Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 29, 1953, Page Seven, Image 7

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Campus %
I -.
By Gail Savage
Em«r«ld Living Organization Editor
At Delta Gamma
Anne Armstrong is wearing the ATO pin of Bill Wilson, and Sandy
Price is pinned to Gordon Rennie, Phi Kappa Sigma. Freshman Sally
Stadelman is pinned to Dennis Olson, SAE. Engagements announced
in the past few weeks are Carolyn McLean to John Mr Bee, Sigma Nu,
Norma Shields to Ray Gilkey, PiKA, and Jo Sloan to Ralph Stratford,
Sigma Chi. Freshman Ann Starkweather also announced her engage
ment to Ron Matson of Eugene.
At Alpha Chi Omega
Ellen Quibell and Jim Courtwright, Sig Ep, have announced their pin
ning, Shirley Seekatz has Theta Chi Diek Hamilton's pin, Sue FuJ
1* r is pinned to Phil Hanson, Phi Psi, and Winnie May is wearing the
Kappa Sig pin of Ron Steele.
Gerry Gibson announced her engagement to SAE Chuck Coulter,
Pat Ryan will be married in July to Larry Serrurier, a Kappa Sig at
Stanford. Jeannette Morse will marry Jim Bauer, Beta in August.
Harriet Booth will marry Chuck Scofield, Sigma Nu, now in the service
May 31.
At Pi Kappa Phi
John Giim and Sharon McCabe recently announced their engage
ment at the Tri Delt house dance. Jim Wooden recently became en
gaged to Sharon Anderson, DZ. At the annual Rose Ball, May 16,
Sharon McCabe was selected as the 1953 Rose of Pi Kappa Phi. Sharon
Anderson and Allison ^latt were selected as princesses.
At Alpha Omicron Pi
Felicia Holter is wearing John Marshall’s Chi Psi pin. Also pinned
are Dawn Kester to Ken Hickenbottom, ATO; Adele Summers to Hap
Engelbert, PiKA, and Diane Starr to Dick Kesson, Theta Chi. The wed
ding of Helen Clark and Tony Robenette, Sigma Nu, is planned for
May 30.
AOPi Lou West will marry Jim Holmes June 18. Emily Nichols and
Bud Boyle, PiKA, have scheduled wedding plans for December. Among
the newly engaged are Freshman Mary Moran to Joe DiPaolo of Den
ver university, and Ann Yeager to Henry Taylor, Sigma Chi.
At Delta Delta Delta
Recently pinned at Tri Delt are Charlotte Britts and SAE Alan
Packer, Nancy Van Allen and Vic Souvignier, ATO, and Janet Flat
land to Bruce MacGregor, president of DU at OSC. Norma Hultgre.o
and Lieutenant Cece Daniel, DU and US Army were married in Boise,
Idaho on April 18.
Meredith Goodrich and Jack Wilson, a Sigma Chi at Willamette,
were married on March 22. Married in May have been Mary Saucer
man and Pete Samuclson, US Army and Joan Risley to Bob Craig
Theta Chi.
Red Cross Board
Officers Appointed
New officers for the campus
Red Cross hoard have been an
nounced by out-going president i
Joan Walker. The officers will as- !
sume their duties next fall term.
Taking over as president is Mary
Wilson and vice-president will be
Carol Huggins. Other officers are
Hally Ryan, secretary; Cynthia
Long, treasurer; Janet Gustafson,
( and Donna Anderson, blood drive
chairmen; June Browning, public
ity; Gerry Porritt and Jim Diel
I schnelder, disaster chairmen; Anne
! Starkweather and Phil Lewis.
Roseburg project chairmen; and
Gwen Zinninger, special events
| chairman.
Punch to Interview
BAT Housemother
Mrs. Agnes Freep, housemother
>at the Beta Alpha Theta sorority,
will be the interviewee on next
Tuesday's edition of "Lemon
Punch," according to Thorne Briar,
KWAX announcer. The show,
which is heard at 6:15 over KWAX.
| be the last in this year's
| series.
Mrs. Freep, who will be leaving
the BAT house after 30 years of
service, will relate many of her
experiences as a housemother. Ac
tually, it will be 35 years for the
lovable red-haired lady at Oregon.
As one of the charter members
of Beta Alpha Theta, she enrolled
at the University in 1917. Shortly
after her graduation in 1921, and
receiving her degree in fox farm
ing, she married Ernstwhile
Freep, a graduate student in ge
It was not long after this that
Mr. Freep went on a research trip
to Tillamook—*a journey frim
which he never returned. Since that
time, Mrs. Freep has held down
the housemother position.
