Co-op Members Save on Supplies By purchasing a Co-op mem bership for 25 cents students may save up to 10 per cent on all sup plies purchased there. Member ships may be obtained at the bus iness window in the Co-op. Receipts must be turned in be fore May 20. The exact date will be published in the Emerald and posted on campus bulletin boards spring term. Cash refunds will be paid to Co-op members during final exam week of spring term. Rebates for the past few years have been approximately 10 per cent of the total receipts. The last day students can pur chase Co-op memberships is May 1. The student-operated store is partially directed by a student board elected during ASUO elec tions in the spring. Paula Curry, sophomore in education; George Marshall, junior in business, and Ann Bankhead, junior in liberal arts, are present board members. Classifieds Room and board for three and board vacancy only for two. 874 East 13th. Phone 4-0422. 1953 Mercury sport coupe, new in February, 7000 miles. Ed ward Morton, Law School. FURNITURE—Walnut desk, $10; drop-leaf dining table, $8; corner bookshelf, $5; lamp table, $6; bedside table, $6. Excellent con dition. Phone 3-1059. 22-23 BOOKCASE, 47”x44”; men’s black size 12 bowling shoes; 7’ Gris wold, Ridge-top, laminated, met al edge skiis; Cable binding; Poles. Only $25. Phone 4-3854, 975 Alder. 22-23-24 LIGHT BROWN leather briefcase left during registration at school of architecture, east wing. If found, please return to office of school architecture. 25 ERIC'S Barber Shop, 729 E. 11th. Personalized service. 2 chairs. Eric & Walt. 27 Campus Briefs 0 Items for the Campus Mer ry-Go-Round are due at the Em erald Monday at 5 p.m. News may be left in the Campus Merry-Go Round box in the news office. 0 The YWCA cabinet will meet Wednesday noon in Gerlinger hall. Members have been asked to bring sack lunches. 0 United Independent Stu dents, campus political party, will hold an open meeting in the Stu dent Union Thursday at 3 p.m.. Hollis Ransom, UIS president has announced. 0 Petitions for new members of the Student Traffic court are due in the ASUO office Student Union 304 Thursday at 5 p.m., according to Carl Weber, chair man. Three positions on the court are open. 0 Second readings for parts in “See How They Run,” the first production of the University the ter's 1953-54 season will be held in Villard 102 at 4 and 7:30 p.m. today. Director Horace Robinson has announced that parts for six men and three women are open. The farce comedy is to be pre sented Oct. 23 on the main stage. 0 Alpha Kappa Delta, sociol ogy honorary, elected Pat Ward, graduate in economics, president at a meeting late in spring term. Mary Jordan, senior in liberal arts, will serve as secretary-treasurer of the group. 0 Pre-nursing club will meet at Wesley House Wednesday noon, according to Hannah Hansen, vice president of the group. Sopho more members will report on their trips to the medical school during the summer, Miss Hansen said. Today's Staff Copy desk editor: Andy Salmin. Staff: Bob Patterson, Beverly Lemmons. NIGHT STF N.„. Makeup editor: Jackie Wardell. Night editor: Mary Allice Allen. Staff: Dorothy Iler. School Dean Named to Advertising Group Post Gordon A. Sabine, dean of the school of journalism, 13 the latest appointee to the board of directors of the Advertising Association of; the West. The organization voted ' this summer to add Sabine to the. board. , Russell's.... is your headquatresr for all your campus shoes Spalding Joy Sandler HOW THE STARS GOT STARTED * * * Patrice Munsel says: “When I was a kid, I wanted to be a lady football player. Then I dreamed of another career — whistling! Somebody discovered , I had a voice, so I took singing lessons. I worked hard at it — then I won the Metropolitan Opera auditions when I was 17.” /STARTED SMOKING CAMELS BECAUSE A EMEND OF M/ME ASKED ME TO TRY THEM. NO OTHER CIGARETTE El/ER GAVE ME SUCH MEASURE CAMELS TASTE SO GOOD' —.AND THEY'RE SO MILO ! Start smoking Camels yourself! Smoke only Camels for 30 days and find out why Camels are America’s most popular cigarette. See how mild and flavorful a cigarette can be! for Mi/dhoss, Qhcf flavor