Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 18, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    Huskers Rated Over Ducks
(Continued from (uric one)
Br: ides Minnick ami Schaoack
cr, the Nebraska line is made up
of Ralph Wendle, end; Ted Con
nor, tackle; Bob Wagner and John !
Machisic, guards, and Jim Oliver,
Oregon's Top Guard
Dan Brown has received the nod
from Coach Glassford to handle!
the first team “T” formation du
ties. Besides his passing, he is an
outstanding back. On defense he I
handles the halfback chores.
The other halfback is Bob
.Smith, who played both ways in
1952. Although he is only a junior I
he will be playing his third year
of varsity ball.
Oeorge Cifra rounds out the !
starting lineup at the fullback
Post. Standing a stocky six feet!
tall, he is a top power runner in
the Husker backfield. He played
only offense last season, but has
nailed down the linebacking re-!
sponsibilities with this year’s
Nebraska Won I-ast
In the only previous engagement
between the two schools, Nebras-1
ka took advantage of Webfoot
errors to drop the Ducks, 28-13 in
a night game at Portland.
The Webfoots will be out to re
venge last, year's loss, but most
of the experts don't think the
Oregon team's chances are too
good. Kxporience and depth are
the two things lacking in the over
all picture.
Coach Len Casanova has 24
lettermon, a fine troup of trans
fers, and an impressive list of
sophomore stars. The backfield,
however, which last year spe
cialized in offense and defense
lacks experienced players who
can play both ways.
George Shaw, junior quarter
back, is the outstanding prospect ■
Sports Staff Selects Winners'
Don t laugh. The Emerald sports
Writers are exchanging their pen
cils for crystal balls and selecting'
the winners for the top ten foot
ball games across the nation.
There will be five regular week
ly experts racking their brains1
for scores from the Emerald plus j
a guest selected each week from
the athletic department. This
week's guest is Bill Hammer
frosh football mentor.
CAME Hammer Vahej
. \tl~
OSC-L'fT-A. rciA IC|.A
21-7 27-iJ
Cal-Baylor. Bo % lor ( I.
__ 6*0 13-7
V. I \V \\
_____21-7 1V • 6
U SC-W SC. use
_ 14-13 20-0
i c I . > l Jr'. -,
_ • 14-0 7 6
Xi ••• St Dri . K Stat< K
__ 1VU 12 6
K liras A&M . Texas Km.
__ 21! 4 14-12
uri Mary. M
7 0 * 7-o *
Okla. .WM liar. Sim.
Ne|.. Ore. Xeh. \,i,
>13 2119 27 21 ^ , j i
l U.A l ( LA L( LA I’f't \
!‘-6 S-7 31-7 SVo
Jlaylor Cal. C;,l r. I
1413 -’9-7 20 19 2ia';u
Wash. Wash.
_24J_3_ 1413 20-6 1 <>. 3 4
esc esc esc esc
3/-7_26-0 27-7 27-7
Texas Texas Texas
147 33-13 34-1.1 28-14
Ki0Sj‘Ve K-,?’,ate K-State K. State
_i--/ 21-7 21-7
Kjn. Ken Texas Ken.
14'7_lo-6 14-13 21-6
fe “ary. Tie Mary.
14_6-0 J4-14 13.7
271?? °,nn °kIa- Okla.
-' 13 20-0 20-14 26-12
in the Webfoot’s "T” formation
offense. Breaking into the lineup
during his freshman year, he was
one of the Ducks’ top passers and
His sophomore year he stepped
into the first string quarterback
role and promptly set a new PCC
record for pass completions in one
game. He was the third top pass
er in the conference and averaged
almost 22 yards on pass catches.
•Set Record
His ability is not limited to of
fense. In his first year in Oregon
gear, he set a PCC and NCAA
record for pass interceptions, 13
m one season. This year he is
tabbed for defensive safety man
Although he lacks the heft of a
top notch halfback, five feet, nine
inch Dick James is certain to
start at the left halfback spot
James, only a sophomore, has lots
of speed which helps him on both
offense and defense.
