ROIC Units Set For Big Parade More than 1000 Army and Air Force ROTC students will parti cipate in the anntlal Armed Forces Day parade Saturday through downtown Eugene. The parade, set for 10 a.m., will form at the Southern Pacific depot and march down Willamette st. to the breakup point at 15th Ave. The ROTC students will mass on the drill field back of McArthur court at 9 a.m. Saturday. Military marching groups in the demonstration will include the Eu gene and Springfield Naval Re serve units, the National Guard, the ROTC marching band and the Marine Corps reserve. 6 Finalists Chosen For 'Least' Man Six finalists were selected Thursday night for the annual Least Man on Campus contest. The final loser will be deter mined by popular vote at the Mortar Board Ball May 23. “Men” selected include A1 Harder, Kappa Sigma; Bob Hughes, Alpha Chi Omega and Phi Gamma Delta; Champ Husted, Alpha Xi Delta and Pi Kappa Alpha; Don Lewis. Hen dricks hall. Sigma Alpha Epsi lon and Stitzer hall: Ron Sieg ler, Pi Beta Phi and Sigma Chi; and Ed Tyler, Sigma Phi Ep silon. Bach Program Set By University Group A full evening of music by Bach will be presented by the University •of Oregon Bach society Sunday at a public concert in the First Pres byterian church in Cottage Grove. It will begin at 8 p.m. Included in the program are a violin solo, “Chaconne,” by Larry Maves, and “D Minor Piano Con certo” played by William Woods, instructor in piano. Soloists Exine Anderson, soprano; Geraldine Hall, contralto; Clyde Keutzer, tenor, and Doug Stobie, bass; a twenty voice chorus, and an instrumental group will present Bach's Cantata Wo. IS, “As the Snow and Rain From Heaven Falls,” and his Can tata No. 78, “Jesus Thou My Treasure.” Classifieds HOMEWARD BOUND—for Fair banks, Alaska. Transportation in ’51 Chrysler via scenic Alcan highway. Contact Don DeWree, Philadelphia House. Ph. 4-6711. FOR SALE; ’36 Ford, four door, excellent shape. Radio, heater and pipes. Phone 7-7987. 5-15 WANTED; Male camp counselors. Call at Trailer 41 Campus. FOR SALE -— ’48 Chev. 5-pass, coupe, R and H, excellent shape, good rubber, §800. Phone Bill Miller, 4-5784. I,.. il “Cute and Crisp" SLEEVELESS Blouses Pretty Patterns Fine Materials Styles You’ll Love to Wear 295 595 Willamette at Tenth Religious Notes Compiled by Mitzi Asai Emerald Religious Nows Editor Newman Club Tonight, 8 to 11 p.m., a dance entitled “Combo Whirl,” will fea ture the Sigma Nu band. No ad mission will be charged and the dance will be held in Sacred Heart recreation room. Daily Mass in the chapel at 6 and 6:50 a.m. with confessions heard at the 6:50 a.m. Mass and 5 to 5:30 p.m., Saturdays. Benedic tion on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7 p.m. Christian House Cars will be leaving Christian House this afternoon and Saturday morning for the annual planning retreat to be held at Harmony lodge in Nelscott, Ore. Kammy Chun is general chairman of this weekend coast event. Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., execu tive council will meet. Westminster Foundation Tonight at 6 p.m. a basket social is planned. The Westminster for mal is scheduled for next Friday. Tri Delt Pansy Ring Set Sunday at 2 P.M. The annual Delta Delta Delta pansy ring ceremony will honor all engaged senior women on cam pus at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Tri Del t house. A fashion show and tea will follow introduction of the senior women. The ceremony is public and any one may attend, according to gen eral chairman Jean Peterson. Short silks and suits are in order. k ouuuclj , %? .u\j ci.iii.f uiuic; oiuuj of the Gospel of John, led by Rev. Thom Hunter. Sunday evening, 5:30, students will meet at West minster to go to Armitage park for a wiener roast and evening vesper service. Randy Middleton and Maxine Burt will lead group in vespers. Wednesday, 12:30 to 12:45, chap el service, led by Donna Trebbe in Westminster chapel. Fellowship supper will begin at 5:30. ope in’53 Round Trip via Steamship Mfih FREQUENT SWUNG* ■» Toirisl Beni Trip Air *35711 *424* -5 CMtt *f OwrlM STVKIT CUSS TOWS $CQC TRAVEL STiDT TOMS eoniCTEi Tons >p University Travel Co., official bonded agents for aO fates, hot tendered efficient travel service . on a business basis since 1926. C & M TRANSFER CO. • Let us do your local and long distance moving. • Reliable workmen will do your packing while you’re en route. 2 Phone 4-1015 392 High St. \ William Paden to Speak at Library Banquet William Fallen, superintendent emeritus of the Alameda, Calif., public schools, will be guest speak er at the annual dinner and busi ness meeting or me Association of Patrons and Friends of the Uni versity of Oregon Library Satur day night in the Student Union. C-tfINA'S PALACE USSTAUfcANt ALWAYS SERVING FAMOUS CHINESE AND AMERICAN DISHES Free Parking After S p.m. -in Bill Larson’s Union Station ’ Banquet Room —:— Orders-to-Deliver 33 East 6th Ave. East of the Post Office Dial 5-2012 Co-op Members For your own protection please observe the following: 1. Turn in your CO-OP Receipts on or before'5:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 20th. to the office of the Co-op. 2. Place the total of your receipts on the envelope. 3. Patronage Refunds will only be paid to students with memberships on record at the Co-op. 4. The refund is paid in cash during final examination week. 5. Turn in only one envelope. If another is required please staple together. Be sure your name, home address, and membership number is on the envelope. The DEADLINE for turning in receipts is 5:00 p.m. May 20th Student Church Directory FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Invites You To Its Services and Youth Activities 9:45 a.m.—University Class, Fred Beard, Teacher 11 a.m.—WHY GOD GAVE THE LAW” HASH Broadcast 6:30 p.m.—University Fellowship 7 :30 p.m.—“Marks of Consecration.” 7:30 p.m.—Pre-Confirmation Service for Children’s class Come and Bring a Friend FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1166 Oak Street Phone 4-1425 11:00 a.m. “LET US BE BUILDING” 7:30 p.m. Informal Reception of all new members. Students are invited to attend all services Carroll C. Roberts Minister 191 E. 19th 5-3085 First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts 14th and Pearl May 17 “MORTALS AND IMMORTALS” Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Nursery Facilities During All Services . .. Reading Room 86 West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 490 East 13th Two Services: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Both are complete services with full choir and ser mon. Students are cordially invited. Wesley Goodson Nicholson Ruth Ownbey Minister „. Director of Music Identical Worship Services—8:45 & 11 a.m. Sermon: “He Ascended Into Heaven.” By Vicar Donald Schaeffer Bible Class—10 a.m., Dr. E. S. Wengert, leader YOUTH BANQUET—FRI., MAY 22—7:30 p.m. WELCOME! GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Eleventh Avenue at Ferry Street W. B. Maier, Pastor Donald Schaeffer, Assistant