Religious Notes Compiled by Mitzi Asai Emerald Raligiouf N«wt Editor v-nrisnan Mouse “Donut hour” at Christian house Sunday begins at 9:30 a m. V. P. Morris, dean of the school of busi ness, teaches the Bible study class which follows. Sunday evening at .0:30 a group of students will apeak on "Invest ing Your Summer.’’ Speakers in clude Betty Myers, Tom Mc Cormick and Hollos Kutch. June 7 has been selected for the date of the annual Senior Supper, held in honor of graduating stu dents from both the University and Northwest Christian college. Otis Harden is general chairman of the event. Newman Club Sunday, Newman club will have a picnic at Triangle Lake from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The activities planned include baseball, swim ming and water skiing. The cost will be 80 cents for food and trana portation. The pick-up places will be at the College Side and St. Mary's churrh at 10 a.m. For fur ther information call Klars Diet meier at 5-0214. The 6:50 a.m. Daily Mass with Confessions during the Mass and at 5 p.m. Saturdays will be con Today the Day For Blood Drive The Red Cross blood drive wITl be held today from 10:30 a m. to 3:30 p.m. instead of Thursday as previously announced. A goal of 500 pints has been Set for the drive Which will be conducted at the Veteran's Memor ial building in downtown Eugene. No appointments are necessary, but all students under 21 must have their parents' signatures in order to donate, according to Jer ry Froebe, campus representative. CAMPUS CALENDAR I 9 a.m. Labor Mgmt C’onf Regis Lobby 2nd FI SU j Noon N'W Labor Mgmt Cong Lunch 110IU Dean Cueto Lunch 113SU YMCA 114 SU 9 p.m. Explorer Scout Regis 110 SU 4 Frl at 4 Fishbowl SU 7:45 Coffee Hr 201 SU 8 Alpha Phi Omega Gerl 2nd FI 8:30 Fac Women’s Dance Cl Gerl Annex 1 A person regarded as antagon istic to those if artistic or poetic temperament is often called a Philistine. NORTH END Drive-In Theatre I1/2 miles North of the overpass on highway 99 North “LURE OF THE WILDERNESS” In Technicolor ; Jean Peters - Jeffrey Hunter Constance Smith also “T A X I” Dan Dailey Constance Smith Cartoons and News WEDNESDAY THRU SAT. j.inueu. ueneaictlon will be at 7 p.m. Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Westminster Foundation Tonight at 6 Westminsterites are holding a Senior Banquet and Ball at Westminster Foundation with the theme, "Coronation Festivi ties.” Dress for the evening will be formal. Martha VanCamp is chairman of the event. Sunday morning at 9:30 the usual Bible study will be led by Kev. Thom Hunter, on the Gospel of John. That evening a picnic and vesper service is planned at Lea burg dam. Students will meet at the Westminster foundation for transportation. The Citizenship commission is in charge of this part of the day. Wednesday noon, there will be a chapel service in Westminster chapel from 12:30 to 12:45. At 5:30 p.m. a fellowship supper will be held, with the citizenship com mission having charge. UO Coed to Attend T Training School Nan Mimmaugh, YWCA junior advisor, will be a delegate to the YW 1953 leadership training school to be held at Berkcdey, Calif., June 18 to August 2. The school is for student YM and YW officers and cabinet members and is sponsored by the National Stu dent council, YMCA and YWCA. Course include "It eligious Values in the Modern World,” "An 1 Introduction to Social Ethics” and "Introduction to Group Work.” j Director of the school will be W. Robert Rankin from Federated Colleges of Claremont, Calif. Students share problems and ex- j periences with others from many | different colleges. Miss Mimmaugh’s YW work in cludes positions as junior advisor, regional council delegate and co chairman of Seabeck regional student conference. In 1919, the Duck basketball squad took the Pacific Coast cham pionship by defeating the Univer sity of California by two points. MOVING STORAGE PACKIRG Across the Street- ? Across die Nation* j In Your Local MAYFLOWER Warehouseman Williams Transfer Co. 33 East 5th Ave. Eugene, Ore. Ph. 5-3131 fayfloWg-|_yO^L french Play La Sauvage' Opening In Villard Theatre as Experiment AIie Iir»c performance of “La j •Sauvage,” a French play by Jean Anouilh, will be presented at 3:30 today in the Experimental theater, Villard hall. Two other performances will be given on May 25, at 3:30 p.m. and on June 1, at 8 p.m. All perform ances are given in French. “La Sauvage" (The Wild Girl; is the story of a little cafe or chestra. The pianist, Gosta, is known publicly to be the lover of the wife of the orchestra leader, but, at the same time, he is in love with his daughter, Theresa. On the eve of her wedding to a distin guished young composer, she sud denly refuses to marry. The cast includes: Jeanne Gott fredson, Therese; Kathleen Evans Jeannette; Mrs. Florence Kroll. Madame Tarde; Mrs. Judith Mc Dowell, the aunt; Connie Ohlsen, Marie; Diane David, the salesgirl; Dagmara Grisle, the little appren tice; Pierre Van Rysselberghe, Florent; Bob Griffeth, Hartman; Robert Jones, Monsieur Tarde; James D. Devine, Gosta, and Leo Osborn, Monsieur Lebonze. Jean Anouilh, one of the most celebrated authors of the contem porary French theater, has col lected his plays in three volumes, title "pink,” "black” and "bril liant ’ plays to indicate the nature of the contents. "La Sauvage” be longs to the series of "black" plays, meaning it is partially a tragedy. SU Will Be Closed For Memorial Day The Student Union will be closed ail day Memorial Day, May 30, but will open its regu lar hours on Sunday, May 31, according to K. C. Williams, SU director. Schedule of open hours on May 29 has not been decided. FIVE GOOD HOUSES FOR SALE THIS SUMMER BY BUILDER All Near 29th and Willamette 1 ready now. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, automatic oil heat, \oungstown kitchen cabinets. 1 ready in 3 weeks. 2 bedrooms with another bedroom over the garage, fireplace, oil heat, hardwood floors. 3 ready to start; 3 bedrooms each, forcedair heat, fireplaces NOT ANY BETTER BUYS IN TOWN Coil Fred Hollister.. .4-1609 OR DROP BY AT 2920 HIGH ST. SUut&d Church Directory First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts 14th and Pearl MAY 24 “BODY AND SOUL” Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Nursery Facilities During All Services ... Reading Room 86 West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1166 Oak Street Phone 4-1425 SERMON SUBJECTS: MAY 24 11:00 a.m. “Onward Christian Soldiers” 7:30 p.m. “Pentecost Declamation Contest” In observance of Pentecost Sunday FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Invites you to its services and youth activities 9:45, University Class—Fred Beard, teacher 11:00 ‘‘Pentecost, Past and Present” 6:30 University Fellowship—9:00 p.m. Afterglow 7 :30, “Day of Atonement” Baptismal Service Memorial Day — Coast trip for all young people Sunday Services—8:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sermon: “True Disciples of Christ” Confirmation of membership classes in the 11 a.m. service Bible Class—10 a.m.. Dr. E. S. Wengert, leader WELCOME! GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Eleventh Avenue at Ferry Street \\. B. Maier, Pastor Donald Schaeffer, Assistant FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 490 East 13th Two Services: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Students are Cordially Invited . . . Dr. Nicholson will preach Wesley Goodson Nicholson Minister Ruth Ownbey Director of Music Go To Church Sunday