As one of the girls at the BAT
house expressed it, “We’ll hate to
see Mrs. Freep leave, although at
times it will be a relief. She was
always coming in after closing
University Symphony Orchestra Sets
Final Concert; TwoSoloisfsFeafured
The University symphony or
chestra, directed by Edmund Cyk
ler, professor of music, and GeOrge
Houghton, associate professor of
violin, and the choral union, di
rected by Donald Allton, assistant
professor of music, will be pre
sented in their final concert of the
school year Tuesday at 8:15 p.m, in
the music school auditorium.
Featured on the program will be
two student soloists, violinist Lar
ry I, laves, junior, and organist
June Orr, senior. Both were se
lected by audition last year for
appearances with the orchestra.
Miss Orr will play "Organ Con
certo, Opus 4, No. 5", by Handel
and Maves will perform the “Third
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra,
Opus 61,” by Camille Saint-Saens.
Making their only public appear
ance of the year, £he choral union
will sing Brahms’ “Song of the
Fates, Opus 89,” acWmpanied by
the orchestra.
“The number, with original text
by Wolfgang Goethe, is a drama
tic work full of the fateful fore
boding of the mythical sisters who
hold human fate in their fickle
grasp, said Allton. He will direct
both the chorus and orchestra cn
(he final number.
Seeking a Career in
San Francisco
Congenial atmosphere for
young men and women. Sun
deck, TV, Lounge. Private
oaths and phones. Steak din
ners fortnightly.
Room and meals from
$60 monthly
6 Blocks from Union Square
1105 Larkin (at Sutter)
ORdway 3-7720
Across the
Street -
Across the
Your Local
Transfer Co.
83 East 5th Ave.
Eugene, Ore. Ph. 5-3134
J Majors Take
Summer Work
Newspaper jobs throughout the
state will be filled by journalism
majors at the close of spring term,
according to C. C. Webb, assistant
professor of journalism and repre
sentative of the Newspaper Pub
lishers of the West.
Graduates moving into fulltime
employment include Jim Shea,
Register-Guard in advertising;
Donna Pastrouich, Myrtle Creek
Mail in advertising; Sue Lichty,
Pendleton East Oregonian in news;
Lorna Davis, Condon Globe Times
in news, and Helen Jones, Baker
Democrat-Herald in news.
Students Accept Jobs
Journalism students who have
been offered and have accepted
summer work include Dick Carter,
Medford Mail Tribune in advertis
ing; Barbara Boushey, Medford
Mail Tribune in news; Elsie Schil
ler, Hillsboro Argus in news; Jerry
Harrell, Myrtle Creek Mail in
news; Ron Miller, Heppner Gazette
Times in news; Virginia Dailey,
Register-Guard in news, and Bill
Brandsness, a converted sophomore
business major, Klamath Falls Her
ald News in advertising.
Fronie Bromley, freshman in
journalism,' will drop out of school
for one year to work on the Al
bany Democrat Herald in news.
Webb is Go-Between
Webb acts as go-between for
publishers in hiring students and
students interested in being hired.
Students do their own applying for
positions, although Webb helps di
rect the original contact.
The approximate average wage
of the jobs will be $53 weekly for
fulltime employment and $48
weekly for summer work.
Student Church Directory
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pearl
MAY 31
“Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and
Hypnotism, Denounced.”
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86 West
Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon Tuesday
7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger
1166 Oak Street Phone 4-1425
MAY 31, 1953
A.M. “THIS IS THE CHURCH,” Dr. Carroll C. Roberts
P.M. Mr. James Cornett, the Associate Minister, will bring
the evening message.
Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor
Invites you to its services and youth activities
9:45 a.m. University class
11:00 a.m. “Two Birds” KASH broadcast.
6:30 p.m. Seven Felowship groups meet
7:30 p.m. Memorial night “The Rainbow Over the Grave”
—._ -J
Sunday Services—8:45 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Sermon: “OUR TRIUNE GOD.’’
(By Vicar Donald Schaefer)
Bible Class: 10 a.m. - Dr. E. S. Wengert, leader
East Eleventh Avenue at Ferry Street
T\. B. Maier, Pastor Donald Schaeffer, Assistant
490 East 13th
Two Services: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Students are Cordially Invited . . .
Dr. Nicholson will preach
TVesley Goodson Nicholson Ruth Ownbey
Minister Director of Music
Go To Church Sunday