! Dick James ... |. . . sophomore halfback, In the third top rusher In the Pacific |Coast Conference. More statistics on sport page three. m Daily EMERALD ^OITAT Fifty-fifth year oj Publication Here Is It... [ •.. the official fall term women’s pledge list as released this ninm* by Panhellenic President •Sally Thurston. See page 4. VOL. LV. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 23, 1933 No. 7 TOO MANY STUDENTS Car Lots Full by Gordon Rice Emerald Assistant News Editox. ' Ioiuuviu paraing lacintles on the University of Oregon campus are ^as good as tan be expected in [view of the increased enrollment [according to I. I. Wright, physical [plant superintendent. Off-street parking facilities ex ist for 656 cars in eight unrestrict ,<-d parking lots, plus parking spa's jfor 120 cars in th<- veterans’ dor jjjTiitory fiarking lots. No survey pias yet been completed to show the space available for on-street parking. f Largest of the parking lots L near the teacher placement service holds 13 cars. The latter area is used primarily by the staff of that ; service. The eighth lot, though techni cally unrestricted, is .filled every day by employees of the physical plant. It is located near the physi cal plant and has space for 64 cars. One other lot, located west of Johnson hall, holds 32 cars but is restricted entirely to administra tive personnel and visitors who have business in Johnson hall. The Friendly hall parking lot, Whore do I park now? the lot at 11th and Kincaid, gen erally known as the Fiji lot, which holds 242 cars. Non-student park ini; await more complete investigi tion. Clark, who left the Oregon campus last Wednesday after picking up his registration mater ial, has enrolled at Oregon State college and is attending classc-, there. He was a star football and basketball player at Benson high school in Portland during his prep career. Bowerman has accused' the Oregon State coaching staff of “kidnaping" him from the Oregon, campus.