Rival Coaches Plan RIVAL. TRACK COACHES, BUI Bowerman, Oregon (reft) and Hal Moe, OSC, (right) prepare respective teams for track clas this Satur day at Hayward Field. Trackmen Continue Heavy Practice For 'Civil War' Fight With Beavers Oregon’s Webfoots continued heavy drills today in preparation for Saturday’s Civil War track and field meet at Eugene. The match will be one of the big features of the university’s Spring Sports day and the Ducks are generally favored to down their cross state rival with out too much trouble. OSC s track coach, Hal Moe has run up against the reoccurring problem at Corvallis, namely, enough depth to become a serious threat. The Ducks will be gunning for their nineteenth win in their last 23 meetings with the Beavers. Bill Boweiman has piloted Oregon to I five straight over OSC since tak ing over in 1949. So far this year, both teams have beaten Idaho and lost to WSC and Washington. The meet will begin at 1 p.m. SPORTS FARE THURSDAY, MAY 14 SOFTBALL 4:00 North Field: Sigma Uhl vs Alpha Tau Ome ga. Finals of intramural softball. Florence Chadwick set the wom en’s record for swimming the Eng lish channel in 1950: 13 hours, 28 minutes. Duck Golf Team Travels to OSC Coach Sid Milligan’s golfers travel to Corvallis this Saturday for their second match this sea son against the Oregon State Beav ers. Oregon soundly trounced the Aggies earlier in a meet at Eu gene. The University linksters have gone through an undefeated season and have already been crowned the champions of the NoHhern Divi sion. Bob Atkinson, Don Kreiger, and A1 Mundle have sparked the Ducks so far and are all predicted to come out victorious this week end. The Webfoot tennis team also makes the trip up the Willamette valley for a return match with the Beavers who beat Oregon in a previous meeting. Ron Lowell and Neil George are the top two on the net squad. MUST WIN THREE Ducks Prep for OSC Coach Don Kirsch’s varsity baseball team held practice in the rain yesterday afternoon, preparing for a do-or-die four game series with the Oregon .State Beavers, starting with a game this Saturday at Howe Field. Oregon State is currently leading the loop with an eight win and two loss record. Oregon’s Webfoots are a half game behind, with an eight win and three loss mark. Top Percent Wins Because of a Northern Division ruling, the baseball champion will be the team with the highest win loss percentage at the end of the season, regardless of the games postponed. ND BASEBALL STANDINGS • W L Pet. GB Oregon State .T..8 2 .800 . OREGON .8 3 .727 >4 Washington State .5 6 .455 3Vi Idaho . 4 c .400 4 Washington .1 9 .100 7 This could have a disastrous effect on the Oregon chances because the Ducks have been rained out once, while OSC has two contests called off. Because Oregon has lost one more game than the Beavers, they must win three of the last four engagements with the cross state foes in order to claim the NP title. Two of the clashes will be in Eu gene, two in Corvallis. The present status of the two teams is: W L Pet GB Oregon State 8 2 .800 . Oregon 8 3 .727 «/z If Oregon should win three of the four, the Eugene crew would end with an 11-4 mark, or .733; OSC's percentage would be .643, on nine wins and five losses. A split in the series would give the Beavers the championship by a shade, 10-4. or .714, to the Web foot’s 10-5, or .667. Hard