National Science Fraternity Slates Initiation May 20 for 40 Nominees Nominees for associate and full membership in the University of Oregon chapter of Sigma Xi, na tional science fraternity, will be initiated May 20 during ceremon ies to be held in Gerlinger hall. The purpose of the society is to promote research in pure and ap plied science. The privilege of membership is extended to those who have shown either accomplish ment or promise in scientific re search. Undergrads Honored Two undergraduates, Richard Bray, junior in geology and geog raphy, and Christopher Williams, senior in general science, are among the 40 nominees. Because of the limited facilities open to undergraduates for research work, .few are admitted to membership. They will each receive an associate membership. Those nominated for full mem bership include: George Adams, research asso ciate in chemistry; Hubert Chres tenson, teaching fellowship in mathematics; Kermit Clemans. in structor in mathematics; Makoto Takeo, research fellow in physics; Mario Maraghini, research asso ciate in chemistry, and Gordon Murdock, research assistant in chemistry. Ralph Selfridge, graduate stu dent in mathematics, and Robert Ad Group Boss Sets Talk Here Arthur E. House, president of the Advertising Association of the West, will speak to the Oregon Ad club on the topic “Hitching Up Our Advertising Girdle,” Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union. House is with the Portland ad vertising firm of House and Ice land. This will be the last meeting of the year for the ad club, which is sponsored jointly by Gamma Al pha Chi and Alpha Delta Sigma, itational professional advertising fraternities for women and men, respectively. Plans for the first annual ad club picnic will be discussed at the meeting. Preceding the meeting. Alpha Delta Sigma will hold a banquet and initiation of new members, 'file students to be initiated are Richard Carter, junior in journal ism; John Shepherd, senior in bus iness, and Ronald Sherman, junior in business. The longest game in PCL his tory was played in 1909. San Fran cisco beat Oakland, 1-0, in 24 innings. Stalley, graduate student in math ematics. Two nominees who are neither members Of the faculty or student body are Herman Johan sen, chemical engineer, U. S. bu reau of mines, Albany, and Parke Snavely, Northwest regional sup ervisor, U. S. Geological survey. Associate Nominees Those nominated for associate membership include: Peter Aline, teaching fellow in physics: Mark Baelor, graduate as sistant in chemistry: Annette Baich, graduate assistant in chem istry: Dale Balfour, graduate as sistant in biology: Robert Ben nett, research assistant in physics; Jack Borsting, graduate assistant in mathematics, and William Clark research assistant in chemistry. Raymond Corcoran, graduate student in geology: Norman Diebel. research assistant in chemistry; Robert Doak, graduate assistant in J geology: Idella Evans, graduate as sistant in psychology; Alfred Hu, graduate assistant in biology, and Oleg Jefimenko, graduate assist ant in physics. IS More Named Edward Jones Jr., graduate as sistant in geology: Calvin Long, graduate assistant in mathematics; Paul Metzger, counselor in the university counseling center; Phil ip Porter, graduate student in ge ology; F. Pritchett, graduate as sistant in geology, and Norman Privrasky, graduate assistant in geology. John Reardon, graduate assist ant in biology; John Rowley, grad uate assistant in biology; Charles Uhl, graduate assistant in psychol ogy; LeRoy Warren, graduate as sistant in mathematics; Louis Wegner, teaching fellow in math ematics; Joseph Weissbart, grad uate assistant in chemistry, and Herman Ziffer, research assistant in chemistry. New Scholarship Given In Coos Bay A new scholarship of $165 has been established for an Incoming freshman by Farr's Hardware company of Coos Bay. Enough to cover full tuition for one year, it will be given annually to a graduate from Coos or Curry counties. The award will prefer ably go to a student who has in dicated an interest in business ad ministration. Radcliffe Fellowship Given by U. S. Rubber An additional fellowship, cour tesy of the United States Rubber company, has been made available for the Radcliffe college manage ment training program, according to an announcement received Wed nesday by Karl D. Onthank, asso ciate director of student affairs. Classifieds SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL AMAZING EARNINGS FIRST TIME OFFERED To take full charge of refilling and collecting money from machines in this area. Approximately six to eight hours per week work. CHARITY WILL BENEFIT from all sales. The MILTON H. BER RY FOUNDATION SCHOOLS FOR POLIO VICTIMS, 54 YEAR - OLD NATIONALLY KNOWN INSTITUTION will re ceive a substantial percentage of the profits. To the person select ed this means much faster sales and profits. To qualify for this work, you must have car, excellent references, $680 cash to secure territory and inventory. You’ll be amazed at the earning possibilities. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW WRITE BUSINESS MANAGER, Oregon Daily Emerald, Univer sity of Oregon. Give Phone No. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend A Free Lecture Entitled "Christian Science: The Power of the Word" By John J. Selover, C.S.B., of Long Beach, Cal. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass TONIGHT AT 8 P.M. Roosevelt Junior High School 680 East 24th Avenue First Church of Christ, Scientist Eugene, Oregon Campus capers V call for Coke Everything’s in high gear at May Fete time ... keeps you on the go. Good idea is to pause now and then for a Coke. tk m r “Coke" is fcO TTl FD UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. of EUGENE a registered trade-mark. © 1953, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Miller Wins Bennett Prize Essay Contest I'M James C. Miller, graduate stu dent in business administration, has been named winner of the Ben« nett Prize essay contest . C & M TRANSFER CO. • Let us do your local and long distance moving. • Reliable workmen will do your packing while you’re en route. I » Phone 4-1015 392 High St. ORDER NOW Prices Start at $15.75 }The Official U. of 0. Ring Officially adopted by the Alumni Association and ASUO in 1949, this beautiful ring is now worn by hundreds of alumni and students. It comes in a variety of settings and stones, and is reasonably priced. Also available with fraternity letters. Samples are now on display. Sold Exclusively by the ALUMNI OFFICE 110 M, Mezzanine, Erb Memorial Union (Take door to right of elevator 2nd floor) New "convertible” styled to warm up COOL dolls Dre»i-n-play ihirt $3.95 If your smiles-per-gal is low, you’ll improve your operating efficiency in a Manhattan DRESS-N-PLAY. This fully convertible collar is equally handsome with or without a tie. And smooth Manhattan styl ing means it’s loaded with pick-up power. Choice of fabrics in white or colors . . . regular DRESS-N PLAY or spread DRESS-N-PLAY collar. Stop in at your Manhattan men’s shop—see many more most for-your-money values in distinc tive menswear.