Ducks Win on Power 20-12 (Continued from f'df/c one ) pass from center spiraled over punter Bordogna and the Busker kicker had to chase the ball into the end zone. The hurried kick slithered off the edge of his foot and went out of bounds on the Nebraska 12. James, who racked up 76 yards in nine tries during the afternoon, took only one play to go the dis tance, an end sweep to his own right. It looked like the halfback would be stopped on the four, but Hodges applied a key block to open the hole. Thin time Shaw’s try for point after touchdown was good. Oregon's first squad, which played the entire first quarter without a substitution, not only showed off a sterling offensive push, but also played airtight de fense. Nebraska was bottled up in its own half of the field during the whole 16 minutes, advancing only as far as the 47. As soon as the initial frame was over, both coaches sent in their second elevens. This way, they could substitute their first squad later in the same period. Nebraska's substitute gridders made a better showing than the first team, as they went 57 yards in 12 plays early in the second quarter. Fincher Leads Attack Rex Fischer, Bordogna’s under study, was the leader of the Nebraska attack, which went all the way on the ground. Fischer, only a sophomore, personally ac counted for 41 of the yards. Notable gains were a 17 yard reverse by Denny Korinek from the Oregon 44 to 27; and a fine 33 yard broken field exhibition by Air. Fischer that ended on the 3. It looked like the Oregon line would hold after two plays had put the hall back to the four, hut on the third down Fischer scored on an off tackle slant from the single Wing. Korinek’s placement attempt was wide. Nebraska's second platoon was quick in its scoring drive, but Ore gon's substitutes were even faster. Albright took Korinek’s kickoff and returned to the Oregon 39. Albright carried again and picked up five yards. On second down, Fleet Ted Anderson, Ore gon's 440 ace, streaked through the line, eluded the three Husker linebackers, and rambled 56 yards untouched for Oregon's third six pointer. Dean Van Leuven, full back, threw the key block for his halfback mate on the midfield strip. Holland Converts Barney Holland, who replaced Shaw, was successful on his extra point attempt. Nebraska threatened again be ! foro the half, after on Oregon fumble set the home erew up on the Oregon 27. Bordogna packed the ball to the 19, but on the next play he also fumbled, with Ore gon's John Heed recovering. Shaw punted out of danger on fourth down. , After a scoreless third period, Fischer came back into the game for Nebraska, and set up the last touchdown, this time through the air lines. Working from the tail back spot, he ripped off gains of nine and three yards to place the ball, first and ten, on his own 32. He found the Oregon pass de fense off the switch on first down, and passed a long one to Korinek on the 41. With defense man Anderson on his tail all the w’ay, Korinek barely made pay dirt, being spilled just over the goal line. The point that could Team Statistics Team VaHn gained rushing \«rd» lost rushing . Net yard* rushing P ■ atti Passes completed Parsed had intercepted \ ards gained passing Total yards . I if • I do.%ns ruiibtng Fit st dou 01 pauin g total first downs Yardage kickoff returns Numl»er of punts Average length punts Yardage punt returns .. Number penalties . \ a rds penalized 1 J Ore. ... .260 9 251 . 6 1 21 Neb. 189 54 135 10 6 0 137 272 12 0 12 4 6 49.6 30 6 80 2 1 272 9 .T 12 27 6 44.5 27 4 30 4 3 Individual Statistics Nebraska K or wick . • Smith . Novak . Itordogna .... Oregon Anderson .... James . Shaw . Albright . Van Leuven . Gaffney .. Passing Shaw . Hordogna . Holland _ Smith . Att. . 4 .18 . 3 . 7 . 3 ..11 Att. Net 20 16 . 9 . 3 -....10 .10 7 Att. 11 21 6 18 Net 61 76 16 4 3 32 6 17 4 ... 4 ... 1 ... 1 10.0 4.0 4.0 * 3.7 3.0 2.0 1.6 30.5 8.4 5.3 4.3 3.2 3.0 2.4 Y ards 118 21 19 0 0 Managers Needed Any student interested in helping to manage varsity foot ball can get a job with this year’s team by contacting’ Jim Sehroedcr, head manager, at the athletic department in McArth ur court. The phone numbers are campus extensions 281 and 285. Sehroedcr says that there are three spots open. MRS. DALE S. FORREST wins*! WITH STUDENT BODY CARD NO. 2334 Look at your Student Body Card!! Do YOU hove one of these numbers!! 