Task The task of beating the Beavers three out of four will prove to be a very tough job for the local nine. Oregon State, after a poor start at the first of the season, has hit its peak, and is presently riding on the crest of a six games winning streak. The Aggies last six tri umphs came on a complete sweep Sigma Chi, Alpha Tau Omega Vie Today for Mural Softball Crown Sigma Chi, League 4 champion, and Alpha Tau Omega, undefeated in League 5 action, will play Thursday at 4.00 p.m. on the in tramural field for the 1953 in tramural softball championship. The Sigma Chis, after a one-day rest, will probably start windmill pitcher, Gordon Sloan, on the. mound; Alpha Tau Omega’s prob-' able starter will be Bob Altman, undefeated righthander. Final intramural softball stand ings: m LEAOUE 1 W Beta Theta Pi .6 Sigma N’u .4 Delta Upsilon .4 Sigma Alpha Mu .2 Phi Kappa P.si .1 Phi Sigma Kappa .0 L 1 2 2 3 4 s Pet. .857 .667 .667 .400 .200 .000 Mat. $1.00 - Evenings $1.25 Nothing Ever Like It in NATURAL VISION wmmwc' ** COLON av ™ ™ WARNERCOLOR Ip •TARRING VINCENT PRICE FRANK L0VE10Y-PHYUli JtIRK LEAGUE 2 Hale Kane ..._.5 Campbell Club ._...3 Sigma Hall .3 Susan Campbell . ...2 Philadelphia House .1 Alpha Hall ....,. 0 LEAGUE 3 Legal Eagles . S Nestor Hall . ..r.4_;i«.4 French Hall... ..3 Merrick Hall . 3 Sherry Ross ...!..... . 5 Stiteer Hall ...... t. LEAGUE 4 Sigma Chi ..,.......v.4 0 1 1 3 4 5 2 3 3 \ 3 4 0 1.00Q .750 .750 .400 .200 .000 .714 .573 .500 •$0Q .400 400 ljJOO Kappa Sigma..3 i .750 Phi Gamma Delta .„. 2 2 .300 Tau Kappa Epsilon. 1 3 .250 Lambda Chi Alpha .0 4 000 LEAGUE S Alpha Tau Omega .....4 0 1.000 Phi Delta Theta .3 1 .750 Pi Kappa Phi 1 3 .350 Delta Tau, Delta .1 3 .250 Theta Chi ..1 3 .250 * ' LEAGUE 6 Sigma AJphS Epsilon ..4 1 .800 Chi. P*i -f...,—,. _.3 2 ' .600 Pi Kappa Alpha ..2 2 .500 Sigma Phi Epsilon.2 2 .500 Phi Kappa Sigma .0 4 .000 FENNELL'S... ... For Formal* Formal Wear and Accessories For Rent or to Buy FENNELL'S 860 E. 13th of an eight day road trip through Washington and Idaho, a trip on which Oregon won three and lost three. Coach Ralph Coleman has most of his last year's team back, which won the Northern Division, the regional title entered the national NCAA play offs. Bailey Brem and Norb Wellman are Coleman’s top huri efs. ; Oregon’s diamond nine, in pre paring for the contest polished up their scoring attack, yesterday, with drills on the finer points of bunting, and squeeze plays. Lillian Copeland hurled a* discus weighing 21 lbs., 3*4 ounces, 133 feet at Los Angeles in 1932. For the Best in fish and seafoods Call 4-2371 NEWMAN'S ■ FISH MARKET Fresh, frozen and canned fish and seafoods 39 East Broadway r HEIUG i o j :1 STARTS SUNDAY, MAY 17-23 “SALOME” Rita Hayworth Stewart Granger MAYFLOWER Starts Sunday, May 17 “I CONFESS” Anne Baxter Montgomery Clift Starts Wednesday, May 20 “ROAD TO BALI” Bing Crosby - Bob Hope LANE Starts Sunday, May 17 “IVANBOE” Robert Taylor Elizabeth Taylor also “MY WAN AND I” Shelly Winters - Wendell C’orey Starts Wednesday, May 20 “OUTLAW WOMEN” Marie Windsor - Richard Robev also “MAN BAIT” George Brent Marguerite Chapman doqsjjJOM SUV 3AI}B3J3 OH (HA'S PALACE TiEStAURAHf ALWAYS SERVING FAMOUS CHINESE AND AMERICAN DISHES Free Parking After 5 p.m. -in Bill Larson’s Union Station Banquet Room —:— Orders-to-Deliver 33 East 6th Ave. East of the Post Office Dial 5-2012