T Job Interviews Set Wednesday Interviews for YWCA job oppor tunities may be held by appoint ment Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Mrs. C. A. Barnes, member of the national YWCA board, com munity YWCA advisory board and campus advisory board, will be interviewing anyone interested in a career in social work. Mrs. Barnes has her master s degree in education from Harvard univer sity and has been appointed to this job by the national board. YWCA positions include health and physical education, work with teen-age girls, employed girls and women and college associations. Requirements are a bachelor’s de gree from college, and training in education, recreation, religion, psychology. economics, social or political sciences. Persons interviewed do not have to be senior women and are not committed by the interviews. Any one interested may contact Miss Mary Elizabeth McDowell at the YW, ext. 426, for arrangements or appointments. Oregon graduates who are now Campus Calendar Noon French Table 111 SU Theatre Staff 112 SU Sigma Delta Chi 118 SU 3:00 Perkins Forum Dad’s Lounge SU 6.00 Alpha Delta Sig Init 114 SU 6:15 Coed Coop Coun 112 Friendly 6:30 SU Bridge Tourn Comm Lunch Young Demos 110 SU Alpha Delta Sig Din 112 SU 7:00 Scab & Blade 213 SU rVCF 334 SU Christian Sci Gerl 1st FI 7:30 House Lect Dad’s Lounge SU Neuman Cl Exec 111 SU Modern Opera 202 SU Alpha Phi Omega 315 SU YMCA 319 SU Phi Ep Kap Gerl 2nd FI Classifieds SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL AMAZING EARNINGS FIRST TIME OFFERED To take full charge of refilling and collecting money from machines in this area. Approximately six to eight hours per week work. CHARITY WILL BENEFIT from all sales. The MILTON H. BER RY FOUNDATION SCHOOLS FOR POLIO VICTIMS, 54 YEAR - OLD NATIONALLY KNOWN INSTITUTION will re ceive a substantial percentage of the profits. To the person select ed this means much faster sales and profits. To qualify for this work, you must have car, excellent references, $680 cash to secure territory and inventory. You’ll be amazed at the earning possibilities. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW WRITE BUSINESS MANAGER, Oregon Daily Emerald, Univer sity of Oregon. Give Phone No. Graduating? Worried... about that first job. You’ll have every confidence if you are wearing a Bulova watch. Btilova’s dependability and durability will back you up through years of use. Spend that graduation gift c.liec k now on a precision made, beautifully styled Bul ova watch at Bristow’s. BRISTOW'S JEWELERS 620 Willamette employed in the YWCA are Mrs. Ann Darby Nicholson, president of the Oregon YW in 1951 and now program director of the YW at the University of Illinois, and Mrs. Lil lian Schott Arnson, secretary of the campus Y in 1931 and now teen-age program director in the Salem YWCA. Winners Told In Book Contest Winners of the annual book awards of Sigma Delta Pi, Span ish honorary, have been announced by L. O. Wright, chapter advisor and professor of romance lan guages. Ron Lowell, junior in general science, and Robert Johns, junior in foreign languages, tied for first place for the greatest progress in lower division Spanish. Elizabeth Mcllveen, freshman in English re ceived the award for second year Spanish. For the greatest progress in ad vanced Spanish courses, Dagmara Grisle, junior in foreign languages, and Jacquelyn Saylor, sophomore in liberal arts, won the book awards. Winner of the John Watson Vo gan essay contest for the best essay written in the Spanish lan guage was Eldred W. Irving, jun ior in foreign languages. He re ceived a prize of $25. • Campus Briefs 0 The uppcrclass commission will meet today noon at the YW in Gerlinger. Bring sack lunches. 0 Items for the Campus Mer ry-Go-Round should be turned in to the Emerald shack at 4 p.m. today, according to Gail Savage, Emerald living organizations edi tor. f The Kwamas will meet at 6:15 tonight in the YWCA in Ger linger, according to Nan Mim naugh, president. 0 Harry Atkins, graduate stu dent in history and recently return ed missionary from Ethiopia, will speak in the Student Union at 7 tonight before Inter-Varsity Fel lowship. Topic of his talk will be certain aspects of his work in edu cation while in Africa. 0 Pre-Nursing club will meet Wednesday noon at Wesley House. Members are to bring sack lunches. The sophomores in pre-nursing will also attend this meeting. 0 Arnold Elston, associate pro fessor of music, will lecture to night on “Modern Music” in the Peter Benson Howard music lis tening room of the Student Union at 7:30, according to Bob Koutek, recorded music chairman. In 1942, the pin-ball machines at the Falcon, campus coffee shop, were being considered for air-raid shelters—they were never hit. 'Brigadoon' Ticket Sales Begin Tickets are now on sale at the University theater box office for this year’s musical production, Brigadoon, which opens Friday at 8 p.m. The Scotch-set musical will run May 23, 26, 27 and June 3 and 4, The cast as announced by H. W. Robinson, associate professor of speech and director of the produc tion, includes several double cast ings. Gordon Green and Doug Stoblo will alternate the role of Tommy Albright as will Allison Le Roux and Jeanette Stone the part of Meg Brookie. Others include A1 Barzman, Jeff Douglas; Scott Lehner, Archie Beaton; Perry Stamper, Harry Beaton; Pat Henry, Mr. McLaren; Dorothy Anderson and Mary Lou Teague, Fiona McLaren; Diane David, Jean McLaren; Bob Luonia, Angus MacGuffie. Your Local MAYFLOWER Warehouseman Williams Transfer Co. 83 East 5th Ave. Eugene, Ore. 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