Campus ‘Tttenny-tfo By Gail Savage Emerald Living Organization Editor At Alpha Tau Omega ... Wedding announcements have been cropping up throughout the house. Most recently engaged: Theta Ann Gerlinger and Ron Lyman, Theta Barbara Keelen and Bob Altman, Theta Nancy Miller and Paul Hawkins. AO Pi Audrew Jones and Jerry Aiken, DG Julie King and Mike Kilkenny, and Alpha Phi Elynor Roblee and Bill Schuppel. The latest in pinnings have taken Tri Delt Nancy Van Allen for Vic Souvignier, Theta Ann Hopkins for Ted Anderson, Theta Florence Wright for Ron Chevrier, Kappa Anne Chambers for Marty Han kinson. Pi Phi Casey Jones for Bill Miller, DG Sally Phillips for Ken Wegner and Barbara Stevens of Portland for Ron Phiester. At Alpha Delta Pi... Recent pinnings are Virginia Rabick to Marvin Webster, Philadel Ourt Bale. Delta Sigma Phi at State: Pat Bellmer to Jim Hanns, Sigma Chi; Joice Balch to Don Pederson, Kappa Sig; and Sharon Hamilton to Joe Wolvek, president of Susan Campbell hall. Ann Clark was married to Ed Kuykendall, Sig Ep, during spring vacation. At Alpha Phi... Maxine Anhoury has married Dick Gehr, ATO, and Peggy Nygard married Jack Borsting, Beta. Melita Moyer an3 Ray Killian were mar ried in Portland. Elynor Roblee announced her engagement to Bill Schuppel. ATO, and Kay Moore announced her engagement, Easter Sunday, to Ron Stager. U. S. Army. Among those recently pinned are Jackie Wiltshire to Chet Noe. Kappa Sig; Jean Owens to Bud Deller, Fiji at OSC; and Cheryl Cody to Dick Vinson, Phi Psi. At Kappa Alpha Theta... Dewey Reed is engaged to Paul Barrow, Delt; Joan Walker is wear ing the diamond ring of Ron Anderson, Fiji; Deanne Smith and Jay MocMurren. SAE, are planning a wedding; and Ashle Dixon and Rod Heestand. Sig Ep. have announced their engagement. New pinnings include Joan Hunter and Bruce Purvine, Beta; Nancy Sewell and Don Robison, Phi Delt; Ann Newman and Duane Allen, Sig Ep; and ■Martha Feenaughty and Tom Swalm, Sigma Nu. At Delta Zeta Match booklets engraved with “Bunny and Jim” announced the engagement of Bunny Ivory to Jim Hetrick, Chi Psi. Another Chi Psi engagement with a wedding planned for August, is that of Tom Hat field and Sella Winberg. June weddings are planned by two members of the house, Joy Trieman to Phi Psi Dave Hall, and Verna Shillington to Paul Wilson, Sig Ep. Carolyn Hoskins is wearing the pin of Pi Kap Vern Adkinson. Mrs. Elizabeth Talbot, from Portland, is the new DZ house mother. At Alpha Xi Delta ... Julie Gunnell recently announced her pinning to Roy Ellsworth, Campbell club. Jo Sabin is wearing the pin of Glenn Schireman, PiKA. At Ann Judson Recent pinnings are Virginia Rabick to Marvn Webster, Philadel phia house; Phyllis Johnston and Hal Simmons, Theta Chi; Esther Trippett and Jim Piske, Philadelphia house; Barbara Thomson and Bill Reeves TKE: Joan Smith and Bob Wheeles, Fiji. Ardis Giles and Dwain Powell have announced their engagement. Esther Clark is wear ing the ring of Dwight Smith, and Margie Carlson is engaged to Ron Ogle, of Portland. At University House. Three engagements announced before and during spring vacation made news at University house. Mary Peterson is engaged to Ken Arrington, graduate of Oklahoma A&M, now doing graduate work at Kansas University. Frances Sue revealed wedding plans for early next year when she announcecd her engagement to Herbert Chin, UO grad. Barbara Ireland received her ring from A/2c Andrew C. Helmer who is now on his way to Korea with the army. At Delta Gamma Sue Perry is now wearing the SAE pin of Skip Temple, and Dorothy Carlson also is pinned to SAE Don Parr. Norma Shields is pinned to Ray Gilkey, PiKA, and Jean Mangan is pinned to Champ Husted, PiKA. Freshman Sally Phillips is pinned