Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 23, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    23fi Women Pledge 17 Sororities
After Week of Rushing Activity
Bi’eakfast in their new sorority
houses at 7 this morning ended
formal fall term rushing for 236
University of Oregon women. This
fall’s pledge list total tops the
number pledged last fall when
219 women were pledged to the
16 sororities.
Five women pledged Phi Sigma
Sigma, newr sorority on campus.
This brings the total number of
sororities at Oregon to 17.
The fall term pldege list for
women is as follows:
Alpha Chi Omega: Eleanor
Bakke, Carrol Craig. Janet Fuller,
Valerie Hersh, Jo Ann Hutchinson,
Judith Kirk, Pat Koeppel, Diane
Kuhl, Constance Long, Karen
Rice, Joanne Scales, Elaine
Smith, Roselyn Welch and Flor
ence Woodworth.
Alpha Delta Pi: Gleeta Barnes,
Barbara Cottrill, Evelyn Diamont.
Gloria Evert. Mary Dee Fulp.
Viola Gamson, Marlene Grassechi.
Darlene Grenfell, Maeva Hair,
Hanna Sue Hansen, Marjorie
Harman, Susan Hopkins, Alice
Kihn, Eileen Lang, Carolyn Long.
Johneva Pond, Donna Runberg
and Shirleyan Thomas.
Alpha Gamma Delta: Sue Co
burn, Marlene Jewell, Joan Pas
more and Beaudette Smith.
Alpha Omieron Pi: Nancy
Clarke, Joanne Donnelly, Janet
Filbert, Carolyn Kaser, Janet
Kneeland, Jackie Myatt, Norma
Jean Nye, Judy Reyholds, Dian
Rondeau, Shirley Selander, Janet
Southwell. Janet Stafford, Pat
Wilson and Lola Workman.
Alpha Phi: Shirley Andree,
Bette Bartz, Ann Barzee, Mary
Rae Bergeron, Joan Boyer, Shar
on Gienger, Donna Goodin, Bar
bara Gregg, Janet Hargis, Carolyn
Heckman, Barbara Hogard, Glen- j
na Hunger, Carole Kell, Diane
Lacey. Rosalie Mole, Sue Nosier,
Sue Shaw, Carol Sonnichsen and t
Sandra Williams.
Alpha Xi Delta: Sue Benedict. •
Susan DeBusk, Julie Dietrich,
Louise Robinson and Linda Shu
....Chi Omega: Helen Doty, Jane
Fisher, Janice Fortner, Alice Jo
Jenkins, Helen Ruth Johnson, Su
san Keathley, Audrey Lathom,
Audrey Lawson, Molly McAleer,!
Luanne McClure, Elizabeth Jane j
Miller, Arlene Moad, Annie Laurie [
Quackenbush, Patti Railsbak, Di- j
ane Ramsey, Susan Shaffer, Jo
anne Whitworth, Pat Wilkinson
and Elizabeth Woodward.
Delta Delta Delta: Alyce Ath
erton, Judy Burdette, Judith Carl
son, Ann Diffenbacher, Gwen El
lis, Gretchen Klomhaus, Elizabeth
Kubin, Ardianne McRae, Shirley
Mantelli, Denise Parr, Pamela
Rabens, Verna Rabe, Inga Ship
Campus Briefs
0 Members of Phi Theta Up
silon are to meet at 4 p.m. today
in the Student Union, according
to Janet Wick, president.
0 All campus social chairmen
from both men’s and women’s liv
ing organizations are to meet at 4
p.m. Tuesday in the Student Un
ion, according to Mrs. Golda' P.
Wickham, director of women’s
^ Both men’s and women’s liv
ing organizations may schedule
a house dance date for Oct. 3, ac
cording to the office of Mrs. Golda
P. Wickham, director of women’s
0 Persons interested in form
ing a mountain-climbing club
have been asked to meet in the
Student Union at 4 p.m. Thurs
day. Interested students who can
not attend the meeting may con
tact Tom Taylor, junior in archi
tecture, at 5-8416 or John Vazbys,
junior in liberal arts, at 4-8381.
0 First of the weekly educa
tional film programs will be shown
at 7 and 9 this evening in Com
monwealth 138. Sports films, in
cluding “Football Review,” “Mexi
can Sports,” “The Home Run
King—Babe Ruth,” “Jersey Joe
Walcott vs. Joe Louis” and “Swit
zerland Olympic Thrills” will be
stead, Joyce Smith, Charlee Som
mer, Olivia Tharaldson, Carol Wil
shire and Carolee Witt.
Delta Gamma: Carol Aiken,
Shirley Blick. Pat Deeney, Eileen
DeWilde, Susan Erickson, Jean
Fay, Laurie Goodell, Deneice Ken
yon, Sue Merritt, Sharon Mullins,
Judith Ellen Pierce, Sue Spear,
Marilyn Stratford and Susan
Delta Zeta: Jacqueline Ferris,
Donna Fox, Claire Fry, Nancy
Hill, Barbara Hoy, Lynette Lor
ing, Ruth Martin and Miriam
Gamma Phi Beta: Joan Apple
baum, Janice Boyes, Mary Bren
nan. Mary Joan Brown, Susan
Brundidge, Molly Cashin, Norma
Crowley. Nana Foss, Nancy Fox,
Nancy Hickox, Mary Hyde, JoAnn
Laumeister, Edith Lunde, Valerie
Mottram, Mary Sandeberg, Gayle
Seidel. Gloria Stolk, Pat Walters
and Judy White.
