Spring Gridders Smooth Attack; Team Put into Two Offense Units Oregon's spring football team seems pretty well rounded out after eighteen days of practice. Coach Len Casanova sent his charges through a wet drill ses sion, Wednesday, smoothing out rough points in the offense and defense. After working with the line man early in the afternoon on the finer points of aerial defense, Coach Casanova split his grid hopefuls into two teams for about an hour of scrimmage. Holt Leads First Team Quarterback Don Holt led the first offensive team, composed mostly of freshmen and sopho mores. John Lighty, freshman end, was the outstanding performer, receiving numerous aerials, two of them good for touchdowns. The San Francisco frosh also turned in a stellar performance as offensive Mocker. Unlike the last practices, the Stress turned away from excessive COACH LEN CASANOVA Twenty Games Almost I"p passing and the team spent more time developing a well-rounded (Phase turn to page five) C & M TRANSFER CO. ) Let us do your local and long distance moving. ) Reliable workmen will do your packing while you’re en route. 392 High St. ^ Phone 4-1015 Finish The Term with —A Place To Go On Dates —Sandwiches For Parties —Snacks Between Studies at Bev’s Barbecue . Ph. 5-9367 1879 W. 6th You Con Learn to Fly in Just 8 Hours! 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Messenger Second Another ND champion, Elmer Messenger, who won the discus last year, has been overshadowed by McCants this year but is always a consistent second place winner. Bob Gary, the undefeated de fending sprint champion and un doubtedly the class of the league, is tapped to take both sprint events. The events will feature many stars but none that have yet been able to match the little negro’s speed. Also entered in the sprints is Richardson. He was outstanding in the 220 last year but a leg injury has stopped him this year. He is also slated to enter the 440. Bill Link, a first rate half miler, has turned in the best times this season and is undefeated in dual meet competition. He has never run against Oregon's Doug Clem ent and may be due for his first loss. Fisher in Two Mile Northern Division Champion A1 Fisher will carry the burden in the two mile run but he is not gen erally expected to take the title again. The WSC relay team is one of the best in the division and can be expected to do quite well. In the field events, McCants and Messenger are both picked to rack up points in the high jump and discus. McCants is virtually un opposed for high jump honors, and his most serious competition in the discus will come from his team mate Messenger. Vic Anderson has been the only DOUG CLEMENT, Oregon’s ace mid-distance man, will have a busy day this Saturday at the Northern Division track meet on Hayward field. The prize sophomore is slated to enter the 440, 880, and also a leg on the mile relay team. Clement has gone undefeated in ND competition this year. threat to Oregon’s supremacy in the pole vault this year and He could finish as high as second place. His best height this year is 13 ft. 4 >-2 inches. In the shot put. the Cougars are fairly impotent. Cole McFarland has been their best man so far and may pick up a third or a fourth. The Cougars have two strong performers In the javelin. Jim Duncan and A1 Thurman picked up points very consistently in the dual inret* and should do the same Saturday. The Washington tracksters are certain to be nil in the hurdles, and very weak in the mile. Most of their strength lies in firsts and seconds. They are generally con sidered the team to beat in the coming meet, but the Oregon Ducks could pull an upset. The Palouse Hill men are always strong in track and this year is no excep tion. First Place Webfoots Prep in Rain; Showers Predicted for Eugene Tilt Coach Don Kirsch’s first place Oregon baseball team got more practice for rainy weather games Wednesday. The Webfoots held batting and fielding sessions in in termittent showers in preparation for the three weekend games with Oregon State. Reports from the weather bu reau indicate, however .that Fri day’s scheduled nine inning con test in Eugene may get called, off because of rain. Although Satur day’s forecast was uncertain, the weathermen look for a nicer day. If the skies do clear up by Sat urday, the Beavers and Ducks will do battle in Corvallis for the Northern Division championship. A double-header is scheduled to make up a game that was called off last Monday. If Friday’s game at Howe field is washed out, the Webfoots can GET YOUR Genuine Levi Cruise Blues Pegtop Pants .$4.50 Regular Top Pants. 4.95 Jackets to Match. 4.95 At the Store Where “It’s a Pleasure to Serve You” We Give Gold Arrow Stamps mmm UTrmmvi 61 E. Broadway t We Redeem Gold Arrow Stamps ■ ■ ■ l ■ ■ »■ win the title by gaining a split in the Saturday twin bill. Coach Kirsch has not named a starter for the Friday contest at Eugene, but chances are good that Stan Dmochowsky, sophomore ND BASEBALL STANDINGS OREGON Oregon State Idaho WSC Washington W L Pet. GB 9 3 .750 . 9 3 .727 »/« 0 7 .462 3'/2 6 8 .428 4 1 9 .100 7 right hander, will get the starting nod. Dmochowsky is currently leading the conference with an earned run average of 2.08 for 25 innings or more. Ralph Coleman, OSC mentor, will probably send his prize mound prospect, Bailey Brem, to the hill Friday. Brem has been the workhorse of the ND this year, facing 170 batters. Out of this number he has struck out 40, to lead in the strike hut de partment. The Beavers possess the top hit ters in the division, Jay Dean, sophomore first baseman, who has poked out 17 safeties in 45 plate appearances. He also leads in doubles with seven.