to ATO Ken Wegner. Dorothy Pleier is wearing the ring of Sig Ep Bill Sage. ■ At Sigma Kappa Sally Hougham has announced her pinning to Jack Curtis, DU, at Stanford. Angela Gaudion became Mrs. Ray Welden during spring vacation. At Chi Omega ... • Gayle Pattee is engaged to Bob White, SAE. Jane Cover is wearing the pin of Brad Fullerton, Phi Delt. Ann Ostenson is pinned to Fitz Brewer, Chi Psi. Jeanne Hall has announced her pinning to Roz Hunt, Phi Psi. Carolyn Wiley and Dale Beischel, Delt, are also pinned. FORMAL RENTALS White Coats & Tuxedos bill baker's mens wear Workshop to Show Student Art Talent Campus talent in all fields of the arts will be featured in a Cre ative Arts Workshop in the Stu dent Union ballroom at 8 p.m. Fri day. No tickets are needed for the event, workshop chairman Va lerie Cowls said. Highlight of the evening will be the full-length staging of “The Fruit and the Timothy,” an origi nal play by Mrs. Frances Logan. Two modern dances are on the pro gram, “The Mourners” and “Cow Punchers,” both choreographed by University students. An instrumental trio ensemble and vocal numbers will be pre sented in a brief music recital, and an exhibition of art work, in cluding sculpture, ceramics, weav ing, painting and watercolor, will be displayed in the SU art gallery. The browsing room will feature literary displays of student-writ ten poetry and short stories. Campus Calendar 8:00 ASUO Vote Booth Noon Emer Sub Comm Yeomen Spanish Table 4:00 Asbly Comm 5:30 Oregana Prev Banq 6:00 ASUO Elec Comm 7:00 Stu TraC Ct Cosmo Exec Educ Movie 8:00 Richter Lect Terrace SU 111 SU 112 SU 113 SU 337 SU 110 SU 334 SU 315 SU 319 SU 207 Chap Ballroom SU Brigadoon Tickets On Sale Next Week Tickets for the musical produc tion, “Brigadoon,” will go on sale at the University theater box of fice 1 p.m. May 18, according to Mrs. Gene Wiley, theater business manager. ASUO Ballot Set For Wed. Election ASUO Ballot for President, Vice President and Senate member ship-at-large. Number the candidates in the order of your preference, 1, 2, 3, etc., for as many as you wish to vote fur. ( ) U1S DON COLLIN (Candidate for president). ( ) Non-Partisan BOB FUNK (candi date fur president). ( ) ACS TOM WMIGHTSON (Candi date for president) ( ) UfS SALLY HAYDEN ( ) AGS BOB SUMMERS ( ) U1S TOM SHEPHERD ( ) AGS WES BALL ( ) Nun-partisan BEN SCHMIDT ( ) UIS HOLLIS RANSOM ( ) AGS DON CRAWFORD ( ) AGS MARILYN PARRISH ( ) UIS GERMAINE LA MARCHE ( ) AGS ALAN OPPLIGER ( ) UIS JOHN VAZBYS ( ) AGS MARY WILSON ( ) UIS PRUDENCE DUCICH ( ) AOS JOE ANSTETT ( ) UIS WESLEY ROOT ( ) AGS ROBERT POLLOCK ( ) UIS ALTA HAAG ( ) AGS WARD COOK ASUO Ballot for Senior Class Officers Number the candidate in order of your preference, 1, 2, 3, etc., for as many as you wish to vote. ( ) UIS DONALD R. FISHER ( ) AGS PAUL LASKER (Candidate for president). ( ) AGS PATTI RUAX ( ) UIS ELSIE SCHILLER (Candi for president). ASUO Ballot for Junior Class Officers Number the candidates in the order of your preference, 1, 2, 3, etc., for as many as you wish to vote for. ( ) AGS ANN BLACKWELL ( ) UIS LEONARD CALVERT (Can didate for President) ( ) UIS BOB KANADA ( ) AGS JIM LIGHT (Candidate for president. ASUO Ballot for Sophomore Class Officers Number the candidates in the order of your preference. 1, 2, 3, etc., for as many as you wish to vote for. ( ) AGS JIM DUNCAN (Candidate for president) ( ) AGS JANET GUSTAFSON ( ) UIS SAM VAHEY (Candidate for president) ( ) UIS PAUL WARD It Is Time • • • To place your orders for Caps, Gowns, and Announcements for Commencement Orders are taken at the Stationery Counter. Announcements are in Stock U of 0 CO-OP STORE You Con Learn to Fly in Just 8 Hours! 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