Freshmen To Meet [ Advisers Tonight Adviser-advisee meetings, sched uled for tonight at 7:30, will ac quaint freshmen with their faculty adviser and enable them to start planning class schedules. Individual conferences with advisers will also be scheduled at this time. Assemblies, dorm meetings and testing highlighted the first two days of New Student week, which began with KwamS, Skull & Dag ger, and Phi Theta Upsilon honor ary members moving freshmen into dorms. University Religious Council houses offered supper and "get acquainted” sessions for new stu dent members of various denom inations on campus at 5:30 Sun day evening. Students Welcomed New students were officially welcomed to the University at the opening assembly in McArthur Court, Sunduy at 7:30 p.m. Inter im President Victor P. Morris told freshmen of the varied life offered by the University of Oregon. He mentioned study, recreation and ■ friendships as important phases of college life. "It is the human element which really' make the University of Oregon," Morris stated. "It is pri marily the teachers, students and • those who have left their thoughts in the books in our library which are most important. He told new students of the ideals of the Uni versity-quality of work, freedom , of thinking and individual re sponsibility. P.epresentir.g the teaching fac ulty, Roy C. McCall, professor of speech, spoke to students on "The Great Adventure.” He called en tering college an adventure be . cause students are making an in vestment in knowledge, ar.d will . form new friendships and loyalties. How successful a student is in col 1-ge life is determined by intelli gence, past experiences and the kind of person he is, said McCall. "The more completely you give yourself to the University of Ore gon, the more it will be yours," he stated. I Transfers to Meet Transfer students met in the •tudent Union at 3:30 Monday aft moon to discuss campus activi ‘-‘8. A second meeting will be held this afternoon at 3:30. Third session is scheduled for 1 p.m. Thursday. Dorm meetings, designed to familiarize freshmen and new stu dents with living organization rules and regulations were held Sunday and Monday evenings at 9:30. ; Others are scheduled for tonight at 9:30. Activities on the agenda for the rest of the week include the Duck ling picnic at 5:30 p.m. Wednes day, ASUO assembly at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening, Student Union open house 7 to 10:30 p.m. Thursday, and the President's re ception from 8:30 to 10 Thursday. Saturday Dance Set An informal no-date "Hello Dance” will be held from 9 to 12 p.m. Saturday in the SU ballroom. Campus clothes are in order for the dance. Sunday, September 20, has been designated as "Go-to-Church" Sunday. Students will have their first chance to attend the church of their choice in Eugene. YMCA, YWCA, Women’s Recre ational association, the Oregana and the Emerald have scheduled open houses for next week. The Associated Women Stu dents' sponsored Dean’s tea, orig inally scheduled for Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m., has been rescheduled for Wednesday at the same time. Law School Lists Honor Roll Names Seven men qualified for the spring term school of law honor roll according to an announcement released by the school. The honor roll is based upon a cumulative grade point average: coveting all work done in the Uni versity. It includes those students . who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher and who carry a full study program. In order according to rank, the list includes: William Duhaime, third-year class; James L. Hersh ner, Malcolm F. Marsh, Malcolm J. Montague and William V. Deatherage, second-year class, and William V. Norval and John R. Gill, first-year class. Welcom e back to Oregon! We are presenting two fine Programs This Week for your entertainment. Notv Playing “All I Desire” with Barbara Stamvick and Richard Carlson also “Take Me to Town” with Ann Sheridan and Sterling Hayden Starts Wednesday “5000 Fingers of Dr. T” with Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy also “Jack McCall, Desperado” with George Montgomery and Angela Stevens Campus Briefs 0 (.'lofting hours for woman’s dormitories this week will be 10:30 p.m. for freshmen and 11 p.m. for upperclassmen. One p.m. dead lines will be observed on Friday and Saturday nights, for all wom en on campus. 0 All new and old members of Alpha Phi Omega, men’s service honorary, will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Student Union, according to Jerry Froebe, president. Janet Wick Elected Phi Theta President Janet Wick, junior in liberal arts, has been elected president of Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women’s service honorary. Miss Wick fills the vacancy created when former president Shirley Wendt did not return to school. Lois Powell, junior in architec ture, will take over the historian position formerly held by Miss Wick. Living Groups Move As Fall Term Begins Returning students may find that freshmen are not the only ones who have difficulty finding the various campus living organi zations. The reorganization of the veter an's dormitories and the reloca tion of three fraternities have changed the lineup of living organ izations this year. Vet’s dorm I, which was com posed of Merrick and Stitzer halls last year, will again house fresh men men, but this year it will be divided into four halls, Merrick, Stitzer, French and Nestor. Vet's dorm II, which last year housed French and Nestor halls, is now being used to house upperclass men and has been named Chemey hall. Phi Gamma Delta fraternity has moved into its new house on 18th street near the First Lutheran Church. The old Fiji house, which is owned by the University, is now being rented by Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Delta Upsilon fraternity, which is also building a new house on 18th street, is living in Vet's dorm II until the house is ready for occupancy in about two weeks. John Straub hall, with the ex ception of Hendricks Annext, or Sherry Ross, again houses upper class men. Kendricks Annex will house freshman women temporar ily. As soon as sufficient vacan cies occur in Hendricks and Car son halls, probably during winter term, the women will be moved into those two halls. Susan Campbell hall, which last year housed mostly upperclasa men, is now being used for fresh man men. Night Staff Night Editor .Anne Hill Staff . Mary Alice Allen, Dorothy Iler, Bob Patterson, Lea Calvert. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. says: welcome back1 OREGON Welcome back to college glories, Back to frats and dormitories, Back to class, and prom and forum, —what’ll you be wearin’ for ’em? Esky has the answers, men — What to wear-and where and when. Shirt and jacket, coat and suit, Jewelry—and shoes, to boot. Briar pipes and fur-felt hats Fountain pens and fine cravats. Anything you must acquire You'll find featured in Esquire. Check the products at the right, -they're the finest buys in sight! 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