Kappa Alpha Theta: Barbara Jo
Weaver, Shirley Bier, Betty Ann
Dobler, Carolyn Everett, Harriett
Flynn, Mary Gerlinger, Mary Hei
deman, Ann R. Johnston, Helen
Jane Johnston, Carol Kern, Juli
anne Lewis, Marian McDowell,
Donna Organ, Sara Price, Suzanne
Robertson, Sally Thompson, Cyn
thia Vincent, Margaret Ann Wil
son and Barbara Wrightson.
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Donna
Aaris, Betty Anderson, Donna
Brewer, Sally Calkins, Joanne
Gerber, Lynn Gildersleeve, Caro
lyn Gooding. Joan Hay, Ruth
Hoppe, Linda Lundy, Marymae
McElligott, Emiline Overhulse, Ju
dith Jean Pierce, Nadine Reed,
Mary Schonweiler, Nancy Shields,
Myrna Smith, Ann Stearns and
Rosalie Todd.
Phi Sigma Sigma: Rockell Co
hen, Hermine Golby, Marcia Pel
mont, Anna Rome and Jo-Ann Ru
Pi Beta Phi: Sally Allen, Geor
gia Baker, Marilyn Eerry, Bev
erly Bowman, Joanna Brandon,
Marlis Claussen, Marcia Cook,
Mary Jo Cornell, JoAnn Fundings
land, Shirley Gerhard, Sally Jo
Greig, Nan Hagedorn, Bonnie Le
Baron, Marcia Mauney, Julie Mil
ler, Marilyn Mount, Elizabeth
Rinehart, Sharon Snyder and
Mary Sweeney.
Sigma Kappa: Joanne Awick,
Claire Anderson, Jackie Jolley,
Joanne Jolley, Loretta Mason,
Joyce Meppen, Jean Merker, Jo
ann Roberts, Shirley Saar, Diana
Schrceder and Barbara Snyder.
Zeta Tau Alpha: Pat Ardinger,
Mary Ann Fowler, Blanche Hall,
Lois Hall, Regina Hannon, Shirley
Hardy, Ardith Jones, Joyce Mc
Kenzie, Patricia Riehl, Barbara
Sorenson and Pat Sykes.
t>U Currents
Art Gallery Shows
Paris Photographs
A photographic exhibit of Paris
is currently on display in the Stu
dent Union art gallery. The photos
were made early this century by
French photographer Eugene At
The exhibit, prepared and cir
culated by the New York Museum
of Modern Art, will last through
Oct. 3. The pictures show a span
of thirty years of Paris life.
Record Libe Open
In Student Union
The Student Union record lend
ing library will be open from 3
to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
beginning today. Students may
check out records of contempor
ary and semi-classical nature.
Watch for
Ad Friday
Hoorn and board for three and
board vacancy only for two. 874
East 13th. Phone 4-0422.
1953 Mercury sport coupe, new
in February, 7000 miles. Ed
ward Morton, Law School.
FURNITURE—Walnut desk, $10;
drop-leaf dining table, $8; corner
bookshelf, $5; lamp table, $0;
bedside table, $6. Excellent con
dition. Phone 3-1059. 22-23
BOOKCASE, 47''x44"; men's black
size 12 bowling shoes; 7’ Gris
wold. Ridge-top, laminated, met
al edge skiis; Cable binding;
Poles. Only $25. Phone 4-3854.
975 Alder. 22-23-24
LIGHT BROWN leather briefcase
left during registration at
school of architecture, east
wing. If found, please return to
office of school architecture. 25
ERIC’S Barber Shop, 729 E. 11th.
Personalized service. 2 chairs.
Eric & Walt. 27
For men double room, single beds,
kitchen privileges if desired.
Semi-private bath. Near bus.
1879 Moss street, phone 5-6222
Mom, black and tan Dachshund
requires good father for her
babies. Will give Pop choice of
puppies. Call 7-7378.
type, three burners, oven be
low. Brand new wiring and
burners. $35. RACING SKIS,
hand-made, with poles but no
bindings. $10, or will trade for
photo equipment, or what have
you? Phone 4-1294 or 5-1354
LOST—4 leaf clover pin. pearl
center. 13th or 14th of Sept.
Reward. Phone 5-6576.
RIDERS wanted to campus. Leave
42nd and Jasper Road, Spring
field, Monday-Friday. Call Ext
256, Mis. Cooper.
shirt elegance:
.It takes ski!! to cut a diamond — and
a flaw less shirt! Precious asset to your wardrobci
Shir n Shore’s master-tailored broadcloth with
liigh-or-low Johnny collar.. . linked French cuffs .. .1
elegant pearl buttons! White combed cotton ...
launders with a lovely sheen. Sizes 30 to 40.
Just one of many Ship'n Shore new stylet!
swarthy cordovan... for town
country or campus
; the finest of shoe leathers
- For town, country or campus you
- are right in style when yau are
I wearing this sleek Jarman plain
. toe design in genuine cordovan,
- the finest of shoe leather.
I And what wonderful protec
- tion and comfort—stout
- construction, long-wearing
' sole and tough comfort
. able genuine cordovan
- leather. Full range of
I sizes and widths. See
- them today.
Eugene Store
. Springfield Store
1022 Willamette
510 Main
Phone 4-6011
Phone 7-9412