Harshbarger Sells Story to Atlantic "Atlantic Monthly*” a publica tion not in the habit of accepting neophyte authors’ contributions, will publish, late this summer, a story by Karl Harshbarger, jun ior in speech. Harshbarger, chairman of the Student Union coffee hour forum committee, gave the story, entitled "Del,” to Monthly Editor Edward Weeks when the latter appeared •on campus last October. “In fact,” Harshbarger said Tuesday, "I was rewriting the story as the forum went on.” Goes to Cannery The story, according to Harsh barger, is about a “boy from a lonely farm life who goes to a can nery labor camp where the situa tion is just as lonely.” He can not grow homesick be cause home is just as lonely as where he now is. The boy finds his only relief in wanting and. in the climax of the story, attempting ^APO's Initiate Five in Salem Ceremony Nine members of the University uof Oregon chapter of Alpha Phi •.Omega, national men’s service fra ttemity, journeyed to Willamette -university Wednesday to initiate ■five members into that newly acti vated chapter. The ritual team from the Oregon Chapter performed the ceremony. Oregon students who made the trip included Jerry Froebe, Mar -,tin Johnson, Bob Jorgenson, Bob Rubes, Wes Naish, Herb laman rfra, Marvin Young, Bill Denman -and Jim Richards. Ne^ Transfer Plan Decided on by 'YW' The YWCA upperclass commis sion decided on a new program -tor transfer students at the Tues day meeting. This program will be similar to the Duckling program only on a much smaller scale. Transfer girls coming to Oregon next year from other schools will receive a personal letter from a member of the upperclass commis sion. For Your Eager Selection 13 Styles Famous Graff Shirts For Women • All Sizes 33 to 40 • All White Many Good Styles — In Colors and Fabrics • 15 Colors In Rayon Linen In All Sizes i DOWNSTAIRS AT HADLEYS to ride with the trans-continental diesel trucks. This is the first story Harsh barger has had published. A poem by him, “Haze Cold Suspended,” was printen in the "Annual An thology of College Poetry” last De cember. Springs From Experiences Although taking a writing course at the time he wrote the story, Harshbarger said that the major portion springs from his ex periences at a cannery in Illinois similar to that depicted in his writing. Newburn Will Speak To Foreign Students University President H. K. New burn will be the principal speaker at the annual foreign student ban quet Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union ballroom. D. M. Dougherty, head of the foreign language department, will preside over the affair, which is sponsored by the Foreign Student Friendship Foundation. Also on the program are four foreign students scheduled to give talks. They are: Alan Robinson, England; Alfreida Kralick, Aus tria; Chiau Beng Ng, Singapore, and Mineko Mai, Japan. Lombard street in London is the principal street for banks and note brokers. Kern, Mercer Music Featured in SU Movie you Were Never Lovelier, starring Rita Hayworth and Fred Astaire, is the feature movie to be shown Sunday at 2:30 and 4:30 'Skeleton' Petitions Due Today for SU Petitions are due today for posi tions on the "skeleton" committee which will carry on Student Union activities this summer and the be ginning of fall term. Students wishing information about the standing committees should see Donna Buse, SU pro gram director, or John Shaffer, personnel committee chairman. ?Jo previous experience in SU work is required. Interviews for the committees will begin Monday. p.m. in the SU Ballroom. It is the only musical of the term Pcuh&Lci Styliesti ' PACIFIC MOIOR SALES JTUDINTU IIM IXTIA MONITI ! Sludcnlt who w»nt to mn « cammittion mIIIni 0m PAMOSA SWIM on tin ctm*n, costMt w. Lon Angeles 448 E. Hill St. Beverly Hills »367 Wllshire Blvd. San Francisco.828 Geary St. 1* QUALITY CONTRAST between Chesterfield and other leading cigarettes is a revealing story. Recent chemical analyses give an index of good quality for the country’s six leading cigarette brands. ~ The index of good quality table-a ratio of high sugar to low nicotine shows Chesterfield quality highest . . . 15% higher than its nearest competitor and Chesterfield quality 31% higher than ' the average of the five other leading brands. “— 2« First to Give You Premium Qudlity in Regular and King-size . . . much milder with an extraordinarily good taste—and for your pocketbook, Chesterfield is today’s best cigarette buy. 3* A Report Never Before Made About a Cigarette. For well over a year a medical specialist has been giving a j group of Chesterfield smokers ! regular examinations every / two months. He reports... / no adverse effects to nose, L throat and sinuses from smoking Chesterfield. ► Don'tyou want to fry a | cigarette w/t/> a record Me M/s ? [