KWAX Features Seedy Interview Rachel Seedy, the Party party candidate for ASUO President, will he interviewed on “Lemon Punch" tonight over KWAX. according to Thorne Briar, KWAX announcer. The interview was recorded at a ■ Party party political rally being held on top of Skinner’s Butte and will be heard at 6:15. As the only woman running for the political office. Miss Seedy has among the planks in her platform the moving of the Pioneer Father to be near the Pioneer Mother. Miss Seedy is also in favor of slot machines in the Student Union as part of her better recreation cam paign. As for her qualifications. Miss Seedy listed being a member of the ASUO, the Co-op, and past presi dent of the campus bird watcher's society. In addition to her campus activities, she also holds the post of ^National President of the T. Texas •Tyler Fan club. Miss Seedy, in the interview, also answered the questions as put to the other political aspirants in yes terday’s Emerald. When asked about deferred living, she advocat ed “living for the moment.” She also plans, if elected, in putting out a ten page Emerald each day, with no advertising. ASUO Ballot Set For Wed. Election ASUO Ballot for Present, Vice President 3 ml Senate membershiji-at-large. Number the candidates ir. the order of your preference. 1, 2, 3, etc., for as many as vou wish to vote for. ( ) UIS DON COLLIN (Candidate for president). ( ) Non-Partisan BOB FUNK (candi date for president). ( ) AC.S TOM WRIC.HTSON (Candi date for president) ( ) UIS SALLY HAYDEN ( ) AGS BOB SUMMERS ( ) UIS TOM SHEPHERD ( ) AGS WES BALL ( ) Non-partisan BEX SCHMIDT ( ) UIS HOLLIS RANSOM ( ) AGS DON CRAWFORD ( ) AGS MARILYN PARRISH ( ) UIS GERMAINE LAMARCHE ( ) AGS ALAN OPPLIGER ( ) UIS JOHN VA2TBYS ( ) AGS MARY WILSON ( ) UIS PRUDENCE DUCICH ( ) AGS JOE ANSTETT ( ) UIS WESLEY ROOF ( ) AGS ROBERT POLLOCK ( ) UIS ALTA HAAG ( ) AGS WARD COOK ASUO Ballot for Senior Class Officers Namber the candidate in order of your preference. 1. 2. 3, etc., for as many as you wish to vote. ( ) UIS DONALD R. FISHER ( ) AGS PAUL LASKER (Candidate for president). ( ) AGS PATTI RUAN ( ) UIS ELSIE SCHILLER (Candi for president). ASUO Ballot for Junior Class Officers Number the candidates in the order of your preference. 1. 2, 3, etc., for as many as you wish to vote for. ( ) AGS ANN BLACKWELL ( ) UIS LEONARD CALVERT (Can didate for President) ( ) UIS BOB KANADA ( ) AGS JIM LIGHT (Candidate for president. ASUO Ballot for Sophomore Class Officers Number the candidates in the order of your preference, 1, 2, 3, etc., for as many as you wish to vote for. ( ) AGS JIM DUNCAN (Candidate for president) ( ) AGS JANET GUSTAFSON ( ) UIS SAM VAHEY (Candidate ior president) ( ) UIS PAUL WARD fdwards to Speak On Travels in East Experiences in Turkey and other Near Eastern countries will be dis cussed by William Edwards, YMCA ■delegate to the World Christian Youth conference held in Traven core, India, today at noon. Sponsored jointly by the YMCA, YWCA and Westminster founda tion, the meeting will be held in the men’s lounge in Gerlinger hall. All students are welcome to attend the sack lunch event, according to Russ Walker, YM executive secre tary. Correction Gary Leaverton’s name was omitted from the list of Phi Beta Kappa members printed in Mon day’s Emerald. Campus Calendar Noon French Table 110 SU Univ Theatre Bd 111 SU Phi Chi Theta 112 SU Mortar Bd Clt 113 SU YM-YW-West M Gerl 1st FI ♦ p.m. ASUO Forum Dad's Lounge SU Alpha Phi Omega 315 SU 6:30 Young Demos 110 SU Lst Man Inter 111 SU 7 IVCF 334 SU Christian Sci Gerl lst FI 7:30 Newman Exec 112 SU Barnett Lect 201 SU YMCA 315 SU 8 IRC 113 SU Barnett to Discuss Micronesians Homer Barnett, professor of anthropology, will lecture on “The Micronesians — Our Responsibil ity” in the Browsing room today at 7:30 p.m. The lecture has been changed from the regular Wednesday night time to accommodate a talk by Werner Richter, rector of the Uni versity of Bonn, Germany. Barnett returned to the Univer sity in January after completing an 18-month tour in the Marshall, Marianas and Caroline Islands. He was working the Trust Terri tory of the Pacific Islands, a Unit ed Nations trusteeship as the head of a six-man team of anthropolo gists. Color slides of Barnett's exper lences will be shown coinciding with the lecture. The dlscuason, leader will bo John James, assist ant professor of sociology. Barnett has been at Oregon since 1939. He received his Ph.D. de gree from the University of Cal ifornia In 1938. TRIPLE THREAT MAN! AIRCRAFT OBSERVER AIRCRAFT OBSERVER AIRCRAFT OBSERVER The Brains of the Team Teamwork can work miracles. In a football game the man who sparks these miracles is the quarterback. He’s the man who calls the signals. There’s a man who calls the signals for an Air Force flying team, too! They call him an Aircraft Observer. Do YOU hovo what it takes to become air Aircraft Observer? It isn’t easy. It’s tough. You have to be a MAN to qualify as an Aircraft Observer. But when you are one, brother, you’re SOMEBODY! The success or failure of a mission in volving over a million dollars worth of flight equipment depends on you. 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