Man Rooter's Hats Cotton Gabardine.$1.25 Corduroy.$1 65 These hats were adopted by the ASUO as the Official Rooters’ hat. (p UNIVERSITY CO-OP VS—_*' T h E STUDENTS OWNI STORE"_^ the Ducks brushed up on their own passing game with George Shaw and Barney Holland doing the tossing. Cecil Hodges, stellar Oregon fullback, was still practicing with out pads and it is very doubtful if he will see much action Satur day. If Hodges is unable to play he will probably re replaced by Dean Van Leuven. Oregon’s probable starting line up will read as follows: John Reed, left end; Hal Reeve, left tackle; Jack Patera, left guard; Ron Pheister, center; Ken Sweit zer, right guard; Keith Tucker, right tackle; Emery Barnes, right end; George Shaw, quarterback; Jick James, right half; Farrell Albright, right half; and Dean Van Leuven, fullback. Marciano TKO's i La Starza in 11th NEW YORK (AP) Heavyweight Champion Rocky Marciano bat tered challenger Roland LaStarza into a bloody mass in the eleventh round of their championship bout at New York Thursday night and as^a^result won, convincingly, by LaStarza, who had been seek ing a rematch with the Brockton Bully-Boy for more than 3 years, took a fearful beating before ref eree Ruby Goldstein stopped the bout at one minute 31 seconds ol the eleventh. For a real good time come out to . . , ROD TAYLOR'S ! • Good American and Chinese food I • Cool Beverages • Shufflebcard • Lots of free parking space • An easy drive from the campus • You'll love the college atmosphere Rod Taylor's on the Glenwood Strip Welcome to Oregon for Breakfast Lunch Dinner air conditioned r We believe you'll find the largest variety of Restaurant and sea food dishes in Eugene at the New Lyn wood Cafe. We have lots of free parking and complete fountain service. Open every day from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. For dinner or par ty reservations, phone 5-9064. COME TO US FOR THE BEST IN DINING Delicious Sea Foods Steaks Chicken Harold and Effie Gravos THIS IS THE b.b. ad T . . .. but wait til Monday for the Grand b.b. ad ... For tops in college wear