2390 2201 1969 416 3214 1597 1580 3867 3480 If so you could have won $5.00 in merchandise AND e carton of Chesterfields, either regular or king size. TEN NEW NUMBERS EACH WEEK!! WINNERS CAN REPEAT!! Check on this week's Lucky Numbers posted this weekll MATTOX PIPE SHOP, Oreg., Ltd. 950 OAK ST. Everything for the Smoker Unsusal Gifts forMen havo put Nebraska within one TD of Oregon was blocked by Ore gon’s booming line. The IVebfoot* controlled the hall for the last eight minutes in thn £am#*, when a slow drive ground out 79 yards, only to be stopped six feet from the goal. With Hodges, Albright and James handling all the ball pack ing chores, the Ducks picked up six first downs on 19 plays. Walt Oaffney, with 12 seconds left, tried to go over from the two but was snowed under by Husker tackiers as the horn sounded. Oregon resorted almost entirely to the ground game, and fired only six passes that gained a scant 21 yards. Coach Casanova was pleased with his team's ground attack, especially the running of James, wjjo averaged 8.4 yards a try. Defense Stops ‘T’ Wins Oregon's defense worked to per fection against the Husker “T” find single wing. Reed, another Webfoot sophomore, and Emery Earnes stopped off all Nebraska's end runs, forcing the losers to go through the air or up the middle. OREGON: Ends, Reed, Barnes, Mobley, Berrie; Tackles, Reeve Tucker, Stiner, H. Johnson’, Laird; Guards, Higdon, Sweitzer Hedgepeth, Nelson, Patera; Cen ters, Pheister, Lowe, Weber. Backs, Shaw, James, Albright Hodges, Gaffney, Holland, Ander son, Van Leuven. NEBRASKA: Ends, Weddle Schabacker, Yeager, Harris;’ Tackles, Connor, Minnick, Oberlin. Kitzelman; Guards, Bryant, Glantz, Wagner, Machisic; Cen ters, Oliver, Britt. Backs, Gohde, Bordogna, Smith, Yeisley, Fischer, Reeves, Korinek! Noval, Rolston, Kennedy. Score by quarters: OREGON .13 7 0 0_2Q NEBRASKA . 0 6 0 6-^12 . iM Office Making Plans for Football The intramural office is now! making plans for its fall sport! program with touch football starting Monday, September 28. Intramural managers are re minded that the fall term sports entries are to be turned into the i intramural office no later than ! Tuesday, September 22 at 3:00 p.m. The IM office is interested in contacting officials for the com ing football season. Twelve ref erees are needed each evening. Officials are paid at the campus rate for 2!i hours per evening. In terested referees are asked to con tact Earl Ferguson or Dr. Paul Washke at the IM office. DICK JAMES What a Grid Debut! Coeds From Coast-To-Coast “Aye” Arrow Gordon Oxfords Gals acclaim neatness and style appeal of these campus favorites The ladies’ vote is unanimous: Arrow Gordon Oxfords do much for a guy’s appearance. Taking their cue from this coed consensus, Arrow dealers are now featuring the largest selection ever of Arrow Oxfords in many smart collar styles. / . ARR OW^SHIRTS ( -— ■ - SHIRTS • TIES • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS-— Vogue Magazine I Sponsors Contest i Enrollments in Vogue maga zine's competition tor senior col lege women may be made now through Oct. 15. The first prize in a position as a junior editor with the magazine for one year. The winner will spend six months of her year in Vogue’s Paris office, with transportation to Paris and back, in addition to her salary, paid. The remaining six months will be spent in New York. Second prize is a job for six months as a junior editor in the New York office. Writing ability, grasp of subject matter, general intelligence, orig inality and demonstration of spec ial talents are points on which the contestants are judged. Com petitors complete two quizzes of four questions each, based on ac tual editorial problems. First cf the quizzes appeared in the Aug ust issue. The second is scheduled, for appearance in the December issues. Those entrants who satisfac torily answer the quizzes will be eligible to write a 1500 word thesis on a general subject which give 3 them opportunity to express their own ideas. gough^tftider SLACKS On the campus, tn the dess* j room, around the links — Rough Rider Slacks take top honors. They’re oction-tci« lored. Try on a pair today. Rough-Rider NASA (AttlOSM 'J* I