The other halfback spot is a
big question mark. Walt Gaff
ney, a junior transfer from San
Bernardino JC, and Farrell Al
bright, a one year letter winner
are neck and neck for the start
ing job. Albright is the bigger
of the two men, but lacks some
>f the defensive prowess of his
smaller mate, Gaffney.
a hlu ”0dfg?8' „who also Played at
a half spot jaat year_ ig degtjned
to open as fullback. He is not the
«/P"e driving fullback that
the Webfoots could use in their
attack but has proved his worth
as a defensive standout.
The line should be Casanova’s
least worry as there is plenty of
experience, depth, and weight A
SdbILetxcepLion might be the
gJard spots where failure of two
into aTop J","0hr;
Clio,ce of Head Coach Lo„ C ' a
la for the ri£ht guard station
flank roUfnn/"g ™de the other
iiang of the line will be
played61*' P°und senior. He
At end win be two lettermen
Captain Emery Barnes and fast
improving John Reed. The holes
at tackle will be plugged by Keith
Tucker, a transfer who worked up
fast, and Hal Reeve, destined for
a place on the All-Coast team.
( The game will be the first for
Coach Casanova under the new
substitution rule. A harsh penalty
of 15 yards will be stepped off for
any team illegally substituting a
Casanova’s assistants this year
are Jack Roche, Jr., assistant,
Vera Sterling, line coach, and
Johnny McKay backfield coach.
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Game Lineups...
Oregon's lineups: Ends: Emery Barnes.
88; I.<ii lierrie, 85; Tom Elliott, 82; !>,m
Granberg, 89; Chuck Grecnlev. 83; Ken
Johnson, N7 j I)irk Moblcv, 81 ; ffd Overton
80; and John Keed, 80. Tackles: Kill Ban
lirock, 7.1; Uick Darker, 70; Don Hedge
peth, 72; Harry Johnson. 77; Jcrrv Nelson.
/9; Hal Reeve, 78; and Eon Stiner, Jr., 61.
Guards: George Mutschler. 62; Jack Pat
era, 75 ; Ken Sweitzer,69; and Keith Tucker.
65; Centers: Chuck Laird, 74; Dave Lowe.
55: Ron Pheister, 50; Art Weber. 54. Backs:
Harney Holland. 12; Don Holt, 27; George
5-haw. 14; Farrell Albright, .15; Ted Ander
son, 34 : Walt Gaffney, 38; Dick James. 24;
Dick Pavlat, 33; Lfovd Powell, 21; Cecc
Hodges, 36; Larry Rose. 42; Dean Van
Leuven, 44 ; John Woyat, 28.
Nebraska’s lineup: Ends: Andy Loehr,
89; Ralph Weeddle, 88; Jerry Yeager, 87;
Deart Lux, 86; Kill Schabacker, 85; Don
Hewitt ,R4; Ken Reiners, 83 ; LaVerne Neu
mann, 82; Jack Kraley, 81; Bill Hawkins,
80. Tackles; Don Giants, 79; Dick Moore.
78; Quinlan Anderson, 77; Jerry Minnick,
76; Larry Gallion, 75; Max Kitselman, 74;
I’cv Evans, 73; Kill Holoran, 72; Harvey
Goth, 71 ; Ted Connor, 70.
Guards: Demas Griess, 69; Tom Kripal.
68; Jerry Korisko, 6,7; Harold Sorenson, 06;
Robert Wagner, 65; Charles Bryant, 64;
Jerry J'aulson, 63; Don Brandt, 62; John
Machisic, 61. Centers: Doran Post, 55; Ted
Britt, 54 ; Bob Oberlin, 53 ; Ron Ramsey, 52 ;
Richard Neal, 51 ; Jim Oliver, 50.
Backs: George Sifra. 44; Bob Smith. 41 ;
Jim Veislcy, 33; Dennis Korinck, 30; Don
Trauthen, 26; Duane Rankin, 25; Ken
Moore, 24 ; George Gohde, 23 ; Sylvester Har
ris, 22; Jon McWilliams, 21; Dan Brown,
20; Frank Reeves, 19; Jim Ccderdahl, 18;
Ray Novak, 17; John Edwards, 16; Ladd
Cochrdne, 15; John Bordogna, 14; Rex
Eischer, 13; Bill Thayer, 12; Max Kennedy,
31; Dirkes Rolstou, 10,
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