Library Contest WinnersNamed The winners of the annual stu dent private library contest will be honored at a dinner meeting of the Association of Patrons and Friends of the Library on Saturday at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union. Winners in the undergraduate student's general library category, sponsored by the Co-op are Rich ard Lyons, freshman in liberal arts: Esley D. Harden, senior in architecture and Andy Salmins, junior in journalism. Honorable mention goes to Willard Martin, freshman in architecture. Undergraduate student's spec ialized library category sponsored by the Association of Patrons and Friends of the Library winners are Glen Holden, senior in philos ophy; Richard Smith, senior in an thropology and George Bell, senior in English and American litera ture. Honorable mention goes to William Deadman, sophomore in architecture. The third category, graduate general library, sponsored by Mrs. Henry Tromp in memory of her husband, winners are Charles B. Silliman. graduate in English; Leonard H. Frey, graduate in Eng lish, and Mary Callantine, gradu ate in psychology. Honorable men tion goes to Richard T. Dillon, graduate in mathematics. The final category. Graduate Specialized Library, also sponsor ed by the Patrons and Friends of the Library, winners are Roy G. Neville, graduate in chemistry; John R. Rowley, grduate in biol ogy, and J. William Jones, grad uate in philosophy. Honorable men tion goes to Richard T. Dillon. Prizes of §25, $15 and $10 will be awarded in each of the four categories. Spanish Honorary Taps 8 Members Eight students were selected for membership in the Oregon chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, national Span ish honorary. They will be initiat ed Sunday. Those tapped were Dagmare Grisle, Louise Ferree. Elizabeth Erlandson, Vanda Randall. Jane Wiggen, Carole Woodroffe, Jackie Saylor and Clarice Duling. Sophomoft standing, a B aver age in all Spanish sources and a 2,74 GPA are the undergraduate requirements for admission to the honorary. Officers of the local chapter are, president, Margaret Blago and sec retary-treasurer, Lois Reynolds. MOTOR-VU THEATRE Fri., Sat. May 15, 16 'Thunderbirds' and 'Toughest Man in Arizona' Sun., Mon. May 17, 18 MARIO LANZA in 'Because You're Mine' also 'Sky Full of Moon' Keenan Jan Wynn Sterling 1 mile E. Springfield Admission 65e Phone 7-2000 Piano Recital Set By Senior in Music A piano recital, composed of four parts, will be presented by Anna Marie Blickenstaff, senior in music, as part of her graduation requirement on Thursday, May 21 at 8 p.m. The program, open to the pub lic, will consist of four parts. For the first part. Miss Blickenstaff will play "Partita No. 6” by Bach and “Sonata in G Major” and “So nata in B Major” by Scarlatti. Other parts of the recital will in clude selections by Mozart, Brahms, Chopin and Finney. Law School Slates Thornton Address State Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton will address the law school Student body at 10 a.m. Fri day in Fenton 311. Subject of Thornton’s talk will be “Public Law.” Subjects to be included in the Thornton address are criminal law, state administrative agencies and the duties and programs of the at torney general's office. The talk will be open to the public, and pre-law students are es pecially urged to attend. Tri-Delt Flower Ring Slated Sunday All engaged senior women are invited to step through the annual Delta Delta Delta pansy ring Sun day at 2 p.m., according to Jean Peterson, chairman of the event. An annual tradition sponsored by Tri-Delta, engaged senior wom en step through the ring in ac knowledgement of their betrothal. A fashion show will follow “ring” ceremony. Arts Workshop To Show Talent The Creative Arts Workshop, to be held Friday at 8 p.m. In the Student Union ballroom, will fea ture displays of student talent in all branches of the arts, according to Chairman Valerie Cowls. ‘‘The Fruit and the Timothy," an original play by Mrs. Frances Logan, will be the featured event of the program. Other parts of the workshop will include modern dance, poems, a short story and musical selections. An exhibition of various types of art work will be held in the SU art gallery. There are 14 colleges and uni versities in Oregon. AWS Vocational Guide Available The AWS vocational guide, con taining information about pay, hours, working conditions and op portunities, is now located in room 312 SU. The guide, a result of a campus wide survey, consists of questionnaires filled out by women students. C & M TRANSFER CO. • Let us do your local and long distance moving. • Reliable workmen will do your packing while you’re en route. 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